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Your #StrategicVote for the Green Party can unleash $10 million in federal matching funds. Build a party for the 99 percent. #VoteGreen2016
If the Clinton machine weren't above the law Super PAC Correct the Record would be investigated now. #FollowTheMoney
Stripped, marked and jailed in dog kennels—what a terrifying way to treat people. #NoDAPL
Clinton increased arms sales to dictators like the Saudis after they gave big to Clinton Foundation. #FollowTheMoney
Meet more Green Party candidates like Angel Torres, who's running for a State Senate seat in Arizona:
Trump claims he opposed the Clintons - while he was funding their campaigns and their foundation. #FollowTheMoney
Washington D.C.: Just 2.5 percent of the vote keeps the Green Party on the ballot until 2018. Pledge your vote:
The water protectors only bring their hearts to this battle. #NoDAPL …
Trump pretends not to believe in climate change, but he's buying a wall to protect his Ireland golf course from rising seas. #FollowTheMoney
#FollowTheMoney: When communities don't have money to run their own water systems, they are vulnerable to schemes.
Are you ready for a better BMoreForAll?
Join the #HarrisForBaltimore Mayor Team and help us make it happen.
Sign uo …
See @DrJillStein live & in person at #kthalpShow live taping wed 11/2 @ 7pm @BrooklynCommons …
Bill Clinton signed into law the draconian 1994 crime bill that provided $9.7B to build prisons. #FollowTheMoney …
For the record, this is me interviewing the best Presidential candidate male or female! @DrJillStein #Election2016
Google's chair asked HRC to hire "low paid" campaign workers. Greedy Neoliberals don't need the encouragement, Eric. …
Attend this first-ever debate featuring all four 2016 vice presidential candidates in North Carolina. RSVP: …
#FollowTheMoney when you see the founder of the world's largest search engine colluding with a presidential candidate. #PodestaEmails
We're at 5 percent in a @politico poll. #KeepPushing for that #StrategicVote. …
@DrJillStein #ImVoting4JillBecause 5% of popular vote means $10 mil in fed funding for 2020. That could be a game changer. #StrategicVote
One standard for the Clintons. Another for the 99 percent. How about a #StrategicVote on Nov. 8? …
Is Google predicting a November surprise? Tweet #ImVoting4JillBecause to let us know why you're voting Green!
NAFTA and TPP allow multinational corporations to sue our government in global tribunals to challenge any laws they don't like. #NoTPP
@DrJillStein #Imvoting4Jillbecause she cares about people. Not about corporate money. And not about power.
"Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption."
-@SusanSarandon #InvestYourVote

Legal status for immigrants will prevent employers from paying sub-minimum wages to create unfair competition between workers.
No vote is wasted! Change your profile pic to encourage others to invest their vote in the Green Party:
Meet more Green Party downballot candidates like @PuroMartina, who's running for Texas Railroad Commissioner:
My interview w/ @GreenPartyUS pres candidate @DrJillStein about urgent need to end Empire & start a "Green New Deal"
NAFTA destroyed 1 million US jobs, boosted income inequality, & dealt a heavy blow to unions and workers' rights.
I've seen some of our followers are worried this election might be "rigged." Read how to ensure your vote counts:
Since Hillary Clinton backed a military coup in 2009 Honduras has been plagued by killings of progressive leaders.
The best way to solve the immigration crisis is to stop causing it with disastrous trade & military policies that turn people into refugees.
jill stein