NATIONWIDE - JUNE 6 -On the eve of yet another grim milestone – the 3,500th troop death in Iraq -- Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) asks all in the nation to stop and reflect on the human toll of this war, and press Congress to act decisively to prevent further deaths by using its 'power of the purse' to fund our troops and de-fund the war. Military Families Speak Out is an organization of over 3,500 military families opposed to the war in Iraq who have loved ones who are serving or have served in Iraq, have been wounded physically and/or psychologically by this war, may soon deploy or re-deploy, or who have died as a result of the war in Iraq.
"Since my son, Lt. Michael J. Cleary, was killed in Iraq on December 20th, 2005, over 1,300 more families have suffered the unbearable pain of becoming Gold Star Families, and my heart cries out for each and every one of them," said Military Families Speak Out member Marianne Cleary of Dallas, Pennsylvania. "Since the beginning of May, 2007 we have seen an average of four new Gold Star families created by this war each and every day. It is past time for this administration and Congress to turn the page on this bloody chapter in history and to listen to what the nation is saying: 'support our troops, bring them home now and take care of them when they get here."
"Unless you have someone that you love more that anything in the world half way across this planet fighting this unjust war, you have no idea what it feels like," said Military Families Speak Out member Dena Ciferri of Ft. Bliss, Texas whose husband is an Army Sergeant currently serving in Iraq. "W e military families live in a constant state of fear and agony, wondering who will be next. We have lost 3,500 service members and countless Iraqi children, women and men to this war, but it is not too late to prevent another death from happening. I call on Congress to support my husband and all of our troops by fully funding a safe and orderly withdrawal from Iraq, and de-funding this war."
Members of Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) and Gold Star Families Speak Out are available for interview. Military Families Speak Out is a national organization of over 3,500 military families who are opposed to the war in Iraq; Gold Star Families Speak Out (GSFSO) is a chapter of Military Families Speak Out, made up of families whose loved ones died as a result of the war in Iraq.
For more information about Military Families Speak Out, visit:
For more information about Gold Star Families Speak Out visit
Also, Pru noted the following:
This article should be read after: » Iraqi oil workers on shut down
"Iraqi Oil Workers' leaders face arrest" [online only]
The US backed Iraqi government has ordered the arrest of four leaders of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions, including Hassan Jumaa Awad, for “sabotaging the Iraqi economy” by organising a strike.
Please send letters of protest to the Iraqi government. Below is a model letter:
Dear Mr Maliki [or] Dear Dr Hussein al Sharastani
I am writing to express support for the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions in their right to take industrial action over issues relating to their members’ economic and social welfare.
I am also concerned about the decision to arrest union leaders for deciding to take strike action. I trust that the Union will not be penalised for taking action which is legal according to the Iraqi constiution and a fundamental trade union freedom recognised all over the world.
The Union has repeatedly asked for involvement in the drafting of the Hydrocarbon Law but has been ignored. Iraqi civil society should be involved in the decision making process over the future of the Iraqi economy – this includes trade unions.
I will be monitoring the forthcoming news from the union and would like assurance that union members will not be harmed or punished for their actions.
Yours Sincerely,
For the attention of:
Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki [or] Minister of Oil, Dr Hussein al Sharastani
c/o Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
169 Knightsbridge London SW7 1DW
Phone: (020) 7581 2264 or (020) 7602 8456
Fax: (020) 7589 3356
The following should be read alongside this article: » Iraqi oil workers on shut down
For more on the strike and updates go to »
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