Saturday, May 16, 2020

Nicole Bedera and Wagatwe Wanjuki Tweet about the rape culture endorsing POLITICO article

Nicole Bedera:

This is so disgusting. Survivors deserve better than having someone call up anyone they ever had a conflict with and giving them a national platform to question the legitimacy of their assault.

Wagatwe Wanjuki:

I shudder to think how this will impact whether victims will come forward in the future.
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Nicole Bedera:

Do not get distracted by these types of articles. They are completely irrelevant. Someone saying Tara Reade didn’t mention the assault is NOT proof that an assault didn’t occur.

Nicole Bedera:
I saw a rapist in my research do this. He got his victim’s ex-roommate to provide a statement that the victim exaggerated and did things for attention. It worked. He went on to assault at least four more people.

Nicole Bedera:

Obviously, this was painful for the survivor whose old conflicts got dragged into the already traumatic process or reporting a rape. I really, really hate to think about what survivors trying to come forward are going to be up against after this.