Friday, February 16, 2018
Contact: Amanda Maddox, 202-224-7777
Camlin Moore, 202-224-9126
Isakson Announces Veterans Service Organizations Hearings
WASHINGTON – The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, chaired by U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., along with the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, will hold a series of hearings with Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) to consider their respective legislative priorities for this year.
The first hearing will take place on Tuesday, February 27, 2018, with the Disabled American Veterans. See below for a full list of the upcoming VSO hearings.
The hearing will be streamed online at www.veterans.senate.gov. Media who plan to attend should RSVP to Majority_Press@vetaff.senate.gov.
Full list of upcoming VSO hearings:
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Legislative Presentation of the Disabled American Veterans
2:00 PM
Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Legislative Presentation of the American Legion
10:00 AM
Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Legislative Presentations of Multiple VSOs (American Ex-Prisoners of War, American Veterans, Association of the United States Navy, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, National Guard Association of the United States, Non Commissioned Officer Association, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, Wounded Warrior Project)
2:00 PM
Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Legislative Presentation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
10:00 AM
Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Legislative Presentations of Multiple VSOs (Air Force Sergeants Association, Blinded Veterans Association, Fleet Reserve Association, Gold Stars Wives of America, Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Military Officers Association of America, Military of the Purple Heart, National Association of the State Directors of Veterans Affairs, The Retired Enlisted Association)
10:00 AM
Room SD-G50, Dirksen Senate Office Building
The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is chaired by U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., in the 114th Congress. Isakson is a veteran himself – having served in the Georgia Air National Guard from 1966-1972 – and has been a member of the Senate VA Committee since he joined the Senate in 2005. Isakson’s home state of Georgia is home to more than a dozen military installations representing each branch of the military as well as more than 750,000 veterans.