Gerrymandering threatens our democracy and fuels corruption and a widening partisan divide. Greedy politicians who literally divide us along partisan lines in order to consolidate their own power and influence need to be challenged at every turn. #PeopleBeforeProfits #TULSI2020
Trump’s basic misunderstanding of how trade works is starting to show up in devastating impacts to working Americans. We need a win-win global strategy based on cooperation, not confrontation. #TULSI2020
“I have always believed people should determine their country’s direction for themselves… I have been part of a military that at times has been an obstacle to self-determination. I regret that.” Powerful words from Mjr. Peterson after 21 years of service.
There is no such thing as “clean coal.” Once we contaminate groundwater, it’s extremely difficult to clean up and has impacts across the entire ecosystem. Government should protect the people and the environment—not the coal industry.
It’s heartwarming to watch Ruby’s face as she discovers the pure joy of putting service before self in our everyday lives. The care and compassion she brings to nursing home residents is worth so much more than a short grocery list. #AlohaInArkansas #ServiceBeforeSelf
We must never forget our dark and bloodied past, & the heroes who changed the course of our nation by courageously leading with love to defeat the hatred & violence that surrounded them. They inspire us to continue the march toward justice, equality & freedom #WeShallOvercome
My heart is with the people of Alabama and Georgia whose homes and lives have been so devastated by these tornadoes, and the loved ones of those whose lives were lost. Many thanks to the first responders who are working around the clock to recover survivors.
As president, I will put service above self—the interests of the American people above any personal interests—and stand up against the powerful forces of greed and corruption. #TULSI2020