- Pinned TweetYour #StrategicVote for the Green Party can unleash $10 million in federal matching funds. Build a party for the 99 percent. #VoteGreen2016
- The 2-party system is a disease & US politics is getting sicker. The cure: #RankedChoiceVoting. #BreakThe2PartyTrap http://www.jill2016.com/ranked_choice_voting …
- #ImVoting4JillBecause I want to help the Greens get 5%+ so my little niece & nephew can grow up in a real democracy!
- 57% of US say the 2-party system has failed. It's time for the independent majority to stand up & claim our democracy. #BreakThe2PartyTrap
- When apologists for the 2-party problem try to bully you, don't let their hate stop you from being part of the solution. #BreakThe2PartyTrap
- All movements are connected. Find out why and pledge to #VoteGreen2016: http://jill2016.com/vote
- If Dem elites cared about stopping Trump, why sabotage a candidate who'd beat him easily? Is their own power & privilege more important?
- My running mate, @ajamubaraka, spoke with Baltimore residents about what the Green Party offers the Black community.
- Why does the US give $10M a day to Israel for a military occupation in violation of international law? #Priorities
- Illinois, North Dakota, Tennessee + Texas: Vote Green on Election Day to build a party for the 99 percent. http://jill2016.com/finalstretch
- Reminder: promoting Trump was the Democrats' strategy all along. Now they're desperately trying to blame anyone but themselves.
- Just because I hold Clinton accountable doesn't mean I have "endorsed" Trump. They're both terrible candidates.
- 5 Ways a Maryland Green Vote Wins no Matter What #InvestYourVote #ItsInOurHands #VoteGreen2016 http://www.mdgreens.org/5_ways
- Sexual predator or economic predator, if we don’t stand up for principles we'll all get consumed by the two-party trap. #StrategicVote
- Cutting one faulty weapons program, the F-35, would pay for education for all students in US colleges for 23 years. #Priorities
- Like what you see? Use these photos on your social media accounts to show your Green Party pride! http://jill2016.com/facebook
- Partisan operatives are claiming that we endorsed Trump. This is a desperate lie - don't let them deceive you.
- Trump claims to be for the little guy, but he has a record of ripping off workers he owes money to. #FollowTheMoney
- Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta's brother Tony is the top US lobbyist for Saudi Arabia. #FollowTheMoney http://www.commondreams.org/views/2016/08/30/hillary-clinton-podesta-group-and-saudi-regime-fatal-menage-trois …
- Leaks revealed the Democrats appointed big donors to positions at State, FCC, Atty General's office and Homeland Security. #FollowtheMoney
- Miss the first part of the @DrJillStein vs. Gary Johnson #debate
on @PBS? Hear candidates talk about real issues: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/presidential-candidates-dr-jill-stein-gary-johnson-pt-1/?show=28582 …
- The defense industry, also known as the military-industrial complex, has given $9.8M to Dems & $15.8M to GOPers this year. #FollowTheMoney
- Why are you voting Green this year? Learn how to avoid the "spoiler" effect by voting in our poll: http://jill2016.com/whyvotegreen
- Big Pharma & Wall St have given Clinton millions. Could it explain her hostility to #MedicareForAll? #FollowTheMoney
- Latinas earn 56% less than other women thanks to the Trumpismo economics pushed by @realDonaldTrump & @HillaryClinton. #LatinaEqualPay
- Finally: All four vice presidential candidates will debate in North Carolina. RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1135314799879494 …
- We just got our first report of voter suppression: a #NorthCarolina poll worker falsely told a voter they couldn't write in Jill Stein.
- After all the outrageous behavior we've been told to accept this election year, can we make America think again? http://altdaily.com/make-america-think-again-why-you-should-consider-jill-stein/ …
jill stein