This is what a Debt Death Spiral looks like: American's are now $72 Trillion in debt & debt is currently increasing at a record pace...
We currently have all-time record-breaking debt across the board... …

From David DeGraw:
Quote of the Day:
"If you understand the extreme extent to which the US government has gone, riding roughshod over many laws and traditions, to destroy Julian Assange, perhaps you can understand the threats that the very few of us who have the education, experience and integrity to tell you the truth live under…. You need to support truth-tellers as we are a disappearing breed under constant assault." - Paul Craig Roberts
3 New Posts on the Global War Profiteers' exploitation of U.S. Veterans...
Corruption at the VA is a national disgrace. Veterans who blow the whistle on poor healthcare, tax dollars being wasted / stolen and corruption throughout the VA are routinely retaliated against. It is happening at VA's all over the country; it is widespreadsystemic failure to "Support The Troops."
It has been such a scandalous epidemic of systemic corruption that a new Whistleblower Protection office had to be created in 2017 in an attempt to help the record number of Veterans who were being retaliated against by corrupt “leaders.” And now, in yet another example of Peak Corruption, even this new office has already been overrun in scandal and is also systematically retaliating against Veteran whistleblowers.
"Some of them are so crooked they swallow nails and spit up corkscrews."
~ Dan Martin, Chief Engineer, VA Health Care System
~ Dan Martin, Chief Engineer, VA Health Care System
~*~ READ MORE ~*~
$980 million tax dollars per year, which are supposed to be spent on educating veterans via the G.I. Bill, is NOT spent on educating veterans. In addition, according to the Veterans Affairs Inspector General, another $585 million tax dollars are wasted in G.I. Bill "improper payments."
Veterans are preyed upon by for-profit schools & medical rackets because they know that there is very little oversight on the Billions of Tax Dollars that are supposed to go to Veteran benefits.
~*~ READ MORE ~*~
Military Families & Veterans Call For End to "Forever" Wars, Debt Is Biggest Threat to National Security
According to military families & Veterans, "the forever wars cost too much in taxpayer funds and military readiness." More than 70% said the national debt poses a significant threat to American security. 60% support full withdrawal from Afghanistan.
According to military families & Veterans, "the forever wars cost too much in taxpayer funds and military readiness." More than 70% said the national debt poses a significant threat to American security. 60% support full withdrawal from Afghanistan.
"Only about one-third of the individuals surveyed by Concerned Veterans for America saythe military needs another funding increase next year."
"The vast majority of veterans and military families do not support massive increases in defense spending and appear more concerned about the negative consequences of our growing national debt," said Dan Caldwell, executive director at Concerned Veterans for America
"The results also showed more than three times as many respondents in support of a new base closure round than opposed to the idea."
Concerned Veterans for America is a conservative group and they are now teaming up with VoteVets, a liberal-leaning group, "to push lawmakers to halt open-ended foreign military operations, arguing the "forever" wars cost too much in taxpayer funds and military readiness."
This poll echoes the support I have received on my reports on corruption throughout military spending. I get more support from conservatives than liberals, and I get more passionate support from Veterans and military members than I do from the general civilian population.
At some point soon this propaganda facade that these Global War Profiteers deploy through the mainstream media to wrap themselves in our flag & say "Support the Troops" while stealing trillions of our tax dollars is going to come crashing down.
Corruption throughout military spending has significantly eroded military readiness and is a significant threat to national security.
Listen to the troops people... "More than 70% said the national debt poses a significant threat to American security."
After 18-years of war profiteering, the Imperial Debt Death Spiral is just kicking into gear...
We currently have all-time record-breaking debt across the board...
Record-breaking National Debt
Record-breaking State Debt
Record-breaking Household Debt
Record-breaking Personal Debt
Record-breaking Credit Card Debt
Record-breaking Auto Debt
Record-breaking Student Debt
Record-breaking Medical Debt
Record-breaking State Debt
Record-breaking Household Debt
Record-breaking Personal Debt
Record-breaking Credit Card Debt
Record-breaking Auto Debt
Record-breaking Student Debt
Record-breaking Medical Debt
And the exponential curve is just kicking in... the US deficit grew 77% in Q1 of FY2019. Another $310 billion into the $22 Trillion fire.
