Saturday, April 05, 2008
Dems continue to prepare for Petraeus
A member of the McMahon family told NBC 7/39 on Thursday that military police said to them earlier in the week that McMahon-Reid's purse and driver's license were still in the couple's Escondido apartment. However, Escondido police on Friday said that a search of their home did not turn up those items. Rather, officials said, all personal items -- including toiletries -- were missing from the home and that all that remained in the residence were household furnishings and the couple's Marine uniforms.
Also on Friday, Escondido police offered a possible motive for their absence.
The above is from KNSD's "Police Believe Missing Marines Are AWOL" (text and video). Speaking of text and . . . Joe Biden gave the Democratic radio response today. This was the conclusion to a week where he chaired hearings on Iraq. Thursday was more academic but Wednesday explored the issue of withdrawal at length. This is his "Senator Joe Biden Delivers the Democratic Radio Address" (Democratic Party, text and audio)
"Good morning. I'm Joe Biden, Democratic Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In January 2007, President Bush announced the surge of an additional 30,000 American forces into Iraq. Next week, the President is expected to tell the American people what comes next. It's an important moment for America's future.
"The purpose of the surge was to bring violence in Iraq down so that its leaders could come together politically. Violence has come down, but the Iraqis have not come together. The country remains terribly divided among Sunni, Shi'a and Kurds. There is little evidence the Iraqis will settle their differences peacefully any time soon.
"Our military has done a heroic job in bringing violence down since last summer. But even these gains are relative. Violence is just getting back to levels we saw in 2005 -- when 846 Americans lost their lives and 5,945 were wounded. Iraq is still an incredibly dangerous place -- and very far from normal.
"Despite this reality, the President is expected to announce that when the surge ends, we will not be in a position of drawing down American forces. There could be no clearer acknowledgment from the President himself that the surge has not succeeded in achieving its stated purpose--namely, moving Iraq toward the day it can govern itself, defend itself and sustain itself in peace.
"So, where are we after the surge? Back to where we were before it started. With 140,000 troops in Iraq -- and no end in sight. The best that can be said is we've gone from drowning in Iraq to treading water. That's better, but we can't keep doing it without exhausting ourselves.
"Every extra day we stay in Iraq with 140,000 troops, that's exactly what we're doing. And the price we're paying keeps getting steeper:
The continued loss of the lives and limbs of our soldiers -- every day;
The emotional and economic strain on our military families due to repeated, extended tours – lasting up to 15 months;
The drain on our Treasury -- $12 billion every month that we could be spending on housing, education or healthcare here at home;
The impact on the readiness of our armed forces -- tying down so many troops that we don't have any leftover to deal with a new emergency;
The inability to send enough troops to the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan -– the real central front in the war on terror;
And finally: the damage done to America's standing in the world;"I believe the President has no strategy for success in Iraq. His plan is to muddle through -- and hand the problem off to his successor. Our troops and their families deserve better than that. We owe them a strategy worthy of their sacrifice.
"We Democrats understand that this war must end so that America can regain the credibility to lead around the world and the flexibility to meet our challenges here at home. That's what the American people want -- and it's what America's security needs. Thank you for listening."
The Democrats in Congress are preparing for US Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen David Petraeus' testimonies which begin Tuesday and will attempt to sell the American people on the idea that there is 'progress' in Iraq when the reality is that, five years later, there is no progress.
This week Margaret Kimberly offers a news quiz. From her "Twenty Questions" (Black Agenda Report):
3. Did Iraqi police in Basra switch sides and join the Mahdi army when ordered to fight them?
4. When informed by a reporter that two-thirds of Americans think the Iraq war is "not worth fighting" Dick Cheney replied:
"Only two-thirds?"
"Let impeachment begin."
The following community sites have updated since yesterday morning:
Rebecca's Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude;
Cedric's Cedric's Big Mix;
Kat's Kat's Korner;
Betty's Thomas Friedman is a Great Man;
Mike's Mikey Likes It!;
Elaine's Like Maria Said Paz;
Wally's The Daily Jot;
Trina's Trina's Kitchen;
Ruth's Ruth's Report;
The e-mail address for this site is
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Friday, April 04, 2008
Iraq snapshot
There is a growing movement of resistance within the US military which includes Matt Mishler, Josh Randall, Robby Keller, Justiniano Rodrigues, Chuck Wiley, James Stepp, Rodney Watson, Michael Espinal, Matthew Lowell, Derek Hess, Diedra Cobb, Brad McCall, Justin Cliburn, Timothy Richard, Robert Weiss, Phil McDowell, Steve Yoczik, Ross Spears, Peter Brown, Bethany "Skylar" James, Zamesha Dominique, Chrisopther Scott Magaoay, Jared Hood, James Burmeister, Eli Israel, Joshua Key, Ehren Watada, Terri Johnson, Clara Gomez, Luke Kamunen, Leif Kamunen, Leo Kamunen, Camilo Mejia, Kimberly Rivera, Dean Walcott, Linjamin Mull, Agustin Aguayo, Justin Colby, Marc Train, Abdullah Webster, Robert Zabala, Darrell Anderson, Kyle Snyder, Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman, Kevin Lee, Mark Wilkerson, Patrick Hart, Ricky Clousing, Ivan Brobeck, Aidan Delgado, Pablo Paredes, Carl Webb, Stephen Funk, Blake LeMoine, Clifton Hicks, David Sanders, Dan Felushko, Brandon Hughey, Logan Laituri, Clifford Cornell, Joshua Despain, Joshua Casteel, Katherine Jashinski, Dale Bartell, Chris Teske, Matt Lowell, Jimmy Massey, Chris Capps, Tim Richard, Hart Viges, Michael Blake, Christopher Mogwai, Christian Kjar, Kyle Huwer, Wilfredo Torres, Michael Sudbury, Ghanim Khalil, Vincent La Volpa, DeShawn Reed and Kevin Benderman. In total, at least fifty US war resisters in Canada have applied for asylum.
