Saturday, August 20, 2016

Anyone offering anything less than universal health care is saying they value insurance profits over your well-being

Jill Stein is the Green Party presidential nominee:

  1. Anyone offering anything less than universal health care is saying they value insurance profits over your well-being.
  2. Tomorrow on : makes the case for why she’s the best alternative to Trump and Clinton.
  3. When the political establishment silence the opposition - we call that tyranny in other countries. It's time to open the .
  4. The Clintons will *supposedly* stop taking foreign and corporate bribes - as long as you elect them.
  5. Top Five worst maternity leave policies around the world: Papua New Guinea, Swaziland, Lesotho, Tunisia and, shamefully, the United States.
  6. . will be LIVE on tomorrow at 10am ET with .
  7. & are political superheroes. Take note, & , are what TRUE public servants look like.
  8. Let Greens and Libertarians debate.
  9. We must include voices from across the political spectrum to see progress in society.
  10. Organize events to get us on the ballot in your state or raise money:
  11. Did Pitch for 'Greater Good' Resonate with National Audience?