One's resulting in e-mails today:
What's the plea from Cindy?
Someone doesn't want you to know.
If you click on to it, you get a Norton advisory:

Clearly someone's attempting to silence Cindy.
These things don't just happen.
Cindy Sheehan didn't wake up a few hours ago and say, "Hmm. I think I'll post some tasteful nudes."
Usually, when this happens, it's a concentrated effort of some form.
For example, the US State Dept lodged a complaint with Flickr when Isaiah did the comic of Nouri al-Maliki sh**ting on Iraq that got the comic basically censored online.
And as many 2008 pro-Hillary sites can attest, Blogspot was more than willing to wrongly censor content (this is why so many Blogspot sites ceased and went over to World Press).
But whomever gets the ball rolling, someone has to get it rolling.
And, no, Cindy's not done porn, her website is not porn.
But those who would like to silence her traffic in lies and tricks.
I have a feeling Cindy will shortly be writing a piece asking "What's the real porn?"
And when peace gets dubbed "porn," it's a question worthy of exploration.
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