Information on war resistance within the military can be found at The Objector, The G.I. Rights Hotline [(877) 447-4487], Iraq Veterans Against the War and the War Resisters Support Campaign. Courage to Resist offers information on all public war resisters. Tom Joad maintains a list of known war resisters. In addition, VETWOW is an organization that assists those suffering from MST (Military Sexual Trauma).
Interesting how muted Washington has been about the whole affair lately. Initially, the Bush Administration scrambled to put a positive spin on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ill-advised and ill-prepared government crackdown in the country's second largest city. Only after Iraqi security forces got a "thumpin" -- to put it in George W. Bush's vernacular -- and the prime minister, who had vowed to remain in Basra for a "decisive and final battle" against the militias, backed down after Iran brokered a cease-fire, did the administration start to disown the debacle.
Turning to the topic of Iraqi refugees. Tuesday the UNHCR's Jennifer Pagonis broke down the latest figures on the internally displaced noting that "it is estimated that over 2.77 million people are currently displaced inside the country. Of these, 1.2 million were displaced before 2006 and more than 1.5 million were displaced in 2006 and 2007." Of these, "over 1 million cannot access regular income. Around 300,000 individuals have no access to clean water and are in need of legal aid to enable them to access other basic services." On external refugees, Trudy Rubin (Philadelphia Inquirer) observes, "More than two million Iraqi refugees are struggling to survive outside Iraq, the bulk of them in neighboring Jordan and Syria. . . . Jordan and Syria can't afford to keep them, but they can't go home and are running out of money. Yet the desperate plight of Iraq's refugees isn't one the president wants to highlight -- because it underlines how tenuous the situation remains in Iraq." That's putting it mildly. Relief Web notes this from the Christian Reformed Church in North America, "Early last year the U.S. government agreed to resettle 7,000 refugees by February 2008, giving preference to those at greatest risk of violence. Today, only 2,000 Iraq refugees have entered the United States, with nearly 12,000 more awaiting approval." That should read: "still waiting approval." Dropping back to the Feb. 21st snapshot:
There is Leila, a Shiite Muslim who had a successful career in nuclear medicine in Iraq until she and her father were threatened because they worked with a U.S. company on hospital construction.
Her father sent her to safety in Lebanon; a few months later, he was executed as he walked home from his job.
She is haunted by rumors her father's enemies are searching for her.
The result of this societal collapse has been the largest exodus in the Middle East since the Palestinian refugee crisis of 1948. One fifth of the population have fled their homes. In addition to the 2.5 million people known to be displaced within Iraq, a further 2.5 million have left the country. Several hundred thousand have made it to Egypt, the Gulf States, Iran, Turkey or Yemen, and Jordan hosts another half million. But it is Syria that has taken on the largest burden.
But each new grant of asylum leaves DeKelaita feeling conflicted; his efforts inadvertently contribute to the slow dissolution of the once-vibrant Christian community in Iraq.
"My heart is really wedded to the idea that they should be safe and secure in their own homeland in Iraq," DeKelaita, 45, said inside his law office in Skokie, Ill., near Chicago. "What I'm doing is temporary. That's how I justify it to myself -- that they will one day all go back home safely to their homeland."
Repressed under Saddam Hussein, Iraq's Christian population has been decimated since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Muslim extremists have murdered priests and burned churches and Christian-owned shops and homes. Priests in Iraq estimate that fewer than 500,000 Christians remain, about a third of the number as before 2003.
- Larry Babitts, Boiling Springs, US Army
- Ron Byrd, Tobyhanna, US Army**
- Russell Canevari, Jessup, US Army
- Ed Cemic, Sr., Johnstown, US Army
- Kathy Cullinane, Scranton, USAF
- Hal Donahue, Scranton, USAF
- Thomas Dougherty, Dunmore, US Army
- General Mike Dunn, Davidsville, US Army
- Glen Embree, Mt. Pleasant Township, Navy
- Greg Erosenko, Monroeville, US Army
- Wy Gowell, Clark Summit, USAF
- John Hugya, Hollsopple, USMC
- Christin Joltes, Johnstown, USAF
- Jim Kull, Uniondale, US Army
- Joe Long, Bethlehem, USAF
- William McCool, Levittown, Navy
- Mike Miskell, Scranton, Navy
- Phyllis Reinhardt, Scranton, US Army
- General Gerald Sajer, East Berlin, US Army
- Joseph Tully, Scranton, Navy
- Jeffrey Voice, Philadelphia, US Army
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The illegal war of aggression based on lies and deception that dishonors and disgraces the U.S. and unites the world in hating us for an ongoing 5-year crime, makes Sept. 11 look like a bake sale. In addition to killing over a million people, wounding and terrorizing millions more, the illegal war violates the U.S. Constitution, the UN Charter, the Nuremberg Principles, the Geneva Convention and International Humanitarian law.
U.S. troops were betrayed, exploited, lied to, conned and coerced into following unlawful orders to take part in oppressing, terrorizing and killing people who were never a threat, with over 4,000 troops getting killed in the process and thousands more wounded.
American extremists howl of "winning" by means of a Nazi-like victory through domination, however, the illegal war-occupation is a global crime and a crime cannot be won, it can only be stopped. The people and mentality that created and carried out the illegal war can never be the solution to the problems it has created.
It shouldn't be discussed whether ROTC had classes during the walkout. People should be asking if ROTC instructors are teaching cadets that it is their legal duty under the Uniform Code of Military Justice to refuse and challenge unlawful orders. Since the illegal war began, only one soldier has had the sense and courage to do his duty, Lieutenant Ehren Watada. The military is supposed to be politically neutral, but not legally neutral and almost all troops never read or understand the Constitution that they blindly swear to "Support and Defend Against ALL Enemies both Foreign And DOMESTIC".
