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Dr. Cornel West has wholeheartedly supported my candidacy since mid-July. #InvestYourVote …
Today it was standing room only in San Antonio with the @TXGreens! #InvestYourVote
How many jobs has Donald Trump offshored? Then he scapegoats immigrants for U.S. unemployment? Don't get played by #DonTheCon.
Being against warmongering, frack enthusiast Hillary doesn't mean you have to vote Trump, or vice versa. #InvestYourVote and #VoteGreen2016

Corporations offshore jobs, then politicians scapegoat immigrants for "taking" jobs. Our full employment plan will end this cycle.
The political revolution to create a just, compassionate society requires we all get involved and contribute.
After Hillary Clinton backed a military coup in Honduras, she called to deport children fleeing the violence to "send a clear message."
Hillary Clinton bragged about voting numerous times for a "barrier" on the border.
#YouMeanToTellMe that the Constitution does not lay out a two-party system? 

Happy 100th anniversary to @PPFA, which has supported countless women in their right to choose! #100YearsStrong
Hillary Clinton used to talk a lot like Donald Trump on immigration—as recently as 2015, in fact.
.@DrJillStein addresses immigration, police issues, Middle East #TodxsConJill #Jill2016 #ItsInOurHands
Expecting people of color to fear Donald Trump after all we've been through the last 200 years, is absurd. Invest your vote. #SteinBaraka
Don't waste your vote on the two-party system. Invest your vote in a movement that will create a welcoming path to citizenship.
Vote for Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in New York, @robinforsenator! #InvestYourVote
Democrats think they deserve immigrants' votes. Choosing Hillary Clinton only means more deportations, detentions + night raids.
Bill Clinton and the Democrats actually created "Trumpismo" in immigration: Deportations, detentions, death in the desert and night raids.
Hillary Clinton has neither rejected her husband's catastrophic immigration law nor the monstrous immigration machine it created.
The final debate is coming up. Will you join me to #BreakTheBlackout? RSVP and join a watch party: …
Bill Clinton's immigration law allowed Obama to deport 3 million immigrants—more immigrants than all presidents combined have deported.
Trump denies climate change while Hillary tells environmentalists to "get a life." #InvestYourVote
Twenty years ago, Bill Clinton signed one of the most anti-immigrant laws in history, which has ripped apart of millions of families.
How did you like last night's Fireside Chat? Find a watch party near you for next Saturday's Fireside Chat:
jill stein