Saturday, January 20, 2024

Biden gets pranked by Netanyahu yet again

War Criminal and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains in the news.  AP reports:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that he “will not compromise on full Israeli control” over Gaza and that “this is contrary to a Palestinian state,” rejecting U.S. President Joe Biden’s suggestion that creative solutions could bridge wide gaps between the leaders' views on Palestinian statehood.

In a sign of the pressures Netanyahu’s government faces at home, thousands of Israelis protested in Tel Aviv calling for new elections, and others demonstrated outside the prime minister’s house, joining families of the more than 100 remaining hostages held by Hamas and other militants. They fear that Israel's military activity further endangers hostages' lives.

Emma Graham-Harrison and Toby Helm (GUARDIAN adds, "Over the weekend, Netanyahu sparred publicly – if indirectly – with US President Joe Biden, who for months has offered Israel almost unconditional support for its war in Gaza, at considerable political cost to his own administration, both in America and beyond."  Poor Joe, getting played for a fool by a crook like Netanyahu.  NBC NEWS notes, "President Joe Biden attempted to downplay Netanyahu's opposition to a Palestinian state. When asked if a two-state solution is impossible with Netanyahu in office, Biden said, 'No, it is not,' adding that he believes the Israeli prime minister could change his mind."  Does he sound like an optimist or like a fool?  Speaking of fools, Olivia Rosane (COMMON DREAMS) types, "Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders said on Saturday that the U.S. must stop providing military aid to Israel for its war on Gaza now that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated his opposition to a Palestinian state."  I'm sorry, after 2016's Democratic Party primary and after the 2020 one as well, are we still expecting Bernie to find a spine and stand up consistently? Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "The latest remarks from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on January 18 suggest that the license also extends to ensuring that Palestinians will never be permitted a sovereign homeland, that they will be, in a perverse biblical echo, kept in a form of bondage, downtrodden, oppressed and, given what happened on October 7 last year, suppressed.  This is to ensure that, whatever the grievance, that they never err, never threaten, and never cause grief to the Israeli State.  To that end, it is axiomatic that their political authorities are kept incipient, inchoate, corrupt and permanently on life support, the tolerated beggars and charity seekers of the Middle East."

The world was already rightly in an uproar over the lack of a cease-fire, Netanyahu's statements are only making things worse.  Phyllis Bennis (IN THESE TIMES) notes:

As Washington continues to help arm and finance the Israeli government’s genocidal assault on Gaza, White House rhetoric has increasingly centered on preventing the war from expanding across the region. But the Biden administration’s actions in Yemen and the Red Sea are having exactly the opposite effect.

Beginning shortly after the Israeli assault on Gaza started in early October, Houthi militants from Yemen launched a series of attacks on commercial ships, some of them connected to the Israeli economy, in the shipping lanes in and around the Red Sea. The militants announced that their attacks were conducted to support the people of Gaza, and would continue until a cease-fire was put in place. While relatively little damage was done, the threat was taken very seriously, and shipping and insurance companies began re-routing large container ships away from the Red Sea to a longer route around Africa — adding significant time and cost to global shipping. This re-routing has the potential to cause serious problems in countries around the world that depend on global shipping lanes for export and import of everything from crude oil to children’s toys. 

The day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the United States sent an entire aircraft carrier group to the region that was soon joined by two other destroyers and a 10-country armada of additional warships. On Dec. 31, the U.S. used helicopter gunships to sink Houthi attack boats in the Red Sea, killing 10 Houthi fighters. Less than two weeks later, on Jan. 12, the United States, backed by the UK, attacked 28 sites inside Yemen, killing at least 5 Houthi fighters and injuring 6 — the strike included Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from a ballistic missile submarine. And early on Jan. 16, Washington launched another cruise missile attack inside Yemen, allegedly targeting Houthi anti-ship missiles. Overall, violence is rapidly escalating across the already tense and highly militarized region. 

It is spreading and the White House needs to face that and to admit that.  We said here months ago that Joe Biden's actions were painting a target on the backs of US service members in Iraq.  Justine McDaniel and Susannah George (WASHINGTON POST) report:

American forces are assessing the damage from a Saturday evening attack on an air base in western Iraq, according to U.S. Central Command, which said air defenses intercepted “most” of the missiles and rockets launched by Iranian-backed militants.

“A number” of U.S. personnel were being evaluated for traumatic brain injuries, and at least one Iraqi service member was wounded by the missiles that reached Ain al-Asad Air Base, Centcom said on X.

CNN’s Oren Liebermann and Hamdi Alkhshali add, "The US and coalition forces have come under attack more than 140 times in Iraq and Syria since then, as Iranian-backed Shia militias have launched repeated drone and rockets. The use of more powerful ballistic missiles -- far rarer than rockets or one-way attack drones -- comes at a time of increased tension in the region as the war passes 100 days."

Gaza remains under assault.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  Friday, United Nations Women noted, "Since 7 October 2023, more than 24,620 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip, 70 per cent of whom were women or children. More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."    ALJAZEERA notes, "The number of Palestinians killed since the start of Israel’s attacks on October 7 has risen to 24,285, Gaza’s health ministry says. At least 61,154 others have been wounded."   In addition to the dead and the injured, there are the missing.  AP notes, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  And the area itself?  Isabele Debre (AP) reveals, "Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells."  Kieron Monks (I NEWS) reports, "More than 40 per cent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, according to a new study of satellite imagery by US researchers Jamon Van Den Hoek from Oregon State University and Corey Scher at the City University of New York. The UN gave a figure of 45 per cent of housing destroyed or damaged across the strip in less than six weeks. The rate of destruction is among the highest of any conflict since the Second World War."  Max Butterworth (NBC NEWS) adds, "Satellite images captured by Maxar Technologies on Sunday reveal three of the main hospitals in Gaza from above, surrounded by the rubble of destroyed buildings after weeks of intense bombing in the region by Israeli forces."

