Monday, April 08, 2019

Some Tweets from Bernie Sanders

  • What the billionaire class understands is that if they can destroy the trade union movement in America, there is nothing to stop them in their never-ending quest to have it all. If we work together, that is a fight that they are going to lose.
  • Corporate America and the billionaire class have been waging a 40-year war against the trade union movement in America. That is not a war they are going to win. We will expand and strengthen the trade union movement.
  • I stand with AAUP-AFT Rutgers professors who are prepared to strike in order to defend affordable, quality higher education. When we organize and stand together, we win.
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    This this this. After the , American announced $2B in stock buybacks, the CEO took home over $19M. Thank you , crystal clear and cuts to the heart of it.
  • Each day since the Trump tax cut was signed into law, the average billionaire in America has seen a $33 million increase in wealth, while the average worker got an extra bonus of just 24 cents. When we talk about a rigged economy that is exactly what we are talking about.
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    The bold course that ⁦⁩ has charted when it comes to union solidarity is a very big deal. It has the potential to transform not just presidential and party politics but the governance that will extend from the 2020 election.
  • We need elected officials and candidates at every level to get serious about forcefully speaking out for unions. It’s not good enough for candidates to say they like “workers” or the “middle class.” We need to specifically and explicitly support trade UNIONS.
  • President Trump, get your act together. Try to tell the truth for once.
  • Anyone who understands American history knows that it was the trade union movement that built the middle class in this country—and it is the trade union movement that is going to rebuild the disappearing middle class in America once again.
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    Senator takes the stage at , saying “it is the trade union movement in this country who created the middle class!”
  • Meanwhile, one in four Americans skip health care they need because they can't afford it. Our health care system today is fundamentally immoral and that is why we must pass Medicare for All.
  • Another horrific attack in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. More children dead. President Trump, I urge you to sign the resolution Congress passed last week ending U.S. support for this conflict. Yemen needs humanitarian aid, not more bombs.
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    The city of Malcom, IA has a population of 287. 230 showed up for town hall.
  • Join our town meeting in Malcom, Iowa!
  • It’s absurd that we have to say this in America in 2019: When you turn on the tap in your home, whether it's in Vermont or Iowa or Flint, Michigan, you have a right to expect that the water coming out is clean.
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    Senator taking us to the church of change this morning in Oskaloosa, Iowa with .
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    Full balcony, full house in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Iowa is turning out big this weekend for !
  • We will no longer tolerate the situation in which the wealthy and large corporations stash billions in tax havens throughout the world. You cannot be an American company only when it is convenient.