Isaiah's latest The World Today Just Nuts "Princess and President." Barack does a ta-dah! while David Gregory grins. Barack declares, "Notice my single tear. I turn it on when I need sympathy. I'm a big crybaby and a princess. Today I told Meet The Press the worst day of my presidency was the shooting at Newton that killed 26 people. I didn't say Benghazi when 4 Americans were killed even though, as president, I am responsible for those deaths. I didn't list the over 2000 people killed in my over 300 Drone Strikes in Pakistan or the 1543 US service members killed in Afghanistan since I became president and princess in 2009. I'm a big frilly princess! Did I mention my single tear?" Isaiah archives his comics at The World Today Just Nuts.
the world today just nuts
barack obama
princess and president
meet the press
david gregory
drone war
the common ills