- It speaks volumes that Bernie has been relegated to a relatively low-key Monday speech at #DNCinPHL. The Dem Party doesn't want revolution.
- It's an insult to Berta Cáceres that Kaine's Honduras mission is more discussed than Hillary's supported coup which led to Berta's death.
- Clinton supported a coup in Honduras and Kaine was a missionary there. Do they really think the latter cancels out the former? #ClintonKaine
- Watch the livestream for our press conference and my talk at the People's Convention starting at 2pm Eastern:
- #ISideWith ratings are based on what candidates say. What Clinton says has little bearing on what she does.
- Cornel West: Why I Endorse #JillStein Over ‘Neoliberal Disaster’ #HillaryClinton http://tdig.it/29RrEZz
- The revolution is calling.
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- Greens believe in inspirational politics that lift up the voices of front line communities. Tim Kaine represents business as usual. Enough.
- We are facing catastrophic climate collapse and a bleak economic future dominated by predatory elite. More of the same is not acceptable.
- Tim Kaine received an "F" from marijuana advocate group @NORML. I believe wholeheartedly in ending the War on Drugs & legalizing marijuana.
- I can't support this centrist, retrograde DNC ticket & the party has made zero effort to court actual progressives. Oh hi, @DrJillStein!
- I believe both personally and as a matter of policy in a woman's right to choose. Unfortunately I can't say both for Hillary's VP Tim Kaine.
- Are you as concerned about Mr. Kaine’s positions on global trade deals and Wall St. regulation as I am? Fight back: http://jill2016.com/donate
- Hillary Clinton's choice of Tim Kaine signals to Wall St she's open to passing the TPP. Vote Green to defend our jobs, democracy, & planet.
- I am not afraid to challenge the corrupt two-party establishment. Let's shed fear & adopt courage to fight for the Greater Good. #DNCLeaks
jill stein