Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Wow the ever-crafty Russian botnet made terms like "NRA," "shooting," and "Florida" trend on social media, these guys keep getting more and more clever …
You didn’t mind giving billions of dollars worth of guns and other weapons of war to jihadists terrorizing innocent people in Libya and Syria, did you though?
Yes, because nothing says “admirable” like interfering in sovereign states’ business and destabilizing one country after another under the guise of promoting “human rights”. 

Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
As a reaction to the Parkland school shooting, this is Louise-Mensch level insanity, funded by David Brock. If your reaction to a horrific school shooting is to start screaming about Putin, there's something really wrong with you internally.
When France directly intervened in Libya’s affairs based on fabrications, it destroyed an entire nation and helped bring to power jihadists who are now selling black Africans in open slave markets.
Just stay the hell out of Syria. 

If it was Putin spending this kind of cash instead of George Soros, shrieks of “interference” and “destabilization” would be heard from the rooftops of every major mainstream media outlet.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
“The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.”
— John F. Kennedy
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The Russian Threat is now, far and away, the leading tool used to argue for more military spending, government powers, and internet control. Yet over and over, claims about it prove to be false. …
“If we’re going to rejuvenate a Cold War, or submit to greater military spending & government powers in the name of stopping alleged Russian aggression, we should at least ensure that the information on which those campaigns succeed are grounded in fact.”
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis comments on poison gas use in Syria with full context.
Summary: U.S. government has no evidence of new gas attacks by the Syrian government although people in the area make allegations. …