Heidi Pérez-Moreno, Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff and Sufian Taha (WASHINGTON POST) report, "A Palestinian American teenager was fatally shot in the head in the West Bank, a family member told The Washington Post on Saturday. Tawfic Hafeth Abdel Jabbar, a 17-year-old who grew up in the New Orleans area, was killed Friday, according to his relative Hakam Al Zabin."

The European Union’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said Friday that Israel created and financed Hamas in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority led by the Fatah party. 

“Hamas was funded by the Israeli government to try to weaken the Palestinian Authority, Fatah,” the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said in a speech at the University of Valladolid in Spain. 

"We believe that a two-state solution [Israeli and Palestinian] must be imposed from the outside to bring peace back, even if, and I insist, Israel reaffirms its refusal [of this solution], and to prevent it they have gone so far as to create Hamas itself," Borrell said. 

The following sites updated:

The Joan Crawford film you CAN’T see until 2025!


Gaza residents told to flee or be shot: Israeli forces push refugees out of school

DIANA ROSS Mirror Mirror- Tonight Show


Didn't work

I've warned here repeatedly that I'm not  nice person.  To the person whose laptop I just infected, I don't feel sorry for you.  Don't know when you'll see this (maybe when it posts, you'll see it on your phone).

Most of the time when idiots try to hack me, I just ignore it.  I close the laptop I'm using and go to another one or to my PC.  I'm not feeling good -- as I noted in yesterday's snapshot.  And I'm just not in the mood for you today.

I don't know if you work for the Israeli government -- as a contractor maybe -- but if you do, they should pay for your destroyed laptop.  If you're just acting on your own and don't have the money for a new laptop, don't try to hack into someone's computer.

I do know your name and I do know what city in Israel you're located at.  I'm not in the mood to play.

You picked the wrong one.

Long before you were born, I was in college.  One of my many jobs was being over the then-new computer system.  You picked old school to f**k with and it didn't work out good for you.  Another day, I probably would have left you alone.  But take a lesson that when you try to hack someone, you don't know what experience they have.  You underestimated me.  

Whatever it is you think you can do with a computer, there are always going to be people who can do more than you.

I have no idea why you chose to target me (I'm assuming because of our defense of Palestinians) but you picked the wrong one.  A smart person would learn from that -- but nothing you did in the last hour indicates you're particularly smart -- or, for that matter, educated when it comes to computer skills.

For community members, I'm going to go take a shower to calm down because I really am enraged.  After that, I'll work on getting some more stuff up here.

The e-mail address for this site is

Melissa Etheridge - I'm The Only One (Official Music Video)

If you're using closed captioning for this video, please note the lyrics are all wrong. The song Melissa's performing is "I'm The Only One." The lyrics showing are for Melissa's "Come To My Window."

Conscientious Objector/Israeli Agents - Ralph Nader Radio Hour Episode 515


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TO LOVE SOMEBODY by Janis Joplin

Uvalde Police's Cowardice Way Worse Than Reported

Tori Amos - Cars and Guitars (Live)

This Album Still Blows Me Away (LITTLE EARTHQUAKES)


It's Your Move

ICYMI: While Senate Democrats Shine a Spotlight on Abortion Bans, Congressional Republicans Clamor to Rip Away Abortion Rights

ICYMI: While Senate Democrats Shine a Spotlight on Abortion Bans, Congressional Republicans Clamor to Rip Away Abortion Rights

The Guardian: Democrats condemn ‘cruel’ abortion bans ahead of 51st anniversary of Roe // Politico: ‘Disappointed and upset’: Conservatives bemoan lack of anti-abortion wins in funding fight

Senators Murray, Schumer, Stabenow, Klobuchar, Baldwin, Warren, Cortez Masto Host Abortion Rights Briefing Ahead of Roe v. Wade Anniversary: “We Will Not Let Anyone Turn Away” — MORE HERE

***VIDEO HERE of full briefing, PHOTOS HERE***

Washington, D.C. – ICYMI, Senate Democrats, led by U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), held a briefing on the State of Abortion Rights nationwide this week ahead of the Roe v. Wade anniversary on Monday. At the briefing, 19 Senate Democrats heard from and asked questions of panelists Dr. Austin Dennard, a Texas OB/GYN and patient plaintiff in the Zurawski v. Texas case who recounted through tears her heartbreaking story of being forced to leave her state for abortion care after receiving a fatal fetal diagnosis that threatened her health; Jessica Valenti, founder of the comprehensive daily newsletter Abortion, Every Day that tracks anything and everything happening with abortion; and Dr. Serina Floyd, Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC and a fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health.

As Democrats mark the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling with what NBC characterized as an “all-out reproductive freedom campaign,”  House Republicans are fuming at their failure to enact new anti-abortion restrictions in federal funding bills; with Politico noting: “the state of play is vexing Congress’ anti-abortion stalwarts and influential outside groups, many of whom [Speaker] Johnson is set to face Friday as he addresses the March for Life rally in Washington, the largest annual anti-abortion event in the country.”

The State of Abortion Rights briefing Murray hosted—with Leader Schumer and Senators Debbie Stabenow, Amy Klobuchar, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, and Catherine Cortez Masto as co-hosts—was a powerful opportunity for senators to hear from panelists whose lives were turned upside-down by Republicans’ cruel abortion bans and who are on the frontlines of writing about and responding to the horrific fallout from the Dobbs decision nationwide. Panelists discussed with senators the exodus of OB/GYNS from states where abortion is banned, how “exceptions” to abortion bans exist in name only, the deceptive strategies of the anti-abortion movement and how most Americans support abortion rights, and much more. Senator Murray made clear that Democrats will continue using every tool at their disposal to shine a light on the awful realities the Dobbs decision created and relentlessly make the case for restoring and expanding abortion access nationwide. As Senate Appropriations Committee Chair, Murray has repeatedly made clear that abortion is “a fundamental right that we will not budge on,” recently reiterating that “under no circumstances are we going to enact new restrictions on abortion in our spending bills like House Republicans have done in theirs.”