We're now paying over $500 billion a year in taxes on the interest alone... and at this rate, interest will be at $1 trillion per year within the next decade.
~*~ READ MORE ~*~
I have so much vital information to put out... been overwhelmed by it all. I've tried doing triage on all the info and ended up with first drafts on over 200 topics / articles! I'm literally drowning in corruption over here... tried to get several news organizations and journalism non-profits to help out with all of this but thus far haven't found anyone with the resources & will to take this on.
I definitely have enough info to lay out all of the links in the chain of corruption throughout military spending in a way that has never been done before, and I also have high-level whistleblowers who can back up the information and give an insider's perspective on it.
Can't do this alone though... shocked that I haven't found the resources to make this happen yet. I've received support on this issue from people with opinions across the entire political spectrum. This is an issue that can significantly shift the overall political narrative in a pivotal & crucial way...
Trillions of dollars unaccounted for, thousands of whistleblowers silenced... outrageous fraud, waste, abuse and corruption all over the place... and no one is seriously covering it...
How insane, shortsighted & suicidal has our society become?
Guess it's just easier -- and better paying -- to report on Trump, Russia, partisan issues, identity politics, the 2020 election... if we keep focusing on the byproducts and symptoms of systemic corruption and don't address this underlying issue, we are doomed.
It is very hard for people to comprehend the level of corruption & collapse that is closing in on us. To even acknowledge it causes you to question your reality in a deeply disturbing way, in a way that most people can't handle / tolerate.
Never underestimate people’s ability to block out the evil that is growing around us. The more traumatizing wider reality becomes, the more people indulge in their denial. This is how “good” people end up on the wrong side of history.
Unaccountable War Profiteers are looting the U.S. Treasury & our natural resources... and the Surveillance State is growing ever-more effective at silencing dissent & controlling entire populations...
We need to urgently overcome divide & conquer propaganda to unite against systemic corruption & global imperialism.
I have so much vital information to put out... been overwhelmed by it all. I've tried doing triage on all the info and ended up with first drafts on over 200 topics / articles! I'm literally drowning in corruption over here... tried to get several news organizations and journalism non-profits to help out with all of this but thus far haven't found anyone with the resources & will to take this on.
I definitely have enough info to lay out all of the links in the chain of corruption throughout military spending in a way that has never been done before, and I also have high-level whistleblowers who can back up the information and give an insider's perspective on it.
Can't do this alone though... shocked that I haven't found the resources to make this happen yet. I've received support on this issue from people with opinions across the entire political spectrum. This is an issue that can significantly shift the overall political narrative in a pivotal & crucial way...
Trillions of dollars unaccounted for, thousands of whistleblowers silenced... outrageous fraud, waste, abuse and corruption all over the place... and no one is seriously covering it...
How insane, shortsighted & suicidal has our society become?
Guess it's just easier -- and better paying -- to report on Trump, Russia, partisan issues, identity politics, the 2020 election... if we keep focusing on the byproducts and symptoms of systemic corruption and don't address this underlying issue, we are doomed.
It is very hard for people to comprehend the level of corruption & collapse that is closing in on us. To even acknowledge it causes you to question your reality in a deeply disturbing way, in a way that most people can't handle / tolerate.
Never underestimate people’s ability to block out the evil that is growing around us. The more traumatizing wider reality becomes, the more people indulge in their denial. This is how “good” people end up on the wrong side of history.
Unaccountable War Profiteers are looting the U.S. Treasury & our natural resources... and the Surveillance State is growing ever-more effective at silencing dissent & controlling entire populations...
We need to urgently overcome divide & conquer propaganda to unite against systemic corruption & global imperialism.
The hour is late... the hour is very late...
As everything is collapsing around us, and as I've been battling through my own hack attacks & censorship issues, these words from MLK keep echoing throughout my mind and are growing louder by the day...
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
All of this work is done independently and is 100% reader-funded. If you want to see more of it, now is the time to step up in support.
Very Grateful for all the much needed support,
~ David
~ David
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