Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Oliver Willis, you're disgracing yourself

How stupid is Oliver Willis? 

I like to think he's a smart person but then he goes and Tweets this crap.

Larry Johnson is the guy who pushed the lie that there was a Michelle Obama “whitey” tape back in 2008.

Hmm.  Catch the problem?

Larry Johnson did write about the supposed tape where Michelle Obama used the word "whitey."

He was being told the tape existed and he believed that it did.

Turned out, he was lied to.

When Larry found that out, he was very clear that he had been tricked.

So I don't understand why we're bringing this up now, Oliver.

But what I do understand is that you work for David Brock.  So maybe get off your high horse before someone knocks you off it and kicks your ass.

Who is David Brock?  A hateful person, yes.  A man who hates women, yes.  A gay man who left the right-wing when he couldn't hide in the closet anymore.  A hateful little piece of trash who tried to destroy Anita Hill and even knew himself that he was lying in real time.  A piece of trash who has had a huge drug habit that clearly influenced his judgment.  A ridiculous piece of trash.

But, hey, as Oliver knows, David Brock is one  more thing.

David Brock is the piece of trash who made up the lie about the "Whitey" tape.

That's right, David Brock is the liar who told Larry Johnson that the tape existed.  David Brock was Larry's source.  And when Larry learned that David was lying, Larry walked away from that story but not before revealing that the liar telling him the lies was David Brock.

That's the same David Brock -- repeating this point -- that Oliver Willis works for, is paid by.

So I'm really not understanding Oliver hopping the high horse.

If he had any integrity, he'd be calling out David Brock because clearly, in 2019, Oliver believes this 2008 incident matters.

Fine, Ollie, but call out the one responsible: David Brock who hates Barack Obama and has a very long history of racism.

I've said this over and over, the left never should have played Red Rover with David Brock.  He brought nothing of use to the left and you can chart our dive into the gutter with our embrace of him.  He needs to be kicked to the curb.

And Oliver needs to stop pretending he's shocked by Larry  if he can't call out his own boss David.