Supporting the rule of law is not a left vs. right or Democrat vs. Republican issue; it's about doing what is ethically and legally right. On the other hand, the flag wavers who scream "freedom" are often the biggest enemies of the US Constitution, liberty and the rule of law. And any authority that violates the rule of law has no validity.
If students are going to make a positive impact on campus, they have to figure out what they stand for and then take on the sources of illegal war, ignorance, fascism, etc. along with apathy. If true "higher education" is rejected, abandoned or negligently blundered within a university, especially by those who have the most likelihood of being part of aforementioned crimes, then the international accusations of the USA being a rogue state runs to the heart of our country.
Chad Hetman is a Rutgers Alumni and US Army Infantry Veteran, Captain. He enlisted in the NJ National Guard and was commissioned as an officer through Rutgers ROTC program.
The above is Chad Hetman's "War vet commends Walk Out" (Daily Targum). [CORRECTION ADDED APRIL 7TH: Chad Hetman is not a war veteran and does not present himself as such. The paper made a mistake. Hetman is a US Army Veteran and the paper's headline should have noted that and not that he is a "War vet." Again, Hetman does not claim and has never claimed to be a war veteran. The paper made a mistake. He is attempting to get the paper to correct the error. This correction will be noted in the April 8th snapshot.] Billy noted the above and noted that Watada's remains at risk of another court-martial but "the press long ago stopped caring." That pretty much sums it up.
What Panhandle Media does care about is proving how stupid they can be. Chief among them, of course, is the non-stop joke that is The Nation. Randi Rhodes is suspended. Cedric and Wally have covered it humorously (here, here, here and here). Carolyn (Make Them Accountable) notes it here. Susan UnPC (No Quarter) notes it here. Taylor Marsh offers a roundup (including Geraldine Ferraro's remarks) here. VastLeft (Corrente) notes it here.
The Nation never turned a profit (and depended upon begging) until recently. Today, they aren't overly concerned that they've bled more subscribers in the last three years than ever before. To them, it's always just beg for more money.
So they're framing it as 'free speech.' It's not about free speech. Randi Rhodes went to San Francisco to an Air America Radio event and proceeded to call Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro "wh--es" (sometimes prefaced with the f-word). It's not about free speech.
Air America Radio does not and has never existed for free speech. AAR exists to elect Democrats. That's the reality. It is not left radio and they made that clear before they ever went on air. Their management has changed repeatedly, each time with another cry for money. They struggle more today than ever. Randi Rhode's 'free' speech does not trump the network. She knew full well what she was getting into all that time ago. And had no problem then because AAR had no greater Clintonista than Rhodes.
AAR was started to influence elections in the same way right-wing talk radio does. That has been the pitch repeatedly -- no matter who was in management -- when they ask for big money donations. In 2004, when they didn't think they were doing that well, they stated it couldn't go under before the election -- that was their appeal for big donations. 2004 was actually one of their stronger years in retrospect (and had they focused on the streaming model, they wouldn't have had half the problems they ended up having).
Rhodes is an Obama supporter as are most on air personalities at Air America Radio. That didn't bother AAR. Too much. As the complaints got louder -- as they should -- it was something new management was wondering about. (The Democratic Party is split between Hillary and Barack. How can a 'national' radio network aimed at Democrats afford to write off half the audience?)
What did bother AAR was Rhodes' trashy mouth. It bothers them because they still need big funding. It bothers them because it goes against the whole point of starting AAR. The nonsense Randi Rhodes offered could be heard from the likes of Rush, et al (though they may or may not have used the f-word). AAR was created to combat that nonsense. Now Rhodes serves it up.
It makes it that much harder for the struggling AAR to drum up funds. It is offensive, it is appalling. Again, AAR was never about "free speech." It was never a left network. Rachel Maddow is a little War Hawk who tilts slightly to the left. The anti-war voices left the weekday schedule long, long ago. (And were never that numerous to begin with.) AAR never attempted to empower listeners, it was always a pipeline for the Democratic Party. Rhodes had an outburst that seriously hurts AAR and that's why she was suspended.
Reality is that AAR and Rhodes need to part ways. The rumors circulating around Rhodes for the last few months are alarming. Her "I was assaulted!" followed by "I fell" nonsense alarmed many as they felt her troubles were going public. Her own studio (in Florida) was a must because people didn't want to be around her.
And here's the thing, they haven't seen anything yet. It is April of a presidential election year. Flashing back to 2004 gives them a good indication of where they are headed with Rhodes. It was Rhodes who bought into the tabloids (and right-wing cry) of "Protestors stay home!" It was Rhodes who used her program to scream and snarl that she didn't want people protesting the RNC convention in "my city." It was Rhodes who repeated all the frothing nonsense that anarchists were planning to descend upon NYC and destroy the city. She repeated it not for one day or even for one week. She devoted whole hours to that nonsense week after week.
There's also that Patti Smith issue which shocked the original management (and should have). Patti was in the studio to tape a show with Steve Earle. She didn't know Randi Rhodes. She hadn't agreed to go on Randi's program. As usual, Randi was playing boo-hoo city about how she couldn't get any guests. Poor Randi, poor Randi. Patti took pity on her and agreed to go on live with Randi as soon as her show started. That was Patti Smith doing a favor for Randi, a favor for someone she didn't even know.
They went on air. Rhodes spoke about Horses (Patti's rock classic) for a few minutes and then went to politics. Patti Smith is left. She's not kind of, she's not sort of. She's left. Rhodes wanted to know who Patti was supporting and Patti spoke favorably about Ralph Nader. Rhodes tore into her -- on air -- told her she was stupid, told her she didn't know her facts (in terms of facts stated on air, Patti knew what she was talking about, Rhodes didn't). She was screaming at Patti Smith and it was offensive to hear. Patti tried to be polite and offered that they could have a conversation but let her finish speaking. Rhodes wouldn't let her finish. Every time Rhodes came up for air and Patti started to speak, around the fourth word, Randi would begin screaming at her, hurling abuse at her.
