- More important than ever to come out and protest war. Actions happening all over the country. I'll see you in NYC on Sunday August 15.
#SpringAgainstWar http://springaction2018.org
Some Tweets from journalist Margaret Kimberley:
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedSo people should do “sit ins” at Starbucks. Don’t buy anything. Just sit there. Pack them full, and literally sit there...
#BoyCottStarBucks https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2077247422529167&id=100007317874405 … - So glad I always thought
@Starbucks was over rated.#BoycottStarbucks until there is a full investigation, public apology, and compensation to these men. - Check out my little blog.
@PressTV interview discussing Syria,@blkagendareport column, convo with@dondebar, article in@Consortiumnews on#MLK50 and more. http://freedomrider.blogspot.com - Margaret Kimberley RetweetedUS, UK & France carry out missile strikes to supposedly "punish Damascus for the chemical weapons attack"... just as the
@OPCW fact-finding mission finally arrived in Douma to investigate whether this alleged chemical attack of 7 April actually happened or not, establish facts... - Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- I appeared on
@presstv to discuss the attack on Syria. Some audio and video problems but you can hear me from the beginning for about 1 minute and then again from 5 - 9 minutes. - Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI woke up to terrible news. Join us today at 5 p.m. in Union Sq for an emergency rally for Syria
https://www.facebook.com/events/1832003506850402 …
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- American media wrong on Syria coverage – NYU professor Listen to
@mcrispinmiller. Mark gets to the crux of American propaganda at 4 minutes into the interview. - Margaret Kimberley RetweetedStatement by the Ambassador Antonov on the strikes on
#Syria: A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences. All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.