Saturday, August 17, 2019

Some Tweets from Sarah Abdallah

  • Western media won’t be providing one drop of coverage today on the anti-Macron rallies in , . Simply way too busy bombarding us with footage of the Hong Kong protests. 🤗
  • Today marks 40 straight weeks of anti-Macron protests in , but we would never know it by watching the corporate propaganda outlets pretending to be news operations.
  • As if all the death, destruction and displacement Hillary Clinton brought to Iraq, Honduras, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen under the guise of “freedom of democracy” wasn’t enough, now she’s salivating over Hong Kong too. Scary.
  • Your “solidarity” turned from the most prosperous, oil-rich country with the highest standard of living in Africa into a war-torn failed state now ruled by terrorists who sell human beings in open air slave markets. You don’t care one scintilla about freedom and democracy.
  • The US government has previously labeled the following groups “freedom fighters”: Drug-dealing Contras in Al-Qaeda in Slave-selling terrorists in Church-burning jihadists in MEK death-cult in Not exactly a pretty track record 😉
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    Trump’s brand of “nationalism” is very interesting because it consistently entails putting the interests of Israel over Americans
  • Your interference in the affairs of sovereign nations across Latin America, Africa and the Middle East has created one refugee crisis after another and left millions of innocents dead and displaced. No bigger threat to democracy than warmongers like you 😉
  • The man who: • oversaw the deaths of 500,000 children in • relentlessly bombarded for 78 days and infected it with depleted uranium • bombed a pharmaceutical factory to smithereens in is now out here acting like a maven on peace, respect & restraint.
  • Western media is inundating us with images from the Hong Kong protests. Yet not a single word about the anti-Macron rallies in France, or the huge marches against US sanctions in , or the weekly demonstrations in . No agenda at all here though 🤗
  • Oh look, the war criminal who backed racist jihadists that sell human beings in open air slave markets in . And who supported genocidal terrorists that burn churches and want to exterminate minorities in , thinks she has the moral authority to lecture us about hatred.
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    Such cowardly politicians. Palestinians protest weekly and get shot at weekly like pigeons and none of you dare say a word in sympathy or support.
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    EVERYBODY who lied us into illegal wars should shut the fuck up forever.
  • This is what exposing US war crimes gets you: Barbaric treatment. Isolation. Access to your lawyers denied. And barely anyone bats an eyelash. But if Julian was languishing in a Russian dungeon for revealing Russian crimes and corruption, all hell would break loose.
  • Just your daily reminder that Saudi Arabia is continuing its genocide in , killing and wounding 28 civilians, including women and children, in yet another massacre yesterday. No mainstream media reportage though because it’s too busy telling lies about and
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    Visiting Julian in prison I glimpsed his barbaric treatment. Isolated, denied proper exercise, access to the library, a laptop, he cannot prepare his defence. He is even denied calls to his US lawyers. His UK lawyer wrote to the governor on 4 June. Silence. How lawless.