Saturday, November 14, 2020

ROFL! Liz Sly finds treason funny!! LOL!!!


President Donald Trump's new defense secretary signaled to the military in a late Friday message that he may be there to carry out one of the president's early campaign promises, an overseas drawdown of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And this bothers some.  The thought that US troops would actually leave bothers some.  THE DAILY BEAST correspondent is Tweeting that this is plot to help Russia.  No, that's not a joke. Here's Julia Davis' Tweet:

Meanwhile in Russia: "Trump still has 72 days to undertake a number of actions that benefit Russia, including the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, as well as the lifting of sanctions against the Nord Stream 2."

She links to her own garbage article -- we're not and we're not linking to her Tweet.  She's disgusting.  Sadly, she's not the only one.

Liz Sly, what's with the emojis?  Did you think you were back in your training bra?  Did you forget you were a grown ass woman who's supposed to be a journalist?  Here's the Tweet that should result in her being written up at THE POST:

US officials have been lying to Trump - and the American people - about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them, according to the outgoing Syria envoy. Trump thinks it’s 200

Face with tears of joy

Face with tears of joy

. By

This is so funny to you, Liz, that you need to provide two emojis indicating laughter so hard that you're crying.

You're disgusting.  You're appalling.

The US is supposed to be a democracy.  You are laughing that the president handed out an order and it was disobeyed because those who were supposed to follow it didn't want to carry it out and because they lied to him.  

That's what you're laughing at.

That's disgusting, Liz.

There's nothing funny about that.  These officials were not elected to the presidency.  They are supposed to carry out the orders of the president.  If this were done to Barack Obama, you'd be outraged.  

It's not funny.  

And people's lives are at stake.  Do you even get that or are you so horrid that the life and death issues don't even register with you?

I have praised you many times, Liz Sly.  Right now I'm embarrassed for myself as much as I'm embarrassed for you.  And I don't think the fact that you're not American is an excuse.  If you're unaware of the US Constitution and of our understanding of democracy, then you shouldn't be working for US outlets.  What the hideous Jim Jeffreys describes doing in the article you link to?  That's the closest to actual treason any reported incident in the last four years has been.


THE WASHINGTON POST has been insisting "democracy dies in darkness" but apparently it actually dies in giggles on Twitter.  

Added: In case it disappears, here's a screenshot of the actual Tweet.


Kat and Elaine's "Kat's Korner: Sam Smith's LOVE BLOWS" went up earlier today.  The following sites updated: