Saturday, May 19, 2018

121 Bombs A Day ~ World War News Roundup

From David DeGraw:

A new Bombshell Report…
121 Bombs A Day - World War News Roundup: Analysis of Battlefield Operations #1
Here's an in-depth look into the multi-trillion-dollar U.S. taxpayer-funded War Racket. This is our first Analysis of Global Battlefield Operations, as the “War on Terror” escalates… [Read More]
Please note: the site may take awhile to load, we have been under constant attack.
In the face of ongoing attacks on the website and all sorts of online suppression, we are still gaining momentum...  THANKS to all of you who have been sharing these reports.
Much Gratitude & Respect to Lee Camp for blowing up the War Profiteers report with an informative & hilarious 12-minute segment on his TV show Redacted Tonight.
Lee has also written an article on it, which is currently Truth Dig’s Most Popular post.
I’m doing everything I can to put out these reports as quickly as possible… still have a mountain of evidence to release and it is getting increasingly expensive to keep the website online.
If you appreciate the work, please subscribe or make a one-time donation. Every dollar helps keep me reporting...
Thank you,
~ David

I'm posting regularly to these algo-suppressed social accounts: Facebook ~*~Instagram ~*~ Twitter