Repeating, Patti didn't know Rhodes, she'd never met her before. Rhodes played her "No one ever comes on my show" pity trip and Patti agreed to go on air, live, with Rhodes. Her thanks for that was to be screamed at, shouted at, told she was "an idiot," made fun of, mocked and just abused non-stop.
Patti softly stated that if they weren't going to talk, she was going to end the interview. Rhodes continued screaming at her, blaming Patti for the 2000 election, on and on. Then Patti left and Rhodes continued her abuse. She informed listeners that Patti had just left and continued abusing Patti. She said you shouldn't come on her show if you don't know your facts. (Apparently Rhodes is the only one on that show who is permitted not to know the facts.) She ripped into Patti on and on. It was embarrassing. It was offensive. Upper management heard complaints non-stop from donors.
That's what's in store. Rhodes cannot censor herself. Rhodes has serious issues and AAR and she need to part ways because what happened is only going to get worse as the election looms closer.
Her 'free' speech is not worth the network going under. She wants to sink her own ship, that's her business. But AAR has teetered all along and since becoming Obama Central, they've had even more difficulty raising funds. They are losing listeners (which is why the NYC outlet now plays informercials during the day). They can't afford Randi Rhodes' nonsense. She attacked Hillary and Ferraro. It's unacceptable in AAR's planned model.
She thought she could get away with the nonsense. For her to get away with it puts AAR at risk. That's why she was suspended. Her past history indicates that as a presidential election gets closer, she only becomes more unhinged. The smartest thing to do is to cut her off. It's unnacceptable, it offends donors (I'm talking big money donors) and it offends the Democratic Party.
Trina notes this from Paul Krugman's "Voodoo Health Economcics" (New York Times) where Krugman's noting Elizabeth Edwards' remarks about the healthcare proposals by Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Barack Obama:
Indeed, while Mrs. Edwards focused her criticism on Mr. McCain, she also made it clear that she prefers Hillary Clinton's approach -- "Sen. Clinton's plan is a great plan" -- to Barack Obama's. The Clinton plan closely resembles the plan for universal coverage that John Edwards laid out more than a year ago. By contrast, Mr. Obama offers a watered-down plan that falls short of unviersality, and it would have higher costs per person covered.
Worse yet, Mr. Obama attacked his Democratic rivals' health plans using conservative talking points about choice and the evil of having the government tell you what to do. That's going to make it hard -- if he is the nominee -- to refute Mr. McCain when he makes similar arguments on behalf of such things as prviatizing veterans' care.
Marcus notes Howard Wolfson's "HUBdate: Ringing" (
Ringing: The campaign released a new 30-second television ad statewide across Pennsylvania. "Ringing" highlights Hillary’s readiness to be Commander-in-Chief of the economy on Day One. Sen. McCain "just said the government shouldn’t take any real action on the housing crisis. He’d let the phone keep ringing." Watch here.
Tonight on The Tonight Show: Hillary will appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Strong on the Economy: At yesterday’s jobs sum
Ringing: The campaign released a new 30-second television ad statewide across Pennsylvania. "Ringing" highlights Hillary's readiness to be Commander-in-Chief of the economy on Day One. Sen. McCain "just said the government shouldn’t take any real action on the housing crisis. He’d let the phone keep ringing." Watch here.
Strong on the Economy: At yesterday's jobs summit, Hillary outlined her insourcing agenda that provides $7 billion in tax incentives and investments for firms creating jobs in America. Read the plan here. Read more and more.
Big Change: USA Today’s "Clinton's goals for economy? Big change" details Hillary's plans for the economy given that "there is still time for policymakers to avert a lengthy and punishing downturn." Read more.
In Case You Missed It: Hillary appeared on CNBC’s "Mad Money with Jim Cramer." Watch here.
Swing State Lead: A new Quinnipiac poll shows Hillary beating McCain in key swing states. In Florida, she leads McCain 44-42 while Obama trails McCain by 9 points. In Ohio, Hillary leads McCain 48-39 while Obama is only ahead of McCain by 1. Read more.
For the Long Run: "Hang in there, Hillary...This Democratic presidential race is much too close - and you’d disappoint way too many people - if you let a bunch of party hacks and hand-wringers force you out now." Read more.
Active In The Tar Heel State: North Carolina For Hillary announced the grand opening of its state headquarters in Raleigh. Read more.
Previewing Today: Hillary hosts a "Hillary Live" fundraising event in Beverly Hills, CA.
A Tribute To Dr. King: On Friday, Hillary visits Memphis, TN to pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in remembrance of the 40th anniversary of his assassination. She released a video inviting her supporters to submit testimonials about the impact Dr. King's work has had on their lives. View here.
On Tap: Hillary will attend the North Dakota Democratic NPL State Convention in Grand Forks, ND on Friday and will be campaigning in Oregon on Saturday.
Added: Rhodes appeared at what was promoted by the local station as an AAR event; however, an e-mailer notes it was also a Barack event which means Obama needs to issue a statement since Rhodes was using her foul mouth to represent him.SOLD OUT: An Evening with Randi Rhodes (Obama supporter) (Meeting)
Come join other Bay Area Obama supporters for an evening with Air America host Randi Rhodes!
She was quieter in her support earlier in the primary season, but this week Randi Rhodes has been on fire with her passion for Obama (and disappointment/anger with his opponent). Today (3/7), she spent nearly her whole show urging people to get to Pennsylvania or to call Pennsylvania on behalf of Senator Obama.
Let's show her some Bay Area love and have a chance to get together socially as well. Spend your afternoon phonebanking and then join us (in Obamawear of course) for a great evening. Doors open at 5:30 pm, event is at 6:00 pm.
This event is $5 at the door, and you sign-up in advance via Green 960 radio station's website.