Here’s what the media is saying:

The Guardian: Democrats condemn ‘cruel’ abortion bans ahead of 51st anniversary of Roe: Experts at the briefing described Republican-backed abortion bans across the country as “cruel”, “extreme” and causing untold “suffering” for American women, thousands of whom are forced to travel across state lines for abortions or be forced to remain pregnant. “Senate Democrats will not let anyone turn away from the devastation Republicans have caused,” said Senator Patty Murray, a Washington state Democrat. “And we will not stop pushing to restore the federal right to abortion.”

Jezebel: Doctors Say Patients Are Scared to Ask Basic Pregnancy Questions in Chilling Senate Briefing: The senate briefing delved into a range of extreme conditions that abortion bans have inflicted on patients and providers, from a child rape victim in Ohio forced to travel to Indiana for abortion care, to people with nonviable fetuses (including at least one case of a young Texan woman whose fetus lacked a head) being denied abortions. “Why would anyone want to deliberately create a world where women are forced to be walking coffins?” Valenti said. “It is inexplicable, until you understand that this has nothing to do with families or babies, but enforcing a worldview that says it’s women’s job to be pregnant and to stay pregnant, no matter what the cost or consequence. Despite these increasingly common realities, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) claimed Republican lawmakers are trying to dodge the consequences of their laws with “spin, or rebranding, or by sticking their heads in the sand.” But “this isn’t a PR problem for women,” she said, “it is a living hell, and a personal nightmare.”

States Newsroom: Members of U.S. Senate, advocates discuss problems in states that limit abortion access: Abortion rights advocates and Democrats in the U.S. Senate pressed for a return to legal, safe access throughout the country during a briefing Wednesday. The nearly three-hour conversation, held in the Capitol Visitors Center, featured doctors speaking about the challenges they and their patients face in states that have implemented restrictions on abortion since the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion. “As an OB-GYN I know firsthand that everyone’s reason for needing an abortion is valid and personal,” said Dr. Austin Dennard, a Texas physician who is one of the women suing the state over its abortion laws. “Even planned, prayed-for pregnancies can end in abortion.”

NBC News: After several successful state efforts to codify abortion access, Democrats are marking the 51st anniversary of the defunct Roe v. Wade ruling with an all-out reproductive freedom campaign — in an election year when abortion rights could once again help determine the balance of power in Washington. Senate Democrats held a briefing on abortion access Wednesday focusing on the impact of state abortion bans. More than half of the Democratic caucus, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, heard from and questioned medical professionals and experts.

MSNBC interview with Senator Stabenow: Deadline: White House with Alicia Menendez

Listening today, I kept thinking—is it 2024 or 1824? I mean, it’s just unbelievable. that’s why the Democratic women of the Senate, led by Senator Murray, hosted this briefing. We had Democratic colleagues there, all of whom who care deeply… the reality is what we heard over and over again is that this is strategic, they have been planning for it for 50 years. They’re now trying to hide the data on infant mortality and what is happening to women, and it’s incredibly serious. It’s all hands on deck right now.

MSNBC interview with Senator Baldwin: The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

This was obviously a moving experience today, to listen to these stories from around America of what Donald Trump, and the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has done. [Baldwin:] Without question. Dr. Dennard was sharing her account, and it just reminds us of the dire reality in a post-Roe America. During this briefing, we were reminded by other witnesses about the situation across this country—a doctor from Washington, DC talked about a woman who had just accumulated the bus fare she needed to come up from the South to get care, she had no money left for a hotel, stayed a homeless shelter, got food from a food pantry so that she could receive the care she needed. In Wisconsin, we fell back to a law that was passed in 1849—a criminal abortion ban—and those same dire stories have happened across the state of Wisconsin for the 15 months since Dobbs was decided and Roe fell.

MSNBC interview with Senator Warren, Alex Wagner Tonight (4:00)

Democrats in the Senate today held a briefing on the state of abortion rights, where victims described the painful consequences of Republican restrictions on abortion. [Dr. Dennard:] A routine ultrasound showed devastating news. the brain and skull had not formed… and I remember looking at the ultrasound screen in complete disbelief. I can’t believe I need another abortion, I thought. We have to flee the state. Because of Texas’ new laws we were afraid to use a credit card or tell people where we were going. It was absolutely humiliating, and I felt physically and emotionally broken.

Alice Ollstein, Politico: Senate Dems are holding an event this morning to spotlight the impact of state abortion bans. An OBGYN from Texas is speaking first, through tears, about having to leave the state to terminate her own pregnancy after receiving a fatal diagnosis of anencephaly.

Kate Santaliz, NBC: Senate Dems are hosting a briefing on the state of abortion rights this morning to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. “Democrats cannot and will not accept this status quo. We will never stop fighting,” Leader Schumer said.

Here’s what advocates are saying:

Planned Parenthood: Senate Democrats Put the Spotlight on Abortion Rights Fight While Anti-Abortion House Republicans Continue Their Attacks: Yesterday was a “tale of two cities” on Capitol Hill: The U.S. House anti-abortion majority continued their attacks on abortion while Senate Democrats made protecting abortion rights a priority. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), alongside Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), and more hosted a briefing on the state of abortion rights to highlight the widespread harm of abortion bans and restrictions, and centered the voices and experiences of providers and advocates.

Reproductive Freedom for All: Thank you Sen. @PattyMurray for your tireless leadership. Ahead of what would have been Roe’s 51st anniversary, we can’t ignore the damage anti-abortion policies are causing.

Center for Reproductive Rights: Our client, Dr. Austin Dennard, told her story to Senate Democrats at a hearing on the state of US abortion rights. And she made one thing clear: Everyone deserves access to the health care that’s right for them without fear of punishment.

