Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Some Tweets from David Sirota

David Sirota is the speechwriter for candidate Bernie Sanders.

  • Two data points: 1. In August, introduced the most aggressive climate plan to make sure younger & future generations have a habitable planet. 2. In Quinnipiac's polls between August & today, jumped 20 POINTS among voters 34 years old and younger.
  • Just gotta say it, because I'm psyched about it: Rep. wrote & then passed the legislation that created this first-in-the-nation climate program. I know I'm biased, but it's a really terrific accomplishment -- I hope other states pass the same bill.
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    The political revolution may not be televised, but it will be on Reddit where you can Ask Me Anything on r/SandersForPresident at 4 pm ET. Working for for 20+ years has been an experience of a lifetime. I hope you will join me!
  • Shocker: it’s not psychologically healthy to constantly see politicians help their insurance donors deny health care to millions and help their fossil fuel donors destroy the Earth’s ecosystem
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    Pundits have said that the climate plan spends too much to fight climate change. Voters disagree.
  • It’s almost as if there’s a small handful of billionaires and corporations who bankroll politicians, thereby making sure those politicians block what the public actually wants...and — hear me out here — it’s almost as if you need a giant grassroots movement to change things...
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    "Free trade policies helped determine when and where Americans die of opioid overdoses." My latest with in : . Thanks to for the encouragement!
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    In the 10 years since Wall Street crashed our economy: -The 5 biggest banks have profited by $583 billion+ -Execs at the 5 biggest banks have been paid $3.4 billion -Not one bank exec has gone to jail for it Meanwhile: -The bottom 90% are still poorer than they were in 2007
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    This column from a top Hickenlooper adviser reveals a lot in how it defines virtue in politics and policymaking. Results, material outcomes that affect people’s lives, are an afterthought. What matters is process: the performance of “collaboration and civil dialogue” among elites
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    What a crazy coincidence that carbon emissions have exploded over the same period that the wealthy have been allowed to hoard more and more wealth wonder if there might be a connection there
  • This is ridiculous. It is not an “attack” to directly quote a candidate calling his party supporters of “Stalin.” The “attack” is calling Democratic voters Stalinists. Maybe you should report that.
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    Fetch the smelling salts 😉 Voters ask me every day how the candidates differ. Every other Democrat showed up this weekend. If John doesn’t attend public forums—and the press doesn’t cover them—we’ll be forced to hash this out on TV & Twitter. CO deserves a genuine debate.
  • Alternate headline: Lobbyists express anger at proposal to stop them from buying America's democracy
  • Two headlines from 2019