After the event, we can all head to a place in the neighborhood for drinks and organizing for winning Pennsylvania, the nomination and the White House.
Again, she was representing both. AAR has suspended her. Barack Obama's campaign needs to apologize. It was unacceptable behavior. Link goes to Obama site and thanks to the visitor who e-mailed to note that.
The e-mail address for this site is
ehren watada

A puppet can't learn new tricks
Interesting how muted Washington has been about the whole affair lately. Initially, the Bush Administration scrambled to put a positive spin on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ill-advised and ill-prepared government crackdown in the country's second largest city. Only after Iraqi security forces got a "thumpin" -- to put it in George W. Bush's vernacular -- and the prime minister, who had vowed to remain in Basra for a "decisive and final battle" against the militias, backed down after Iran brokered a cease-fire, did the administration start to disown the debacle.
Apparently so was the almost immediate need by the Iraqis for U.S. air support and other help as soon as the Basra crackdown commenced. But even after American and British troops moved in to mop up after faltering Iraqi forces, the fiasco still ended up with Shiite militants, led by an emboldened Muqtada al-Sadr, controlling Basra.
As Sadr called for a million people to converge on the Shiite holy city of Najaf in southern Iraq, he also warned the government of Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki to purge the security forces of members of the Badr Organization, the military wing of the rival Shiite Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, and of Sunni Baathists.
"Some entities in the Iraqi government are trying to put us between drawing swords and degradation," Sadr's statement said. "That is why I say as the Imam Hussein said, 'Never will we be subservient.' "
Maliki, back in Baghdad after a week of directing an Iraqi security forces offensive against Sadr's Mahdi Army militia in the southern port city of Basra, promised to "liberate" Sadr's strongholds of Sadr City and Shoala in the capital.
Abdel Kareem Khalaf, the Ministry of Interior spokesman, said from Basra that if Maliki's demand that Sadr's forces hand over their weapons to the Iraqi security forces by April 8 in exchange for cash isn't met, the weapons would be confiscated by force.
"I expect more crackdowns like this. We do not negotiate with outlaws," Maliki told a news conference in the capital's heavily fortified Green Zone.
"The coming days will witness more assaults as people are still in the control of gangs," he said, naming areas such as Shuala, Sadr City and Ameriyya in Baghdad as possible targets of military operations.
In a statement, Maliki said he would grant amnesty from prosecution to anyone who took part in clashes in southern Iraq and Baghdad last week if they handed in their guns.
The statement appeared to soften Maliki's position from Thursday, when at a news conference he threatened a crackdown on Sadr's strongholds in Baghdad.
Clearly, they have learned nothing -- the puppet or his handlers.
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz pegs the cost of the war at $3 trillion -- money that could have helped complete the war in Afghanistan; reduced our subsidies to terrorists while promoting energy independence; lessened global climate change; provided universal healthcare, and done so much more.
One of our congressional representatives, Jerrold Nadler, opposed the war and wants to cut off funds, but he has few allies and his Democratic leaders have been cowardly in going against Bush. The Democrats have aided and abetted Bush at every step of the war. Yet Congress has the power to stop funding the war.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I Hate The War
by Simon Assaf
The mass revolt that broke out across Iraq last week has exposed the hollow claim that the occupation has won a "strategic victory" in Iraq.
The Iraqi army launched an assault on Basra that claimed to be an effort to deal with the presence of "criminal gangs", but which was in reality an attempt to crush the popular resistance to occupation.
In an angry response to the army, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets.
The US and Britain had invested heavily in the belief that Iraqi troops could police the country on their behalf while they slowly draw down their own troops. George Bush declared the assault a "defining moment" for his "surge" strategy.
But many Iraqi soldiers and police refused to fight, while others retreated or defected to the rebels.
Now Britain's defence minister Des Browne has ripped up plans to cut the number of British troops in southern Iraq.
The revolt began when Iraq’s prime minister Nuri al-Maliki attempted to seize control of the oil rich city of Basra from the Mehdi Army, a popular nationalist movement led by rebel Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
The leader of Iraq’s main oil workers' union Hassan Juma relayed a message to Socialist Worker which explained how whenever Iraqi troops attempted to move into Basra’s poor neighbourhoods, they met determined resistance.
"The Iraqi army assault began with intense shelling and fire from all sorts of weapons," the message states.
"The heroic neighbourhood of Hayania prevented the puppet Iraqi army from entering the city."
British troops had been training Iraqi forces for the decisive showdown with the rebels who had driven the British out of the city six months ago. This strategy has now fallen apart.
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets in mass demonstrations – taking control of the southern cities of Nassiriya, Kut, Hilla, Diwaniya, Ammara, Kerbala and Shia Muslim neighbourhoods of Baghdad.
The Sunni Muslim resistance organisations also declared their support for the rebellion -- overcoming the crippling sectarian divisions that have plagued the country for the last two years.
In a statement the Association of Muslim Scholars, the mouthpiece for the predominantly Sunni resistance organisations, called for "all Iraqis to show unity and solidarity and prevent the threats against the people who oppose the occupation".
By last Saturday the assault on Basra had stalled, with a large part of the city under the control of the resistance. The occupation responded with ferocious attacks.
Coalition warplanes killed scores of people in the cities of Hit and Basra, while US troops fired artillery barrages into Baghdad’s poor neighbourhoods in a desperate attempt to cover the Iraqi army's rout.
Finally, with the Maliki government facing humiliation, Iraqi officials brokered a truce with the help of Iranian officials.
On Sunday the government offered to stop their raids and release some of the captured fighters if Sadr ordered an end to the revolt. The government dropped all demands that rebels hand over their weapons. Later that evening Sadr instructed his commanders to withdraw from the streets.
This latest uprising comes after Sadr ordered a ceasefire last August.
He argued that a key element of the US surge was to "disarm the militias" -- a thinly veiled threat against his movement -- and feared a direct confrontation would see a repeat of the murderous attacks by US warplanes on the densely crowded neighbourhoods already visited upon the country.
Although the truce has thrown a lifeline to a government that had staked its credibility on crushing the resistance, the uprising has revealed the depth of anger at the occupation.
Izzat al-Shahbander, a pro-occupation Iraqi MP, admitted to the Reuters news agency, "What has happened has weakened the government and shown the weakness of the state. Now the capability of the state to control Iraq is open to question.'"
This is not exactly the "decisive moment" that George Bush had hoped for.
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Thank you to Pru for reminding me (in the roundtable for the gina & krista round-robin tonight) that I never used her highlight Sunday. My apologies. She's substituted this one for Sunday's choice. This is talking entry. And we're going to address a few Iraq topics that are coming up in the e-mails to the public account.
There are two threads of thought from visitors: "You're supporting Moqtada al-Sadr!" and "Why won't you support Moqtada al-Sadr!" I don't know al-Sadr. I have no reason to support him or oppose him.
Since at least September, I have made the observation that a leader doesn't move away from the people especially when they feel they are under seige. That's basic revolution, rebellion and resistance in any Poli Sci class. You may not like it but it's neither an attack on al-Sadr nor an endorsement of him, just the way it works.
By not being in the Sadr City neighborhood of Baghdad when so many of his followers felt they were under assault, he was weaking his power position. Again, this is basic political theory. This wasn't a case of a revolutionary heading for the hills because they were under personal attack and threat. This was a case of his deciding to pursue his studies. If you feel the US occupation is making you and your neighbors a victim, then you're going to be very offended your leader is choosing not to be around. As a result of that, his hold was weakening.
The US government didn't have to do a thing (if their objective was to take away al-Sadr's power -- and that has been their stated objective). al-Sadr was throwing his leadership away all by himself. If you're house is being raided, you're really not in the mood to go to your mosque and hear an edict read from your leader who has decided to pursue other activities while you're left in the midst of the occupation. It breeds resenment and it leads to others asserting themselves as leaders.
Renewing the truce found al-Sadr residents going public with their complaints. Not surprising complaints and political theory would have told you those were coming. Ignoring the trouble brewing al-Sadr remained outside Baghdad. That only added to the resentments. (Think of the US being occupied and our leaders deciding to go elsewhere.)
The assault on Basra was a crime against humanity. But, in terms of basic theory, it was a huge mistake the moment it started because, with the US wanting to strip al-Sadr of his power, you don't create an opportunity for him to empower himself. al-Sadr, for whatever reason, elected to stand up as the assault was going on. The minute that happened, he had more power than he ever did before. Forget earlier times when he stood up. The Iraq War is over five years old and what Iraqis see is accommodation on the part of their 'leadership.' So al-Sadr standing up at that moment was heroic in the eyes of many.
That's why you saw the massive demonstrations take place. Basra revealed al-Maliki to be even more inept than most thought he was. (The assault was a war crime. That's not in dispute by me. I'm speaking of the messages sent worldwide and within Iraq by his actions throughout the war crimes.) His claims that he had won only made him a bigger joke.
I'm not aware of a large number of members of the US Congress who praise al-Maliki. Those objecting to comments quoted hear from hearings need to take that up with the Senator or Representative who uttered them.
In terms of the hearings this week. The point is for Congress to set down a framework within which the realities of Iraq can be measured. They didn't do that in September. It's why Operation Happy Talk was so successful. They also need to be doing their own research so that they're not just saying, "Well get back to me with that information." They need to be prepared to challenge and back up their challenges when Gen David Petraeus and US Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker testify.
That is what Joe Biden's hearings (yesterday and today) have been about and that is what US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's press conference was supposed to be about today.
An angry vistor writes that I ripped Pelosi apart for no reason and was gunning for her before the press conference. Actually, I assumed Pelosi would have her act together for this and that I wouldn't be offering any negative critique.
That she didn't was appalling. Her remarks (prepared) delivered were lackluster (in their delivery). Her spontaneous remarks were unneeded (and if you're going to dash in to say thank you or introduce one person, you do it for all). The Q&A was awful.
Rahm Emanuel doesn't usually get praise from me at this site (I honestly believe that was the first time I've praised him here) but he salvaged the Q&A. He couldn't save it because too much damage had been done. But he salvaged it. She should be very glad he rushed to the microphone when he did.
Pelosi's eyes darted everywhere and the simplest question (on topic) seemed to throw her. She would issue a statement and then try to backtrack (another sign that she was neither focused nor prepared). It was embarrassing.
This was hoped to be the moment of the morning that would shape the day's coverage. You can't wing that. She was ill prepared and it showed.
As noted in the snapshot, she early on noted that she was only going to discuss the topic at hand (as she should have). But right after saying that, she starts offering additional remarks. And she did that over and over. By the time everyone else had exited, she was gabbing about her trip to India. She was defocused.
She shouldn't have taken the question on a Senate proposal that had nothing to do with Iraq. What's being quoted is her backtracking. She made a statement and then she offered the quote apparently because she thought her initial refusal might appear harsh. The topic was Iraq. It's not harsh to say, "We're hear to talk about Iraq." It's not harsh to say, "I'll be happy to meet with you at another time for a discussion of other issues but this morning we are focusing on Iraq." It's not rude to call an end (someone should have) to the meandering Q&A by saying, "If no one else has a question regarding Iraq . . ."
Instead, she's meandering off about her trip to India. And the reporters faces during that was priceless.
As bad as that was, she then made it even worse.
The purpose was to create a framework for Iraq. Nothing else should detract from that. If the hottie of the week had said, "I want to stand next to Nancy," he should have been turned down because it would be "____ at press conference!" in the coverage. You do nothing to detract from Iraq. You give nothing but Iraq so that those at the press conference have the option of either ignoring it (as many did) or else writing about it.
You certainly do not take it to a water cooler topic. But Nancy Pelosi did just that. She wasn't asked her opinion on super delegates in the press conference. But suddenly, with a look of inspiration flashing across her face, she brings that up. As study after study has shown, the election is getting more attention than Iraq. The last topic she needed to go to was the election.
But she did. And she needs to be asking herself what the purpose of the press conference was and how she thinks she served that purpose.
This isn't All About Nancy. This is about, day after day, laying down a framework by which to evaluate the escalation. Pelosi blew it. And she wasn't even asked the question. She volunteered it, at the end, and it's what most reporters were talking about after. Naturally because it's a water cooler topic, one that lends itself easy to gas baggery.
You don't do that. Think of what's going on as promotion (if you're not grasping that purpose of laying down a framework). If you're promoting something, that's what you work. You work it over and over. You don't bring up other projects or products. You stick with what you're supposed to be promoting. You have no control over whether anyone will report on it. But if you introduce a new element (super delegates) into the proceedings, you are giving them every reason not to write about it and instead run with "Pelosi Weighs In On Super Delegates!"
It was a huge mistake. It was unprofessional, it was uncalled for, it was embarrassing and it was a slap in the face to all the members of Congress who are attempting to create an environment in which Iraq can be properly evaluated.
The illegal war needs to end and that's not going to come about by Nancy Pelosi talking about her trip to India or offering her opinion on the election. In terms of the Democratic Party itself, it is to its own interest that it be seen as trying to address Iraq. They disappointed a lot of voters after the 2006 election. They need to make it very clear that the war can end now if the White House wasn't stubborn. They need to do that for the 2008 elections.
So Pelosi failed Congress and she failed her own party.
Did she fail the country? I don't think so because I'm not expecting the illegal war to end this year. (It needs to but I don't think that's happening.) But considering all the work that so many others in Congress are doing, the only evaluation for her performance is failure.
Again, Rahm Emanuel salvaged the press conference. Had he stayed until the end, he might have salvaged her outburst (super delegates). But he's not Pelosi's minder. It's a sad thing that she needs one; however, after today, she probably shouldn't be doing press conferences if she can't do the intensive and extensive prep-work needed beforehand.
The hearing Joe Biden chaired today (Senate Foreign Affairs Committee) was an academic excercise and I'm not really sure it served the purpose all that well either. But it didn't undercut it. Yesterday's hearings were important. Congress was hearing from and weighing the importance of withdrawal.
One visitor e-mails that this was undercut with today's hearing that called for US occupation through 2012. That's your opinion but I didn't hear cries (from witnesses or Senators) that the US had to stay until 2012. It was more like a symposium on where Iraq might be in 2012. The witnesses were largely weak and too many had their own pet issues to push which is how you got predictions passed off as realities. (Again, one witness used "might" repeatedly. All should have followed his lead but some had pet issues to push and went with that instead of sticking to the topic.)
One feels it was unfair to dismiss one witness (my dismissal) and my reply to that is don't waste my time making me take notes if at the end of the hearing you're going to state that your opinion is now different and not elaborate on that. You've just taken the eraser to the chalkboard and there's really no point in including anything you said. (Equally true, nothing she said was of any value. Even before she chose to delete it.)
It was an academic exercise and not as focused as yesterday's hearings were. It did keep Iraq on the radar and, since that is the point of what Congress is currently doing, it was a success.
Pelosi was a failure. She failed at that aim because she couldn't stay focused on it and then she went to a "hot topic" (with no prompting from the press) that was most likely to be the pull quote from the entire press conference -- one that had NOTHING to do with Iraq. She failed. She was an embarrassment.
Jess and I discussed one visitor's e-mail and it'll be addressed in this entry. The visitor was offended that all the candidates are not mentioned and meant Cynthia McKinney. McKinney gets plenty of coverage at this and other sites. For what she's doing, she probably gets too much.
Ralph Nader actually gets less coverage than he's earned and that's due to the fact that he and Cynthia may end up in competition. He is not running for the Green Party's national endorsement; however, he may get the endorsement from some state Green Party's. (He may not.) But Nader is running more of a campaign than McKinney is at this point.
With some Dem candidates, such as Mike Gravel, they appeared to believe the press was supposed to come them. That the press was supposed to pick up the phone every time they filed a Democratic Party primary story. Gravel ran a bad campaign (hopefully he'll improve now that he's running for another party's nomination). You have to do something, anything, daily. You have to issue statements. It's not enough that you're running. Dennis Kucinich understood that and that's one reason he was so easy to cover when he was in the race. It was a rare weekday when his campaign didn't offer something. Go to Cynthia's website and you'll find weeks where one thing is offered. You'll find the week of the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War where they're offering up that she gave a speech on Venezuela. That's no way to run a campaign. Maybe someone thought it was "alternative programming"?
In fairness, the Green Party will decide their nominee via delegates since they don't have primaries or caucuses in every state. But in terms of creating daily excitement, her campaign's not doing that currently. Her supporters are excited. She'd make a wonderful nominee. But right now, she's really not offering anything online. And, as stated earlier, Nader's getting short changed here as a result. That's not going to continue. We won't wait for the McKinney campaign to have something to offer up before we can note Nader in the future.
If you're offended by that, take it up with the McKinney campaign and tell them they need to be a presence because right now they really aren't.
As everyone now knows, I don't like Dennis Kucinich as a presidential candidate and didn't before he declared. But he ran a campaign and he got noted, more so than any other Democratic candidate up until Iowa. It wasn't about my playing favorites. By the same token, Ralph Nader getting noted won't be about my playing favorites of him over Cynthia McKinney. Either would make a strong president. But one's running a campaign right now and the other's not. You can argue that McKinney's doing this or that. Well after the New York Times reports (last week) that even big dailys are not sending reporters on the campaign trail with Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Barack Obama (the cost is $2,000 a day to travel with Obama), candidates better grasp that they need to use their websites the same way they would a campaign office. Nader's site is far from perfect but there is an understanding that you don't ask people to fight for you every day and just offer them something once a week. Third Party candidates, shut out by the media, especially need to use their own outlets to regularly keep in touch with voters.
Cynthia McKinney may not be concerned with that. If so, it may be due to the fact that the party holds their convention in July and she's taking time to focus on other things. But it is a mistake because she has a large number of supporters (in this community and out of it) who are eager for information on a daily basis.
She is also a strong voice on Iraq and you really don't grasp that from a casual visit to her website. She has the record Barack wishes he did. That point should be stressed at her website over and over.
It's over, I'm done writing songs about love
There's a war going on
So I'm holding my gun with a strap and a glove
And I'm writing a song about war
And it goesNa na na na na na na
I hate the war
Na na na na na na na
I hate the war
Na na na na na na na
I hate the war
Oh oh oh oh
-- "I Hate The War" (written by Greg Goldberg, on The Ballet's Mattachine!)
Last Thursday, ICCC's number of US troops killed in Iraq since the start of the illegal war was 4004. Tonight? 4013. Just Foreign Policy lists 1,196,514 up from 1,193,619 as the number of Iraqis killed since the start of the Iraq War.
Congress isn't trying to end the illegal war this week, they are trying to set up criteria by which to judge events in Iraq. Nancy Pelosi offering her views on super delegates isn't helping anyone. She needs to stop pimping her candidate and start doing her doing damn job. She's Speaker of the House, not the director of the Obama Campaign. If Obama's campaign is taxing her so much, she might need to step down (a question she took with regards to others and the cost for new elections). If she's not prepared to be Speaker of the House all this time later, she needs to step down. She pulls another stunt like today, Democrats need to call for her to step down. She pushed her candidate, she pushed her trip to India. That wasn't the issue Dems were supposed to be focusing in the press conference.
And her defocusing brings the illegal war no closer to an end.
The e-mail address for this site is
i hate the war
the ballet
simon assaf
Iraq snapshot
There is a growing movement of resistance within the US military which includes Matt Mishler, Josh Randall, Robby Keller, Justiniano Rodrigues, Chuck Wiley, James Stepp, Rodney Watson, Michael Espinal, Matthew Lowell, Derek Hess, Diedra Cobb, Brad McCall, Justin Cliburn, Timothy Richard, Robert Weiss, Phil McDowell, Steve Yoczik, Ross Spears, Peter Brown, Bethany "Skylar" James, Zamesha Dominique, Chrisopther Scott Magaoay, Jared Hood, James Burmeister, Eli Israel, Joshua Key, Ehren Watada, Terri Johnson, Clara Gomez, Luke Kamunen, Leif Kamunen, Leo Kamunen, Camilo Mejia, Kimberly Rivera, Dean Walcott, Linjamin Mull, Agustin Aguayo, Justin Colby, Marc Train, Abdullah Webster, Robert Zabala, Darrell Anderson, Kyle Snyder, Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman, Kevin Lee, Mark Wilkerson, Patrick Hart, Ricky Clousing, Ivan Brobeck, Aidan Delgado, Pablo Paredes, Carl Webb, Stephen Funk, Blake LeMoine, Clifton Hicks, David Sanders, Dan Felushko, Brandon Hughey, Logan Laituri, Clifford Cornell, Joshua Despain, Joshua Casteel, Katherine Jashinski, Dale Bartell, Chris Teske, Matt Lowell, Jimmy Massey, Chris Capps, Tim Richard, Hart Viges, Michael Blake, Christopher Mogwai, Christian Kjar, Kyle Huwer, Wilfredo Torres, Michael Sudbury, Ghanim Khalil, Vincent La Volpa, DeShawn Reed and Kevin Benderman. In total, at least fifty US war resisters in Canada have applied for asylum.
Information on war resistance within the military can be found at The Objector, The G.I. Rights Hotline [(877) 447-4487], Iraq Veterans Against the War and the War Resisters Support Campaign. Courage to Resist offers information on all public war resisters. Tom Joad maintains a list of known war resisters. In addition, VETWOW is an organization that assists those suffering from MST (Military Sexual Trauma).
In a rapid assessment International Medical Corps (IMC) found that living conditions of Iraqis deteriorated under the multi-day curfews in almost all aspects. In telephone interviews people were asked to comment on their economic situation and their physical and mental well-being.
"The curfews show how vulnerable Iraqis are to any further disruptions in their lives," says Agron Ferati, International Medical Corps country director in Iraq. "Over the last days we have seen how the everyday problems in the lives of ordinary Iraqis can quickly reach crisis proportions."
A large number of respondents (75%) were either unemployed or support their families as day laborers. Although most said they are used to stockpiling supplies, people with a low or irregular income said they would run out of food if the curfew would continued.
International Medical Corps also found large gaps in the health care sector. More than half of those respondents who needed medical assistance during the curfew said they had difficulties finding help, and a quarter could not get access to a health facility at all.
Hospitals experienced shortages in medical supplies and were short-staffed during the curfew while the caseload of patients with serious injuries increased. Medical personnel could not reach hospitals and the referral system broke down due to the overall restriction in movement.
In response to the crisis International Medical Corps is providing assistance to 2,000 families in Sadr City, a poor district in Baghdad, where fighting was especially fierce and citizens were cut off from assistance during the curfew. IMC is distributing one month's worth of food to the families -- including rice, cooking oil, sugar, beans, and flour - and is also delivering 100,000 liters of water in Sadr City.
To avoid further disruptions in critical care three hospitals are receiving medication and supplies from International Medical Corps that will help them to better cope during curfews and administer life-saving care to patients.
The insecurity and resulting curfews exacerbated existing worries and led to increased tension among family members. The vast majority of people interviewed for the survey said that the situation had made them feel hopeless, restless, and worthless.
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