Physicians for Reproductive Health: We’re so proud of Dr. Floyd for speaking up and sharing her expertise & experience as an abortion provider at today’s briefing. ⚡️HIGHLIGHTS⚡️“Abortion is essential care. I can say without hesitation that I have saved people’s lives with this work.” – Dr. Floyd

Jessica Valenti of Abortion, Every Day: Today, I had the privilege of speaking on abortion rights in a briefing to Senate Democrats in Washington, DC. The first time I came to DC was in 1992. I was 13 years old, and my mother brought me here for the pro-choice March for Women’s Lives. Today I was joined by my 13 year old daughter. It’s her first time in Washington. Yet somehow, she’s here with less rights than I had thirty two years ago. And I think we should be ashamed of that. My deepest hope is that she doesn’t need to follow in the steps of her mother and grandmother, and come here decades from now to defend her daughter’s humanity.

Here’s what senators are saying:

Senator Schumer: Today, ahead of the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Senate Democrats heard from witnesses at the forefront of fighting for abortion access. MAGA Republicans are still pushing for a national abortion ban. Democrats will never relent in fighting for a woman’s right to choose. [+ full remarks HERE]

Senator Stabenow: 2 years ago, the Supreme Court ripped away the fundamental freedom to make our own reproductive health care decisions. Michiganders made their voices heard in the 2022 election to restore this freedom in our state constitution. That goes away if there is a national abortion ban.

Senator Baldwin: After hearing the heart-wrenching consequences of women who had the freedom to control their bodies stripped away, the answer couldn’t be clearer: The time to restore abortion rights is NOW.

Senator Warren: @JessicaValenti is right: Republicans are going for an all out ban on abortions. @SenateDems are going to keep fighting back to protect reproductive freedom.

Senator Cortez Masto: As we approach the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’m joining @PattyMurray this morning for an abortion rights briefing. While anti-choice politicians want a total abortion ban, @SenateDems will never stop fighting for women’s reproductive rights. [+ press release HERE]

Senator Heinrich: Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, New Mexico has been a safe haven for abortion access. Today I talked with health care providers on why we must improve the health care infrastructure of states like New Mexico in order to protect women’s freedom to choose.

Senator Cantwell: “Washington, next door to Idaho—we’re the island of any kind of relief. So, it’s not surprising to see that we’ve seen a 56% increase in the amount of patients coming to Planned Parenthood clinics from Idaho over the last year…We have to have a federal law to protect people.

Senator Rosen: Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, anti-choice attacks on reproductive care have been relentless. If extreme politicians get their way & pass a nationwide abortion ban, it will only get worse. This is why we must restore federal protections for reproductive rights. [+ press release HERE]

Senator Smith: Dr. Dennard is a profile in courage for coming to Washington to share her story of what it’s like to live under a Texas abortion ban – not just as an OBGYN, but as a patient. This is the reality of an America that doesn’t recognize women’s reproductive freedom.

Senator Welch: Our U.S. Supreme Court has totally failed us. In the name of ‘state rights,’ they have taken away freedom and caused distress and uncertainty for women across the country…On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade I’m continuing to call on Congress to pass legislation that will restore, protect and expand access to abortion and reproductive care nationwide.”

Senator Whitehouse: Even in Rhode Island where abortion care is protected, OB/GYNs are seeing the ripple effect of extreme bans. I’m thankful to the women of @SenateDems for hosting today’s briefing and for keeping up the drumbeat on passing the Women’s Health Protection Act.


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Friday, January 19, 2024

We Charge Genocide: Ending US Complicity in the Destruction of Gaza (Special Friday PSA)

SHOCKING Obama-Era Report About Biden And Netanyahu

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Iraq snapshot

Friday, January 19, 2024.  Jeffrey St. Clair provides context (the thing that always escapes Glenneth's propaganda), Iraq's prime minister says US troops need to leave Iraq,  the slaughter in Gaza continues, Israel's War Criminal and prime minister makes clear Palestinians are not wanted, and much more.

Let's start with Jeffrey St. Clair's "Roaming Charges: It’s in the Bag:"

+ Only 14% of registered Republicans (99% of whom are white) turned out to vote in the Iowa caucuses. Trump captured 51% of them or a little more than 7% of the state’s Republicans. Yet, some, like Glenn Greenwald are interpreting this as a massive rebuke of the NatSec/deep police state…

+ Yet, only 11% of the 100,000 Iowa GOP voters even cited “foreign policy” as their top issue, while 40% want a harsh crackdown on immigrants and presumably support Trump’s vow to bomb Mexico. Iowa isn’t a border state, though even some of its voters (& GG) may not realize this.

+ None of Iowa’s arch-conservative cohort of voters seems to have cited the threat of gays, trans people or “dirty” books in the library as among their most pressing concerns.

Over and over, if you know the facts, Glenneth Greenwald's analysis is never impressive.  He never knows what he's talking about.  

Before we get to Gaza, let's also note Jeffrey on Junior;

+ RFK, Jr.’s MLK Day message was a defense of the FBI’s wiretapping of the civil rights leader: “My father gave permission to Hoover to wiretap them so he could prove that his suspicions about King were either right or wrong. I think, politically, they had to do it.” Who’s still supporting this reprobate?

Ruth's already covered this topic in "Who killed RFK Junior's repuation?" but a friend at ESSENCE asked me to note Rayna Reid Rayford's (ESSENCE) report:

IAtlanta on Saturday evening, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.hosted a “roundtable with Black women to discuss pressing issues impacting the Black community.” A day later, on the eve of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, Kennedy defended his family's surveillance of the civil rights icon, saying there was "good reason" to wiretap King.

Robert F. Kennedy served as the Attorney General while his brother, John F. Kennedy, presided in the White House. As AG, Robert Kennedy authorized J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI to surveil King and other leaders of the Black freedom struggle in the 1960s.

"In the following months, Hoover deployed agents to find subversive material on King, and Robert Kennedy authorized wiretaps on King’s home and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) offices in October 1963," as Stanford University reports.

“There was good reason for them doing that at the time,” Kennedy, Jr. told POLITICO on Sunday, “because J. Edgar Hoover was out to destroy Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement and Hoover said to them that Martin Luther King’s chief was a communist."

