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$50,000.00 Whistleblower Award offered in Attkisson v. DOJ/FBI for govt. computer intrusions. Please RT
@TheJusticeDept won't hold those accountable for govt. spying on me, so I'm self-funding fight for justice.
(Reposted due to reported Internet interruptions.)
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Two views on populism: why some establishment political and media figures hate it so much. But why it's still so popular.
PS That's my mom.
How to watch @FullMeasureNews Sunday: …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Me waiting on the haters to apologize after we were proven right on Amazon and saved the public billions …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Supreme Court's Ginsberg puts hold on Democrats' demand for Trump bank records …
The incredible producing machine Daniel Steinberger worked with me on one of our reports for Sunday's @FullMeasureNews How to watch: …
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
There's still time to vote in our newest poll at (Do you support Pelosi's moving impeachment forward?) Look for black box home page or scroll way down on mobile site. Last poll results here: …
What is "populism"? And is it good or bad? Depends on who you ask. We'll ask all sides, around the world.
Another interesting story you won't see on any other @FullMeasureNews Sunday
How to watch: …
We won't bore you with news you've already heard all week. Promise.
@FullMeasureNews Sunday
How to watch: …
The truth about voodoo dolls and other voodoo mysteries... @lisa_fletch
@FullMeasureNews Sunday
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Another interesting story you won't see on any other news program this weekend. @FullMeasureNews Sunday
How to watch: …
The popular uprising against establishment politicians …
The popular uprising against establishment politicians …
(How to watch Full Measure) …
POLL: Most people say no declared Democrat likely to get nomination …
VOTE NOW: Do you agree with Pelosi's decision to move forward with impeachment?
Go to home page of and look for the black box on the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site.
We want to hear all views!
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
We have a duty to protect the beauty of God’s creation for future generations. #PelosiTownHall
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
New $150 billion plan from @BernieSanders to get high-speed, internet for all--requiring providers to offer a basic, quality internet plan at an affordable price.
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
"We will have the votes to pass" -@WhipClyburn says on the #USMCA but says the worker protections and enforcements have to be laid out, written properly. "I'm hopeful" it'll be passed before Christmas, he says.
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
They’re having a Trump derangement syndrome therapy session on CNN where Nancy Pelosi had the gall to say she’s not sure we can sustain a 2nd term for President Trump. What won’t we be able to suffer through exactly? More economic all time records? 

Sharyl Attkisson Retweeted
We are either a democracy or we are a monarchy. There is no excuse for @realDonaldTrump refusing to comply with congressional oversight. #PelosiTownHall
VOTE NOW: Do you agree with Pelosi's decision to move forward with impeachment?
Go to home page and look for black box on right sidebar or scroll way down on mobile site. We want to hear all views!
POLL: Most people say no declared Democrat likely to get nomination …