"Deputy Chair" isn't a real position. This is a totally empty symbolic gesture: so, exactly what Dems specialize in.
Michael Tracey Retweeted
At the rate the Democrats are going, by 2020 the DNC chair will be a MacBook Pro that just plays the Hamilton soundtrack on loop.
The very people who are responsible for historic, sustained failure have been rewarded instead of penalized. Classic mark of decadence.
Keith Ellison was defeated by a billionaire-led innuendo campaign slurring him as an anti-semite. That's the Democratic Party for you.
The decrepit, rotting carcas of the Democratic Party just got even rottener. Abandon ship.
Michael Tracey Retweeted
THIS is why there is a paper ballot. Not ok. Way to have a final whiff of rigged DNC, @donnabrazile #DNCChair
Michael Tracey Retweeted
Tom Perez is ONE VOTE away from winning #DNCChair on the first ballot. He won 213.5 out of 214.5 necessary. The race goes to a second ballot
Follow @NomikiKonst for the best live coverage of the DNC chair fracas.
Schiff made clear that the end-game here is to impeach Trump over Russia. That's what his constituents demand. No longer any doubt.
This town hall was supposed to be on refugees / "travel ban" but people keep standing up and screaming about Russia. It's a total obsession.
Self-proclaimed leader of the local "Resistance Posse" requests update on how the "Russia investigation" is going: crowd erupts into cheers
Leading anti-Russia agitator in the House, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), holding a town hall tonight in Glendale, CA -- I have some questions...
Newsflash: most people aren't obsessed with Russia. Mediocre college kids going to CPAC not typically known for their worldly knowledge.