Kennedy's remarks to POLITICO followed an evening where the Independent candidate was joined by a group of Black women panelists– political spokesperson Angela Stanton King, WNBA forward Angel McCoughtry, reality star Alexia Adams, influencer Tatiana Davenport, and on-air personality Shay McCray– for a roundtable to court the Black vote. The roundtable was moderated by Christal Jordan, an Atlanta-based author and journalist, served as the moderator.

He's gone  around insisting that we need to be protected from government surveillance -- that's been one of his key talking points in this campaign -- because he's just a liar.  He's against -- as we all should be -- except when he's not.

In the video below Kyle nails how embarrassing Junior and his daddy fixation is for "a grown ass man" -- a 70-year-old man.

In the video below, Junior expounds on this theme and looks fetching in his oversize sweater.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began monitoring Martin Luther King, Jr., in December 1955, during his involvement with the Montgomery bus boycott, and engaged in covert operations against him throughout the 1960s. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was personally hostile toward King, believing that the civil rights leader was influenced by Communists. This animosity increased after April 1964, when King called the FBI “completely ineffectual in resolving the continued mayhem and brutality inflicted upon the Negro in the deep South” (King, 23 April 1964). Under the FBI’s domestic counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) King was subjected to various kinds of FBI surveillance that produced alleged evidence of extramarital affairs, though no evidence of Communist influence.

The FBI was created in 1909 as the Justice Department’s unit to investigate federal crimes. Hoover became FBI director in 1924 and served until his death in 1972. Throughout the 1930s the FBI’s role expanded when President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked the FBI to research “subversives” in the United States, and Congress passed a series of laws increasing the types of federal crimes falling under the FBI’s jurisdiction. During World War II, the FBI was further authorized to investigate threats to national security. This loosely defined mission formed the heading under which the FBI began to investigate the civil rights movement.

The FBI initially monitored King under its Racial Matters Program, which focused on individuals and organizations involved in racial politics. Although the FBI raised concerns as early as March 1956, that King was associating with card-carrying members of the Communist Party, King’s alleged ties with communism did not become the focus of FBI investigations under the existing Communist Infiltration Program, designed to investigate groups and individuals subject to Communist infiltration, until 1962. In February 1962, Hoover told Attorney General Robert Kennedy that Stanley Levison, one of King’s closest advisors, was “a secret member of the Communist Party” (Hoover, 14 February 1962). In the following months, Hoover deployed agents to find subversive material on King, and Robert Kennedy authorized wiretaps on King’s home and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) offices in October 1963.

Hoover responded to King’s criticisms of the Bureau’s performance in civil rights cases by announcing at a press conference in November 1964, that King was the “most notorious liar in the country” (Herbers, “Dr. King Rebuts Hoover”). Surprised by the accusation, King replied that he could only have sympathy for Hoover as he must be “under extreme pressure” to make such a statement (Herbers, “Dr. King Rebuts Hoover”). King asked an intermediary to set up a meeting between himself and Hoover to understand what had led to the comment. Andrew Young, a King aide who was present at the meeting, recalled that there was “not even an attitude of hostility” between the two, but at about this same time, the FBI anonymously sent King a compromising tape recording of him carousing in a Washington, D.C., hotel room, along with an anonymous letter that SCLC staff interpreted as encouraging King to commit suicide to avoid public embarrassment (Senate Select Committee, 167).

Hoover continued to approve investigations of King and covert operations to discredit King’s standing among financial supporters, church leaders, government officials, and the media. When King condemned the Vietnam War in a speech at Riverside Church on 4 April 1967, the FBI “interpreted this position as proof he ‘has been influenced by Communist advisers’” and stepped up their covert operations against him (Senate Select Committee, 180). The FBI considered initiating another formal COINTELPRO against King and fellow anti-war activist Dr. Benjamin Spock in 1967, when the two were rumored to be contemplating a run for the presidency, but ruled it out on the grounds that such a program would be more effective after the pair had officially announced their candidacy.

In August 1967, the FBI created a COINTELPRO against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” which targeted SCLC, King, and other civil rights leaders. King was identified as a target because the FBI believed that he could become a “messiah” who could unify black nationalists “should he abandon his supposed ‘obedience’ to ‘white liberal doctrines’ (nonviolence) and embrace black nationalism” (Senate Select Committee, 180). In the last few months of King’s life, the FBI intensified its efforts to discredit him and to “neutralize” SCLC (Senate Select Committee, 180).

According to a U.S. Senate Committee convened in the 1970s to investigate the FBI’s domestic intelligence operations, the impact of the FBI’s efforts to discredit SCLC and King on the civil rights movement “is unquestionable” (Senate Select Committee, 183). The committee determined that: “Rather than trying to discredit the alleged Communists it believed were attempting to influence Dr. King, the Bureau adopted the curious tactic of trying to discredit the supposed target of Communist Party interest—Dr. King himself” (Senate Select Committee, 85).

Iraq’s prime minister said the U.S.-led military coalition that has been helping his country fight Islamic State militants is no longer needed, though he still wants strong ties with Washington.
“We believe the justifications for the international coalition have ended,” Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani told The Wall Street Journal, as the war in Gaza frays Iraqi relations with Washington.

Sudani didn’t set a deadline for the departure of the coalition, which was formed in 2014 to mentor and support Iraqi forces in regaining control of their country after Islamic State militants seized swaths of northern and western Iraq.

Nor did Sudani close the door to a role for U.S. troops advising Iraqi forces to remain in the country under a new bilateral relationship that he said should follow.

But in an interview Tuesday during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Sudani expressed broad dissatisfaction with American policy on the Gaza conflict. The West had turned a blind eye toward the plight of the Palestinians before Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, he said, calling for increased pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end what he described as genocide.

So bring the US troops home.  They have a target on their backs right now and every time Joe Biden orders an attack on the Iraqi military (the militias became part of the official Iraqi military seven years ago), it puts the US troops on the ground there more at risk.

That's before you even factor in Gaza..  And the Iraqi people overwhelming reject the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.  That is the feeling around the world.  ALJAZEERA notes this morning:

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, to show their support for Palestinians.

Al Jazeera’s Mohammed al-Attab, reporting from the scene of protests, said many in the crowd accused the US of supporting Israel’s war and promised to continue standing by their “brothers in Palestine”.

“They are now saying that, ‘We don’t care about your rage, we don’t care about whatever you do to us, we will continue our support and resilience with Palestinians until Israel stops its war on Palestine’,” he said.

Instead of demanding a cease-fire, Joe Biden has supported the slaughter and it has inflamed the Middle East.  Keith Jones (WSWS) observes:

Nuclear-armed Pakistan carried out air-launched rocket and drone-missile strikes on at least seven separate locations inside neighbouring Iran on Thursday, targeting what it said were bases of Balochi secessionist insurgents.

Iran, which vehemently condemned the strikes as a violation of its state sovereignty, said they had killed nine foreign nationals, including four children. The Baloch Liberation Army—which has waged a decades-long cross-border insurgency in Pakistani Balochistan, the country’s poorest, sparsely-populated westernmost province—confirmed that its forces had come under attack.

Although Pakistan did not say so explicitly, Thursday’s strikes were in part retaliation for an attack Iran had mounted some 48 hours before inside Pakistan.

According to Iran, its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) used missile and drone strikes to hit camps of the Jaish al-Adl, a Balochi armed secessionist group that has carried out attacks in Iran’s predominantly Balochi south-east. Following that action, Tehran emphasized it did not want to disrupt “brotherly” relations with Pakistan. But in a message clearly intended for Washington and Israel, Iran said that it reserves the right to take all necessary measures to defend itself.

The tit-for tat attacks between Iran and Pakistan add further combustion in a region already set ablaze by US imperialism and its allies, which are using Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinians of Gaza to prepare and provoke a wider war with Iran.

On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the US carried out its fourth and fifth waves of missile strikes on Yemen in a week, hitting what it claimed were Iranian-backed Houthi positions in disparate areas across the country. Speaking to reporters earlier Thursday, US President Joe Biden had vowed the US-British campaign of air strikes against the Houthis would continue.

With the support of broad sections of the Yemeni people, Houthi fighters have disrupted Red Sea shipping to press for an end to Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.

Also on Wednesday, the Biden administration labeled the Houthis a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist group,” opening the door to the imposition of sweeping sanctions. Aid groups immediately responded with warnings that the designation threatens to greatly intensify Yemen’s humanitarian crisis. As a result of the almost decade-long war the Saudi regime has waged on Yemen with US arms and logistical support, more than half of the country’s population—over 18 million people—need food and other assistance.

The European Union, meanwhile, is in the advanced planning stage for its own naval operation in the Red Sea that would support the US/British attacks on Yemen, while asserting its own role as a regional policeman. The German government is leading the charge in launching the mission, which it will support by dispatching a frigate to the region in early February, according to a report in the Welt am Sontag newspaper. Underscoring German imperialism’s major military expansion into the Middle East, Berlin is readying a shipment of 10,000 artillery shells to back Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Emboldened by the to-the-hilt support Israel is receiving from the North American and European imperialist powers, Israel’s fascist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu baldly reasserted his goal of a Greater Israel in perpetuity Thursday, saying his government would never agree to ceding sovereignty over any part of the West Bank.   

Yes, Netanyahu does not believe in peace or in a two-state solution or anything but expelling Palestinians from their own lands.  AP reported yesterday:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday he has told the United States that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of any postwar scenario, underscoring the deep divisions between the close allies three months into Israel’s assault on Gaza aiming to eliminate its Hamas rulers.

The U.S. has called on Israel to scale back its offensive and said that the establishment of a Palestinian state should be part of the “day after.”

But in a nationally broadcast news conference, Netanyahu vowed to press ahead with the offensive until Israel realizes a “decisive victory over Hamas.” He also rejected the idea of Palestinian statehood. He said he had relayed his positions to the Americans.

“In any future arrangement … Israel needs security control all territory west of the Jordan,” Netanyahu told a nationally broadcast news conference. “This collides with the idea of sovereignty. What can you do?”

“The prime minister needs to be capable of saying no to our friends,” he added.

  Following Netanyahu's comments, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Thursday that "there is no way to solve [the region's] long-term challenges to provide lasting security and there is no way to solve the short-term challenges of rebuilding Gaza and establishing governance in Gaza and providing security for Gaza without the establishment of a Palestinian state."

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres responded to Netanyahu's comments in a statement reiterating his stance that "the only way to stem the suffering" in the region is "an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza and a process that leads to sustained peace for Israelis and Palestinians, based on a two-state solution."

Unnamed sources have told reporters that U.S. frustration with Netanyahu's far-right government has been increasing along with the casualty count in Gaza—which Palestinian officials and international groups say is over 100,000, mostly innocent men, women, and children.

President Joe Biden has accused Israel of "indiscriminate bombing" of civilians in Gaza but continues to back Netanyahu's policy unconditionally and the U.S. has supplied Israel with billions of dollars in military aid and diplomatic support at the United Nations and beyond.

Gaza remains under assault.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher. YENI SAFAK notes, "The Palestinian death toll from the ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7 has climbed to 24,762, the Health Ministry in the territory said Friday.  In a statement, the ministry added that 62,108 other people had been injured in the offensive."  ALJAZEERA notes, "The number of Palestinians killed since the start of Israel’s attacks on October 7 has risen to 24,285, Gaza’s health ministry says. At least 61,154 others have been wounded."   In addition to the dead and the injured, there are the missing.  AP notes, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  And the area itself?  Isabele Debre (AP) reveals, "Israel’s military offensive has turned much of northern Gaza into an uninhabitable moonscape. Whole neighborhoods have been erased. Homes, schools and hospitals have been blasted by airstrikes and scorched by tank fire. Some buildings are still standing, but most are battered shells."  Kieron Monks (I NEWS) reports, "More than 40 per cent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, according to a new study of satellite imagery by US researchers Jamon Van Den Hoek from Oregon State University and Corey Scher at the City University of New York. The UN gave a figure of 45 per cent of housing destroyed or damaged across the strip in less than six weeks. The rate of destruction is among the highest of any conflict since the Second World War."  Max Butterworth (NBC NEWS) adds, "Satellite images captured by Maxar Technologies on Sunday reveal three of the main hospitals in Gaza from above, surrounded by the rubble of destroyed buildings after weeks of intense bombing in the region by Israeli forces."

Jacob Crosse (WSWS) notes a rare corporate media moment took place this week:

On January 17, NBC News aired a rare prime-time interview featuring Palestinian-Americans Kinnan Abdalhamid and Hisam Awartani, two of the three college students who were shot last November in Burlington, Vermont by a right-wing gunman, while walking down the street. Abdalhamid, Awartani and Tasheen Ali Ahmad were hospitalized following the shooting, with Awartani suffering a spinal injury that has confined him to a wheelchair. 
At the time of last November’s shooting, two of the three students were wearing keffiyehs and all of them were speaking a mix of Arabic and English. The day after the shooting, across the street from where it occurred, federal agents arrested 48-year-old Jason J. Eaton in his apartment. Eaton allegedly told ATF agents when they knocked on his door, “I have been waiting for you.”
According to police, Eaton allegedly shot the students with a pistol he had legally purchased earlier that year. An anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and libertarian, Eaton has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder charges. During a search of the former financial advisor’s apartment, police recovered multiple firearms.  

CNN's Mick Krever, Sana Noor Haq, Eyad Kourdi and Celine Alkhaldi report, "A near-total communications blackout in Gaza, the longest of the war, has now lasted one week with no signs of abating, preventing humanitarian and emergency services from operating effectively in the territory. It is the ninth such outage since Israel’s war on Hamas began following the group’s attacks in Israel on October 7, according to the Internet monitoring site Netblocks."  When not censoring and silencing via internet crackdown, you get people doing the same by cancelling events.  From yesterday's DEMOCRACY NOW!

AMY GOODMAN: Samia Halaby, we want to bring in another Palestinian American artist into this discussion, the artist and filmmaker Emily Jacir. She was scheduled to speak at any event in Berlin, Germany, in October, but her appearance was canceled. She’s the recipient of prestigious awards, including a Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale, a Prince Claus Award from the Prince Claus Fund in The Hague, the Hugo Boss Prize at the Guggenheim Museum, and most recently she won an American Academy of Arts and Letters prize and received an honorary doctorate from the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, Ireland. She is the founding director of Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research in Bethlehem, where she was born.

Welcome to Democracy Now!, Emily. It’s very good to have you with us. Can you talk about what’s happened to you, actually, not here in the United States, but in Berlin, Germany?

EMILY JACIR: Thank you, Amy, for having me on your show. It’s really a pleasure to be here. I also just would like to begin by expressing my solidarity for Samia and the loss of her show, but also for the curator, Elliot, because he was in Bethlehem last summer and spoke to me at length about this exhibition, so I was quite excited about it.

I was slated to speak in Berlin as part of a workshop at Potsdam University. And when they canceled the talk, they wrote to me and said they were going to postpone it to a more peaceful time — or, to a more peaceful point in time, which, now listening to Samia speaking about the idea of being a lightning rod, this really resonated with me. And this is one of the methodologies that is being used to actually stop us from being able to speak publicly and share our words and share our work. This is another way of doing it, is by saying, “Oh, we’ll just do this in another peaceful time.” But this is the time. This is the time when we should be speaking and having discourse, across the board, around the world. So I don’t buy that that was the real reason.

Again, we have to also take the curator into consideration and try to imagine what kind of pressure, particularly being in Germany, they must have been under. The situation in Germany, as we all know, is one of the most extreme cases of silencing Palestinians. But it’s part of a larger war effort targeting Palestinian voices and intellectuals, using various methodologies, including harassment, baseless smear campaigns, canceling shows, canceling talks. So, it’s very much part of a coordinated movement.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: So, Emily Jacir, could you talk about some of the — there have been numerous incidents in Germany where people have been canceled, for one reason or another having to do with Gaza. If you could just go through some of those people, in particular, the Palestinian artists and writers?

EMILY JACIR: Yeah, I mean, I think one of the first incidents was Adania Shibli, who was slated to receive an award in Germany. That was within the first week of October, if I remember correctly. The list is quite extensive. My sister’s film, Annemarie Jacir, was canceled within weeks also, I think. Her film was canceled. It’s a film about a wedding, and it was deemed too controversial to show on German television. Candice Breitz, as we all know, is another person. There are so many. The list is endless.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: Well, we want to go now to a writer, a highly acclaimed writer and author, the award-winning Masha Gessen, who was also canceled, or her award. She was to receive the Hannah Arendt Award in Bremen. We spoke to her in December, shortly after the publication of their New Yorker piece headlined “In the Shadow of the Holocaust: How the politics of memory in Europe obscures what we see in Israel and Gaza today.”

In the essay, Gessen wrote, quote, “For the last seventeen years, Gaza has been a hyperdensely populated, impoverished, walled-in compound where only a small fraction of the population had the right to leave for even a short amount of time — in other words, a ghetto. Not like the Jewish ghetto in Venice or an inner-city ghetto in America but like a Jewish ghetto in an Eastern European country occupied by Nazi Germany,” they wrote.

Gessen went on to explain why the term “ghetto” is not commonly used to describe Gaza. Gessen said, quote, “Presumably, the more fitting term 'ghetto' would have drawn fire for comparing the predicament of besieged Gazans to that of ghettoized Jews. It also would have given us the language to describe what is happening in Gaza now. The ghetto is being liquidated,” Gessen wrote.

They had been scheduled to receive the prestigious Hannah Arendt Prize in Germany, but the ceremony had to be postponed after one of the award’s sponsors, the left-leaning Heinrich Böll Foundation, withdrew its support.

Gessen discussed the New Yorker piece and the controversy that followed on Democracy Now! on the very day they had been originally scheduled to receive the award in Bremen.

MASHA GESSEN: A large part of the article is devoted to, in fact, memory politics in Germany and the vast anti-antisemitism machine, which largely targets people who are critical of Israel and, in fact, are often Jewish. This happens to be a description that fits me, as well. I am Jewish. I come from a family that includes Holocaust survivors. I grew up in the Soviet Union very much in the shadow of the Holocaust. That’s where the phrase in the headline came from, is from the passage in the article itself. And I am critical of Israel.

Now, the part that really offended the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the city of Bremen — and, I would imagine, some German public — is the part that you read out loud, which is where I make the comparison between the besieged Gaza, so Gaza before October 7th, and a Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe. I made that comparison intentionally. It was not what they call here a provocation. It was very much the point of the piece, because I think that the way that memory politics function now in Europe and in the United States, but particularly in Germany, is that their cornerstone is that you can’t compare the Holocaust to anything. It is a singular event that stands outside of history.

My argument is that in order to learn from history, we have to compare. Like, that actually has to be a constant exercise. We are not better people or smarter people or more educated people than the people who lived 90 years ago. The only thing that makes us different from those people is that in their imagination the Holocaust didn’t yet exist and in ours it does. We know that it’s possible. And the way to prevent it is to be vigilant, in the way that Hannah Arendt, in fact, and other Jewish thinkers who survived the Holocaust were vigilant and were — there was an entire conversation, especially in the first two decades after World War II, in which they really talked about how to recognize the signs of sliding into the darkness.

And I think that we need to — oh, and one other thing that I want to say is that our entire framework of international humanitarian law is essentially based — it all comes out of the Holocaust, as does the concept of genocide. And I argue that that framework is based on the assumption that you’re always looking at war, at conflict, at violence through the prism of the Holocaust. You always have to be asking the question of whether crimes against humanity, the definitions of which came out of the Holocaust, are occurring. And Israel has waged an incredibly successful campaign at setting — not only setting the Holocaust outside of history, but setting itself aside from the optics of international humanitarian law, in part by weaponizing the politics of memory and the politics of the Holocaust.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s Masha Gessen. Masha Gessen was speaking to us from Bremen, Germany. The award ceremony went from an auditorium of hundreds — they ultimately got the award in someone’s backyard.

Meanwhile, more than 500 global artists, filmmakers and writers and cultural workers have announced a push against Germany’s stance on Israel’s war on Gaza, calling on artists to step back from collaborating with German state-funded associations. The campaign is backed by the French author, Nobel Prize for Literature winner Annie Ernaux and the Palestinian poet and activist Mohammed el-Kurd. It alleges Germany has adopted, quote, “McCarthyist policies that suppress freedom of expression, specifically expressions of solidarity with Palestine,” unquote.

We’re speaking with Emily Jacir, whose speech was just canceled in Berlin, Germany. And as we wrap up with you, Emily, I wanted to know if you could comment on what’s happening in your birthplace, in Bethlehem. The last time we went to Bethlehem, we were interviewing two pastors there, one of them who set up Christ in the rubble, a crèche scene that showed the baby Jesus in rubble, signifying Gaza. If you can talk about that and the importance of your art, as you continue?

EMILY JACIR: Yeah, I will talk about that, but just to relate back to what everyone else was talking about and how you started, I think it’s really important to consider the way this attempt at creating a culture of fear amongst the arts community globally and internationally is happening through these baseless smear campaigns and defamation, threatening people’s jobs. And I mention this just because, you know, one of the things that happened to me was that there was a letter-writing campaign in which every university I’ve ever taught at internationally, anyone that’s ever given me an award received literally a five-page PDF claiming that I was an ISIS terrorist that supports the rape of women and the killing of babies. People who signed that Artforum letter, and many, many, many of whom are Jewish and Israeli allies that I have worked with for 25 years, also received that letter. In my case, because people know me — they’ve worked with me for 25 years — the letters come off as just absolutely absurd and ridiculous. But if that is happening to me, it begs the question of what is happening to younger artists, people who don’t — people in museums don’t know receiving letters like that. And it’s very targeted and very systematic, and it’s something to consider also in relationship with the targeted destruction of culture in Gaza, art centers being bombed. Why would an art center be bombed? Because part of genocide is precisely silencing artists and silencing a culture’s cultural production. And I feel that that was very important to say that.

In Bethlehem, the situation is quite difficult — nothing compared to Gaza, of course. But we are witnessing incursions every night. It’s been — you know, Bethlehem is a town that very, very much relies on visitors and tourists for its economy, so that, economically, it’s been a disaster. As an art center, our art center in Bethlehem promotes dance and music and art practices and making and residencies of local artists and international artists. We’re doing our very best to both deal with the situation at hand but also provide a kind of way of working with the children now who live in our neighborhood who are trying to handle the situation, both on the ground in Bethlehem but also witnessing what’s happening to Gaza.

AMY GOODMAN: Emily Jacir, we want to thank you for being with us, acclaimed artist and filmmaker, born in Bethlehem, goes back and forth between Bethlehem and New York, was scheduled to speak in Berlin, Germany, her talk canceled. And Samia Halaby, renowned Palestinian visual artist, activist, educator and scholar, whose first U.S. retrospective was abruptly canceled by Indiana University’s Eskenazi Museum of Art over her support for Palestinians and criticism of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.

When we come back, we’ll be joined by a German American Jewish Holocaust survivor. Samia is 87. Marione Ingram is 88. She’s been standing outside the White House for months calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Her talks in her native Hamburg, which she fled from in the Holocaust, have been canceled. Stay with us.

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