- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedJust as kids here fear #massShootings, kids in war zones fear air strikes. If you support safe children here, then why is it ok to kill them in other places? Let’s replace #EndlessWar with #peace.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThat’s because nobody else has ever gone on a blame tour where they kept unintentionally reminding people exactly how out of touch their party is.
- There were no clashes in #Gaza. One side was armed. The other wasn’t. That is not a clash. It is a massacre. #GreatReturnMarch #LandDay
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedGood news as Yulia Skripal is reported as recovering well. We insist on the right to see her, in accordance with the 1968 Consular Convention.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedLet’s get real = let’s get obsessed with external forces with little effect on us instead of gazing at the rot within. Liberals haven’t recovered from Hillary’s loss.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedReally want to stop all forms of violence? Help build a movement for peace & social justice, support Black Alliance for Peace. BAP doesn't have corporate or democrat party aligned foundation support, we just depend on the people. :
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI support authentic, independent opposition but that means you have to fight to maintain the integrity of your movement from liberal and democratic party opportunism.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI can't possibly imagine why the Russian people support a leader who led the nation out of the chaos, poverty, and genocide (literally) caused by Western interference in the 1990s. "Spinning Boris: Electing a Russian president the American way" (2003)
- #BlackLivesMatter
was always problematic for me. Please read why the Cincinnati group is now #MassActionforBlacLiberation. An important statement.
- Putin annexed Crimea after US assisted coup against elected Ukrainian Government. Russian naval base fell into anti Russian territory. Annexation was response to hostile act. If US stops hostile acts there is nothing “to do” about Russia.
- So the UK is strong arming governments to join in the anti-Russian beat down. So predictable. New Zealand folded and it won't be the last. #SergeiSkripal #SalisburyChemicalAttack #SalisburyAttack
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedLiberals: “Russia-linked” something did some piddly stuff to try to influence the US election! Our sovereignty’s gravest threat since Pearl Harbor! How could a foreign power do this!? Also liberals: We need regime change in Russia!
- Did Russia invade Iraq and kill 1million people? Turn Libya into a slave market? Are city's begging Russian oligarchs to take their public assets to build "fulfillment centers?" No, no and no. There is nothing to do about Russia except leave it alone.
- "It’s not hard to see the hand of the Democratic party behind the tens of millions in corporate contributions and free media accorded the March For Our Lives mobilization." https://www.blackagendareport.com/gun-debate-narrow-opportunity-democrats-wide-one-left … @brucedixon @blkagendareport
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedAmazing that the Slavers still have power Even after Death. Why should the victims have to Wait on title to their Land? Slavers property rights should be Thrown out forever.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted1. In 1993, Boris Yeltsin dismantled Russia’s democracy & used tanks to shell his own parliament: Bill Clinton compared him to Abraham Lincoln. 2. In 1996, US spin doctors helped Yeltsin win an unfair election. Later, Hollywood made a movie to celebrate. That’s why.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedEvery human being capable of objectivity who reads this, *must* be able to see that the UK Government has presented no *actual evidence*, of anything, and thus is clearly making grave, unsubstantiated allegations, and is doing so driven by malevolent, self-serving intentions.
- “Please, please tell me now. Is there something I should know?” Just heard Duran Duran. Feeling ancient.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedLISTEN: the Israeli embassy was CAUGHT on camera subverting British democracy, promising a million pounds to Labour MPs, threatening to bring down Govt ministers. Can we have a protest about that? Why is that embassy still open? Why are they still MPs? Why? #CorbynSmear
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI feel a duty to remind people that you said the killing of 500,000 Iraqi kids was “worth it.” https://youtu.be/RM0uvgHKZe8
Saturday, March 31, 2018
'There were no clashes in Gaza. One side was armed. The other wasn't.' (Margaret Kimberley)
Some Tweets from journalist Margaret Kimberley: