- Pinned TweetSupport campaigns for local Greens. Discover who's running in your district: http://jill2016.com/downticket #tytlive
- Malcolm X's remark about politics rings true today. #PodestaEmails15 http://observer.com/ …/wikileaks-reveals-dnc-elevated-trump-…
- Our empire is dying. Let’s close down several hundred military bases designed to protect our oil supplies. RT if you agree. #InvestYourVote
- I sat down with @Truthdig to talk about the possibility of nuclear war, our border with Mexico and more. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/jill_stein_democrats_govern_by_fearthat_should_cost_them_your_vote_20161018 …
- Are you a college student looking to organize for the #GreenParty? Visit @DrJillStein's campus organizing page here: http://tinyurl.com/h7cj6eg
- What would our history look like if another challenger to the two-party system, Abraham Lincoln, had been locked out of debates?
- When Bahrainis rose up against tyranny, the US sent arms - to crush them. Any rational person can see US interventions are not humanitarian.
- "Let me first deal with the conspiracy theory that this is somehow to do with oil." -Tony Blair on Iraq invasion, 2003
- Despite their complaints about splitting the vote, Ds & Rs have resisted #RankedChoiceVoting & other reforms that would expand voter choice.
- The first-past-the-post election system allows both establishment parties to scare voters into line: Vote for the lesser evil, or else!
- I'll use this opportunity to remind everyone (again) that your vote for @DrJillStein is not a wasted vote
- Aside from media, the political establishment's strongest line of defense is the presidential debates controlled by Dem & GOP party elites.
- Only the Green ticket is calling for
Living Wages
Medicare for All
100% Renewables by 2030
Ending Mass Incarceration #VoteGreen2016
- The best way to get #RankedChoiceVoting ASAP is to vote Green & organize w/ others in your community & state to upgrade your voting system.
- Hey Houston! @ajamubaraka to speak at TSU School of Law on Sat, 10/29 3pm - more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1777807339124098/ … #SteinBaraka #ItsInOurHands
- We could break free from this 2-party trap with a simple reform called #RankedChoiceVoting. #BreakThe2PartyTrap
- Americans feel the establishment isn't addressing issues we care about. So why do debates & media shut out competing visions of our future?
- There's no way to repair #Obamacare without provoking Big Insurance opposition or hurting consumers even more. Only solution: #SinglePayer
- .@DrJillStein On Why Third Parties Are Not A Wasted Vote
- Despite Greens being on the ballot for 98% of voters, mainstream media has given us less than 1% of coverage they've given Trump & Clinton.
- .@DrJillStein recognizes that the US cannot continue to casually talk about bombing Muslim countries & expect it won't come back to bite us.
- Greens don't take corporate money, & so are free to speak out for fair, common-sense solutions that establishment politicians won't touch.
- People are disgusted with a political establishment unable to tackle the dead-end economy, endless expanding wars, & growing climate crisis.
- Americans are fed up & they should be. The megarich are destroying our economy, sending our jobs overseas & making our planet uninhabitable.
- Meet more Green candidates like Joshua @HarrisForBmore: http://jill2016.com/downticket
- Here's how Americans can break the blackout on competition in our political system:
- #ImVoting4JillBecause her private position is her public position. Peace, people, planet. #VoteGreen #JillNotHill #ItsInOurHands
- Coincidentally, there may never be an election where it's so dangerous to vote for either establishment party. #BreakThe2PartyTrap
jill stein