- Pinned TweetYour #StrategicVote for the Green Party can unleash $10 million in federal matching funds. Build a party for the 99 percent. #VoteGreen2016
- Your vote is an investment in the effort to transform this corrupt & decayed system into one that puts people, planet & peace over profit.
- This is why the partisan #debates
locked out @GovGaryJohnson & me: because we would've embarrassed Clinton/Trump.
- "I don't believe in voting for the lesser of two evils. I vote my conscience, not for what I am afraid of" -@rosaclemente #JillNotHill
- "You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right." -- Rosa Parks http://jill2016.com/finalstretch
- 57% of US want more parties. 5% makes @GreenPartyUS a new major party. Cast a smart #StrategicVote to get us to 5% & #BreakThe2PartyTrap!
- I can confirm that I have friends in the media who frowned upon us for having a town hall with @DrJillStein.
- The Green Party is no longer the alternative. The Green Party is the imperative. -Rosa Clemente
- .@TheDailyShow was going to have me on, then suddenly stopped taking our calls. Seems their bosses @Viacom told them no airtime for Greens.
- We must find and elect alternatives to the Wall Street-backed oligarchy, the warmongers, and the anti-humanitarians.
- Hear why Niko House, another #YoungGreen, has endorsed me in his own words:
- We need leadership that's unapologetically willing... to stand for the people no matter what the status quo or the norm is. -@HarrisForBmore
- Meet more downballot candidates like @ian4irvine : http://jill2016.com/downticket
- A leaked email reveals the real reasons Clinton destroyed Libya: gold and oil. #NoMoreWar
- "We bailed out the crooks on Wall Street. Isn't it time we bailed out their victims?" #endstudentdebt
- Maine will vote on #RankedChoiceVoting, a reform to end the "spoiler effect" and reduce negative campaigning.
- It's not a "Protest Vote." It's a vote @GreenPartyUS #ImWithJill
- #ImVoting4JillBecause It's time to overthrow the corrupt two party "system" and replace it with multi-party Democracy!
- People are really hungry for a different kind of politics. They know our society is sick and they want medicine.
- The #GreenNewDeal:
Jobs for all who need work
100% clean energy
halt climate change
wars for oil obsolete http://www.jill2016.com/greennewdeal
- Are you one of 57% of US who think Dems vs. GOP is obsolete? Cast a #StrategicVote to build @GreenPartyUS. http://www.jill2016.com/investyourvote
- Stay tuned into http://facebook.com/drjillstein for a special livestream series with people who have endorsed me! #TheCourageToGoGreen
- For the establishment, our campaign is an inconvenient truth: people are demanding a politics of integrity.
- #RememberWhenClinton met with bankers days before unveiling her plan to end Social Security as we know it?
- #AMJoy is the height of corrupt cronyism in media. Partisan @JoyAnnReid has lied repeatedly about our campaign & refused to run corrections.
- Maryland, Michigan and Wisconsin: Just 1 percent of the vote keeps the Green Party on the ballot. http://jill2016.com/investyourvote
- A simple reform could end "lesser evil" voting. Try #RankedChoiceVoting with the 2016 presidential candidates: http://www.rankedchoicevote.com/
- Meet more downballot candidates like @voteforvalmo: http://jill2016.com/downticket
- Chelsea Manning blew the whistle on war crimes & has been tortured in prison. Tell @POTUS to #FreeChelseaManning!
- There is a ticket that stands up for the 99 percent. Find out more: http://jill2016.com/faq
- #RememberWhenClinton took $1M from Qatar and didn’t tell the state department?
- As someone who cannot vote in the US Election(Canadian citizen),just wanted to wish @DrJillStein all the best! I truly hope you get your 5%.
jill stein