Saturday, May 23, 2020

Some Tweets from Anthony Zenkus

Anthony Zenkus:

The damage has been done by those of you who engaged in rape culture, holding a victim to a different standard than the person she accused, and dragging her life through the mud. The damage to the #MeToo
movent will be with us for a long time.
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The people who pushed this story out without vetting it have done so much damage…

People who haven't lived the life you would have preferred they lived can still be raped. In fact, they often are.

While questions about Tara Reade's accounting of whether she rec'd a BA from Antioch swirl, it's important to note that Biden admitting to lying about his college record and number of degrees. Holding a victim to a different standard than the accused is rape culture.
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Calling out a woman who accuses a powerful man of rape as a liar and ignoring the alleged perpetrator's documented history of lying is an example of rape culture double standard. Biden literally lied on yesterday when he said he was endorses by the NAACP.

A trauma therapist breaks down the hypocritical response of Biden supporters to the Tara Reade allegations in the era of #MeToo
. Understanding trauma means seeing someone's story with a broader lens.

Now that the media seems finished with deconstructing the life of a woman who accused Joe Biden of rape and sexual harassment, I assume they have some free time to deconstruct the legacy of lies that Biden has left behind throughout his career.

“I should not have been so cavalier. I've never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted."-Biden "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle'. -also Biden #JoeBidenIsARacist

“I should not have been so cavalier. I've never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted."-Biden "I marched for civil rights" (lie) "I got arrested visiting Mandela in South Africa" (lie) Welp, okay then. #JoeBidenIsARacist

I sat down with this week who's running for NY Senate to talk about criminal justice reform, trauma and racism. Good discussion on what we need to do to make our communities stronger and fix our broken justice system.

You want victims to have lived perfect lives. You want them to be uncomplicated. That is not how it works. Rape and sexual assault happen far too often. Predators are rarely held accountable. Turning a person's life upside down to find something to dispute doesn't change that.