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$50,000.00 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions. Please RT
@TheJusticeDept won't hold those accountable for govt. spying on me, so I'm self-funding fight for justice.
(Reposted due to reported Internet interruptions.)
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
You can watch @FullMeasureNews on TV or online, live or on demand replays. Here are all the ways, including our app @watchstirr, and the TV station list and times: …
Check out my latest, short podcast: Did China, not Russia, hack into Hillary Clinton emails?
Newly-released documents. …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Peace & Prosperity @realDonaldTrump OUR / WE
@POTUS W/ @FLOTUS & Family Sacrificed Wealth Health Safety Placed Themselves Dangerous Harms Way TO SAVE 
@ThomasPKennedy3 @PROUD_USAER @KayHair1 @JohnLeksander @bobsacard @TerranceCreamer @WitmerCarl

Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
New crime stats show St. Louis with highest murder rate in USA, followed by Baltimore, New Orleans, Detroit and Cleveland. #crime
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Those saying in the next 50 years robots and computers will take over many jobs now done by humans (spring 2018 data):
: 91%
: 89
: 84
: 82
: 79
: 79
: 73
: 73
: 66
: 65

Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
This morning in Charlotte, NC I had the honor of mowing with Officers Kowaleski, Carlson & Captain Kendall of @CMPD
What do *you* think happened to Epstein? See the results of our unscientific poll. …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Important MRI risks nobody told you about. …
What does the public think happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Find out the results of our latest poll. And VOTE NOW in our latest poll at . Look for the black rectangle on the right side of the home page or scroll down on the mobile site! …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Left-wing protesters formed a gauntlet outside the Trump rally and chanted “shame” as Trump supporters walked thru to cross Elm #Manchester #NewHampshire #2020
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
For instance: they listed the destination of their trip as Palestine and not Israel, and unlike all Democratic and Republican members of Congress who have visited Israel, they did not request to meet any Israeli officials, either from the government or the opposition.
Possible Chinese hack of Clinton server containing U.S. classified info. treated with indifference by FBI, according to Obama Intel Community IG investigators …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
President Trump is "literally exporting intolerance,” says presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar on Israel barring Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting the country.
“You don’t ban them from visiting Israel. That makes you weaker, not stronger.”
New Documents: Strzok "aloof and dismissive" when told of possible China hack into Clinton emails, according to Intel Community IG …
"Deep Fake" deception. One of the more fascinating stories I've covered. Watch here: …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
We’ve said from the start that we will have to take on virtually the entire media establishment in this campaign, and so far that has proven to be true.
Ok. Fine. We are ready.