David Sirota Retweeted
.@berniesanders’ latest attack on billionaires, tonight in South Carolina. Sanders asks “what do I mean when I say the current political system is corrupt?” His answer: billionaires can run for president and would be “taken seriously even if you were the dumbest person on Earth.”
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
Wall Street is mad at Bernie Sanders’ tuition-free college plan because it is financed by a tax on Wall Street speculation.
Pete Buttigieg is suddenly airing ads slamming Bernie’s plan, as Pete raises money from Wall Street.
That’s it. That’s the tweet. https://twitter.com/alxthomp/status/1200227721923760130 …
David Sirota Retweeted
A front group for health insurance corporations is spending $1 million on TV ads like these attacking Democrats’ health care plans.
40% of the new ad buy will be in Iowa.
@P4AHCF’s executive director, Lauren Crawford Shaver, is a Democrat.
David Sirota Retweeted
Pete Buttigieg is now running a negative TV ad criticizing his opponents for supporting debt-free college: https://twitter.com/alxthomp/status/1200227721923760130?s=21 …
Pete is also having his staff promote an angry screed calling his Democratic opponents “faux progressive.” 

David Sirota Retweeted
Many reporters seem hesitant to discuss the fact @BernieSanders is, and has consistently been, one of the top Democratic frontrunners. So much media discussion revolves around Biden or the latest up-and-comer. There is a level of disbelief about the strength of his support.
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
lmao if you start at "the children of billionaires shouldn't get free college" and decide the problem is free college and not the existence of billionaires, I don't know how to help you
David Sirota Retweeted
Here is an 8-stop malarkey tour:
Health care plan leaving 10 million uninsured
Welcoming Super PAC $$$
Voting for the Iraq War
Billionaire fundraisers
Writing the Bankruptcy bill
Championing NAFTA
Pushing TPP
Defending the War on Drugs

tfw you really wanted to watch The Irishman, and your kids instead forced everyone to watch Home Alone II
The WashPost editorial board is literally employed by Jeff Bezos.
It’s bizarre that we are simply expected to ignore facts like that, especially in the week we saw another billionaire (Bloomberg, who is Bezos’s candidate) simply transfer his own editorial board to his campaign.
Many of the DC political operatives who feign outrage at Bernie Sanders folk pushing back against misinformation are the same people who constantly insist they are truly serious about defeating Donald Trump.
Kinda makes you think...
I am constantly mystified by those who “remain unbothered” by the climate crisis, the health care crisis, the college debt crisis and the economic inequality crisis https://twitter.com/tylergarret2/status/1200912395729874944 …
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