Monday, May 30, 2005

'Nightline' leerá nombres de soldados fallecidos

From Democracy Now!:

'Nightline' leerá nombres de soldados fallecidos
Más de un año después de la controversia que generó lalectura de Ted Knoppel de los nombres de más de 800soldados estadounidenses muertos en Irak, "Nightline"planea un programa sobre el Memorial Day (día de loscaídos) donde se leerán los nombres de 900 soldadosmuertos desde entonces.

Resistencia iraquí derribó helicóptero
En Irak, un helicóptero militar estadounidense fuederribado cerca de la fortificación de la resistenciaen Baquba, tras recibir disparos de armas de bajocalibre. El helicóptero presuntamente apoyaba afuerzas comandadas por Estados Unidos en la zona. Lascadenas de noticias CNN y CBS informaron que elhelicóptero llevaba a dos tripulantes. Combatientes dela resistencia atacaron otro helicóptero, pero nolograron derribarlo.

Maria selected the two items above from Friday's Democracy Now! Headlines. When we decided to do that last week to spotlight the new feature at Democracy Now! (NEW FEATURE: Democracy Now! is now offering the program's daily news summary translated into Spanish. Los Titulares de Hoy ), I hadn't even thought about the holiday was approaching. Due to various committments on members who speak Spanish, we elected to hold off on Friday's Headlines until today. Thanks to Maria for selecting two items. Please try to pass on the word that Democracy Now! is now providing their Headlines in Spanish (that's in text and audio).

Here are the two items that Maria selected in English:

Nightline To Read Names Of Dead
And, more than a year after a firestorm of controversysurrounded Ted Koppel's reading of the names of morethan 800 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, ''Nightline''plans a Memorial Day broadcast where they will readthe names of the 900 who have died since then.

Iraq Resistance Downs Us Helicopter
In Iraq, a US military helicopter was brought downnear the resistance stronghold of Baquba after comingunder small arms fire. The helicopter was reportedlysupporting US-led forces in the area. CNN and CBS newsreported that the downed helicopter had been carryingtwo crew members. Resistance fighters also hit asecond helicopter but failed to bring it down.

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