Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
An awful lot of journos have taken it upon themselves to address the horrible awful horrifying epidemic of "Assad apologists" lately. Because of all the problems in the world, the biggest is that some people are fighting another US-led regime change war with too much enthusiasm.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
It's super encouraging to me that 99% of the messages I see on here are supportive and open-minded about Syria. It makes me think people aren't buying what the MSM is selling, and that's a very good thing...
#Syria #Damascus #Douma #WhiteHelmets #HandsOffSyria
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
.3/ It would have been more productive, to actually question the reason why more & more people are indeed turning to alternative voices for information & news, than to dish out ad hominem smears aimed at intimidating by labelling alternative voices as conspirators or apologists.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
.2/ This is a dangerous manoeuvre , a witch hunt in fact, aimed not only at character assassination, but at attempting to silence those who think differently or even sway from mainstream & state narrative.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
In my entire career, spanning more than three decades of professional journalism, I have never seen MSM resolve to such ugly smear campaigns & hit pieces against those questioning mainstream narratives, with a different view point, as I have seen on Syria, recently.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
The @BBC, the world’s largest establishment propaganda machinery, going after independent journalists for rightfully pointing out the West’s hypocrisy & questioning its dubious motives in Syria, is the most pathetic and cringeworthy thing I‘ve seen since Hillary‘s 2017 book tour.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Here's a screenshot of Sarah Abdallah(@sahouraxo)'s statement in response to the BBC smear piece against her and @VanessaBeeley. Read it from bottom to top. Sarah & Vanessa, keep doing what you're doing. #Syria
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
When the BBC are attacking @sahouraxo and @VanessaBeeley, you know these outstanding people are doing something right.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
As a journalist who has covered the #Syria conflict for 6+ years - often from inside the country - I find @sahouraxo's tweets to be far more representative of reality than @BBC ones. Lets be honest, the Beeb basically parrots terrorist & interventionist narratives on Syria.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Wow! You @sahouraxo really are touching a sensitive nerve here for the @BBCWorld to change its profession from "world service news" to a cheap version of "Le Canard enchaîné".
You couldn't get more praise for your work then this. Good job Sarah.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Thanks for the heads up BBC. I'm delighted to be a follower of @sahouraxo who I consider to be an excellent source of truth (unlike your propaganda biased bs). Good advert for the truth movement, I'm quite sure she'll get many more followers as a result Cheers ;)
They call us “conspiracy theorists” because we pose the questions that most Western journalists fail to ask and refuse to investigate. #Syria
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
If people are going to write smear pieces on those who don’t toe the NeoCon War Party line on #Syria, then at least they should have the courage to put their name to it, especially as British licence fee payers are paying for it!
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford seems quite skeptical Assad used chemical weapons in the Douma attack as alleged.
And when France, Obama and their NATO buddies bombed Libya into oblivion, paving the way for slave-selling jihadists to grab power, was that “for the honor of the international community” too? 

Former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford tells @TuckerCarlson: We have been deluded. It’s not certain by any means that it was a chemical attack. There are reports from Western journalists who were in Douma yesterday, & who spoke to doctors who said there was no chemical attack.
Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
What does it say about the state of modern journalism that all my reporting heroes - John Pilger, Seymour Hersh and Robert Fisk – are now out in the cold, struggling to be heard anywhere but on social media?
“After speaking with eyewitnesses on the ground in Syria, even mainstream media are beginning to cast doubt on the West’s narrative of an alleged gas attack in Douma, as medics tell French, German and UK media it never happened.”
From the Citadel of Syria’s liberated Aleppo today: Syrians happily celebrate their homeland’s Independence Day.
This wouldn’t have been possible if the ancient city was still occupied by jihadists. 

Sarah Abdallah Retweeted
Living in Goebbels Land - So a tiny independent radio station in Ireland managed to interview Robert Fisk on the ground in Douma, but none of the British mainstream broadcast media today has him on, despite the political fallout from our Syria bombing
Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Reaches Syria’s ‘Chemical Attack’ Site, Concludes “They Were Not Gassed”
Rand Paul: I have yet to see evidence that Assad was responsible for the chemical attack in Syria. The only thing that would galvanize the world to attack Assad directly is a chemical attack. So what logic would there be for Assad, who’s winning the war, to use chemical weapons?