- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThis is what #DrJillStein was working on while McCarthyite Dems were screeching "She was a Russian agent!" Jill also won a settlement in Pa. to replace easily-hacked #VotingMachines with #PaperBallots & automatic audits. #ElectionIntegrity #GreenPartyUS
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
BAP member Margaret Kimberley (@freedomrideblog) says head over to http://tinyurl.com/ShutDownAFRICOM and sign our petition to get the #USoutofAfrica
- This is a great clip of my New Year's day convo with Jamarl Thomas on @theProgSoapbox. Please head to http://tinyurl.com/ShutDownAFRICOM and sign the petition. #USOutofAfrica Thanks!
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThe basic tension in the Democratic Party is that the vast majority of constituents have economic interests that are diametrically opposed to the interests of the donor class. The grassroots base is ascendant and the donors are freaked out.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedWe're back from our holiday break and we're already in high gear. Check out BAP member Maurice Carney talking about the #CongoElection on RT and other media hits
https://blackallianceforpeace.com/newsletter/2019imperialretreatordeployment …
- I look forward to Michael Cohen testifying. He can talk about using the “contact us” page on the kremlin website. (Because he didn’t have a contact there.) Also how he couldn’t have been in Prague in August September 2016 because he wasn’t in Europe at all.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Chaos in the Congo https://youtu.be/CqGtBONoA1A Maurice Carney of @congofriends discusses the current crisis. Good analysis of the situation.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedFar as I know I'm the only American targeted by both the Kremlin (in 2008), & by their UK-US spy counterparts a decade later.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
BAP member Maurice Carney of @congofriends explains on @InQuestionRT what true sovereignty would look like for the Congolese—and Africans. Watch the whole interview
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedThe 538 model, which was based on publicly-available polling data, said the campaigns should target WI and MI. You didn't have to have any proprietary info to know they were important states. You just had to look at the data and not be huge dumbasses like the HRC campaign was.
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted#WhyIStandByAssange He’s a hero who tells us the unvarnished TRUTH that we can’t find anywhere else. Freedom of the Press is a FIRST Amend. right but our govt straight up feeds lies to corporate news, which pushes for war nonstop. https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/01/06/obamas-propaganda-gift-to-trump/ … @freedomrideblog
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedLike a jealous boyfriend stalking the ex who cheated on him, who spends all his time telling everyone how much he hates his ex. #UnhingedStalkerAmerica
- Trump has a strange effect on people. They say they hate him and then spend time watching him and then spend more time writing about how much they hated watching him.
- "Flynn’s attendance at the RT event was disclosed in advance to the intelligence community, he took proactive steps to ensure he could not be compromised by attendees and he then came back to the United States and reported intelligence designed to benefit America."
- Dear everyone, Bernie Sanders won in Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump campaign didn't need Russian spies to figure out they had a chance in those states. But the $1 billion Clinton team apparently couldn't.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedCollusion isn't a crime fool. There's no law on US books preventing a domestic party from cooperating with foreign governments. Reagan did it with Iran, all of Washington does it with Israel. The only crime is espionage of government secrets which doesn't apply here.
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedI love the idea that Trump needed a secret "collusion" memo from Manafort to know he should target two industrial Midwest states where polls were tightening
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- 1. Flynn’s attendance at RT event was disclosed in advance to intelligence 2. He took proactive steps to ensure he couldn't be compromised by attendees 3. He came back to U.S. and reported intelligence to benefit America.
- On my way home on NYC subway. A guy is selling hats and gloves. People are buying. I’m glad he’s making money but I feel bad that this is how he has to make a living.
- Manafort meeting with Kilimnik happened after Election Day. Someone tell me why this is a news story. #PaulManafort
- Remember when democrats used teacher strikes in red states to mobilize voters? Me neither.
- Dear lawyers, A question regarding the Christopher Steele. Does the fact that the democrats paid for it taint its contents?
- Margaret Kimberley Retweeted
- Margaret Kimberley RetweetedNo extradition of Assange to the US. You need not agree with someone to defend their right to reveal secrets that should never stay secret. Sign the DiEM25 petition.