Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Some Tweets from David Sirota

David Sirota is the speechwriter for candidate Bernie Sanders.

  • This is an obvious truth that basically nobody is allowed to ever utter, but that everyone absolutely knows is 100% true, even as they indignantly deny it.
  • I'm not moving to DC no matter what, so I'll speak a truth that's not allowed to be said: Joe Biden is a full-employment program for the Beltway Democratic establishment. He makes sure that for them, nothing would fundamentally change. That's a huge part of why they support him.
  • Personal note: Though I dont agree with her depiction of Bernie's legislative record, I havent said a single negative or critical word about Elizabeth Warren, who I know & like. Some of her folks have said negative things about me, but I've never blamed her for that. That is all.
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    Once again, David Sirota viciously smears Biden by quoting Biden’s exact words.
  • NEWS: "To defeat Trump, we need a candidate who can win back the Upper Midwest. Having been born in Flint, Michigan & having represented the region in the U.S. House & U.S. Senate, I am confident is our strongest candidate to defeat Trump."
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    “Nothing will fundamentally change.” -Joe Biden, to a group of wealthy donors in a posh hotel. Last year. Happy Super Bowl, Democrats!
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    Who is the best candidate on... Healthcare: Sanders 33 Biden 14 Bloomberg 11 Warren 10 Environment: Sanders 27 Warren 13 Bloomberg 12 Biden 10 Immigration: Sanders 21 Biden 16 Warren 11 Bloomberg 9 Economy/jobs: Sanders 24 Bloomberg 24 Biden 14 Warren 10 / Poll
  • Thousands are dying every year because they can't afford health care. A climate crisis threatens all life on the planet. And promised his billionaire donors that if he is elected "nothing would fundamentally change."
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    Replying to 
    I wanted Medicare for All, but Bernie hired David Sirota and he posted grainy c-span video in my timeline. Now I'm voting for Joe Biden!
  • I genuinely cannot believe there are people who are so Extremely Online that they are actually factoring in fantastical visions of me into their voting decisions
  • McConnell is saying he wants to work with the next Dem president to cut Social Security. has worked with the GOP for 30+ years to try to cut Social Security: helped block Joe's efforts to cut Social Security. Vote accordingly.
  • 👀 "Report: Corporate and White-Collar Prosecutions At All-Time Lows"
  • Joe Biden promised his big donors that if he wins, “nothing would fundamentally change.” Now you understand why Davos billionaires, Wall Street executives and Washington lanyards are supporting him. Thanks for attending my TED talk.
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    we can have Medicare for All. we can have a Green New Deal. we can have justice for all. we can win.
  • Biden’s campaign is bankrolled by a super PAC led by health care industry lobbyists: Biden’s campaign is run by a longtime pharma lobbyist, and his first 2020 fundraiser was with the CEO of a health insurance corporation:
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    We still believe that Biden would be a uniquely weak challenger to Trump, forfeiting the high ground on corruption, the Iraq War, and even while being forced to defend his record on mass incarceration, bankruptcy, credit card companies and banks.
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    The reason the establishment is boosting Biden, a weak candidate with a ton of baggage, is because they don’t care if they win. They’d like to, but they don’t have to. They’re not rationing insulin, drowning in debt, living paycheck to paycheck. They’ll be fine either way.
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    The contrast on health care in a Sanders-Biden race would be very stark. Unlike basically all other moderates — Buttigieg, Klobuchar, O’Rourke — Biden is not running on universal health care, pushing a public option that per his campaign would leave 10 million w/o insurance
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    NEWS: campaign tells endorsers/supporters to make clear the choice between Bernie & Biden "is a choice between Democrats' core economic & social justice agenda & the establishment’s agenda that aims to protect & enrich the wealthy." Memo:
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    Worth stating a fact: If you're endorsing and/or voting for Biden, you're endorsing/voting for a dude who tried to let states repeal Roe & then bragged about his anti-choice record in a press release lauding himself for being "one of the Senate's most conservative Democrats."
  • NEW MEMO: "Trump is pushing Social Security cuts & Mitch McConnell says he wants to help a Democratic president cut Social Security. Joe Biden spent 30 years trying to cut Social Security, while Bernie fought those cuts and pushed to expand the program."
  • I'd like you to read this memo, and then make sure everyone you know reads this memo. And I mean everyone -- because if Democrats nominate a candidate with Biden's record, it means Donald Trump may win the general election. And that is not acceptable.