Saturday, March 09, 2019

Some Tweets from Tulsi Gabbard

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    Join us as we work for a —taking the trillions spent on regime change & nuclear arms race & investing them to ensure for all, combat climate change, rebuild our infrastructure, & meet the needs of all Americans. Donate today.
  • Freedom of the press is a pillar of our democracy. Surveilling, tracking & unreasonably detaining anyone who is not suspected of a crime—especially journalists doing their job—is an abuse of authority & should be investigated.
  • It is unacceptable in this country that we have people who are sick or in need of care and are unable to get it because they don't have enough money.
  • Tune in tomorrow for the on —text TULSI to 48728 to get a reminder!
  • 3/3 …effect on investigative reporting of powerful government agencies or officials, including the president, intel agencies, etc. This is a serious breach of our constitutional freedoms and every American – Democrat, Republican or Independent – must stand up against it.
  • 2/3 …any entity – online and offline – is in danger of being designated a ‘hostile intelligence service’ if they carry out investigative reporting that the US government or a particular administration considers to be hostile to itself. This will have a chilling…
  • 1/3 If the government can change the designation of from being a news organization (Obama Admin’s designation of Wikileaks) to a hostile intelligence agency (Trump Admin’s designation), then…
  • 60% of voters support marijuana legalization—great to see Florida coming around! We just introduced a bill to end federal prohibition because American citizens should not be made into criminals for choosing to smoke marijuana. Join us
  • Let us confront hatred with . Confront bigotry with . Confront fear with truth.
  • Thank you, , for your service to our country and for your courage in coming forward to share your story in the mission to put an end to military sexual assault.
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    It's really hard for scientists to research marijuana, but 's bill could fix that.
  • # of people arrested for marijuana law violation in 2017: 659,700 # of those charged with marijuana law violations arrested for possession only: 599,282 (90.8 percent) I intro'd bipartisan bill today to END THE FEDERAL MARIJUANA PROHIBITION. Congress must act now
  • Three-quarters of Americans agree that people like them have too little influence in Washington, while lobbyists, big business & wealthy have too much. Corrupt pay-to-play politics in Washington must end.