Thursday, October 08, 2020

Joe Biden finally does something right

 Brooke Singman (FOX NEWS) regarding President Donald Trump's statements that he won't participate in the next debates:

Biden responded to Trump's claims while talking to reporters in Delaware on Thursday.

"We don't know what the president is going to do, he changes his mind every second so for me to comment on that now would be irresponsible," Biden said. "I'm going to follow the commission recommendations."

The foolish (which does include Michelle Obama after that ridiculous PSA) keep talking about Donald as a monster.  It's not going to persuade anyone but those who are already on your side.

Joe's approach above is what he should be doing all the time.  Donald is a child -- a wounded child -- and that explains all of his behavior.

'I think you are the greatest . . . You disagreed with me public?  You're evil!  I've always know you were evil!  Years ago, I even said you were evil!!!'

He's a child.  He's an angry child who needs a nap.

No, nonsense about your the worst this or the worst that from Democrats.  He's a child.  Treat him as such -- especially in a debate -- and Joe comes off better.  

Joe, in a debate, shaking his head with a bemused grin and saying something along the lines of Ronald Reagan's "There you go again" phrase would blow Donald off the stage (after Donald blew up).

The faux-istance has accomplished nothing since the last presidential election.

Wait, they've done one thing.  They've taken an average person of average intelligence and turned him into the Great Satan.

That doesn't stick.  It never will.  Donald's a child.  That's how you make your points.  Donald's a child.  Joe: "I'm not sure Donald understood how serious this pandemic was going to be, but if I'd had the briefing that he did, I would've immediately . . ."

When you make him the Great Satan, you do so much wrong.  (A) You give him a lot of your power.  (B) No one likes an alarmist and your criticism isn't heard because you way too drama heavy.  (C) Those sort of attacks inspire his base who will turn out to vote for him.

It's not a smart move and it hasn't worked one bit in the last four years.

Treat him as a child.  Cast him as a child.  Present Joe as the restoration of adulthood.  Woody Harrelson said it best when he impersonated Joe on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, "There's no need to worry anymore, America.  Daddy's here."

Donald Trump feeds on hate as do a number of his supporters.  Stop feeding them.

You want to argue for a better America, that's the answer for the Biden campaign.  Donald is not a bad person, he's just not up to the job.  Pity and compassion.  That will not only be a better message for the Biden campaign, it will also enrage Donald.

I'm told I haven't given Joe credit for anything he's done in months -- done right -- according to friends in his campaign.  I'm giving him credit for this because his words were exactly correct.  (And he gets no credit for anything before because I don't think he's done anything well in months.)

I am not voting for Joe (or Donald).  I did share the above with friends on his campaign and hope that if they want to win, they let Joe present himself as the mature adult, not the guy cutting Donald off and insulting him as the worst president blah blah blah.

That's getting down into the mud with him.  Just shrug to America and sadly shake your head.  (Which would infuriate Donald more than any verbal attack on him.)