Tuesday, December 31, 2024

sexiest men of 2024 (Rebecca)

Reposting Rebecca's annual look back on the sexy men of 2024.

sexiest men of 2024

it's time for my annual look at the year in male sexy.  i don't know, maybe it's the election, but i just wasn't feeling it this go round.  i came up with five on my own and then texted every 1 i know asking who am i missing?

about 20 replies back and from there i found five very sexy men - 3 i had forgotten and 2 i hadn't seen before tonight.  

so let's get started.

1) henry cavill

he is gorgeous and i think we know it so i've used the above because that is a wonderful drawing.  if manu did it, praise, high praise.  that's real talent. henry is an actor and he's superman to me no matter who the role's gone to for the new film in july. 

2) donald glover

long a cutie, actor donald glover just gets better with age.  and if you haven't seen 'mr. & mrs' on 'amazon' yet, make time for a serious binge.

3) armie hammer

actor armie hammer.  he's hot, he's sexy. that trashy ex-wife of his who coordinated with women to accuse him because she feared losing custody of the kids?  i would've thought when that detail came out, armie would have been allowed back into movies.  he belongs in them, he's a great actor and has more charisma than any other american actor right now.

4) tyler lepley

tyler's an actor who 1st came to fame in the long running series 'the haves and the have nots.'  he's 1 of the stars of 'p-valley' which will start airing its 3rd season on 'starz' shortly.

5) carlos alcaraz

carlos was a new 1 to me.  4 friends had texted his name to me when t called.  t said, 'honey, you know me and i think he's hot.'  t's wife was laughing in the background.  t's a lesbian, hence the laughter.  she thinks he's hot and i agree.  and her wife pointed something else out, he looks a little like a young tom cruise. he's a tennis pro.

6) steph curry

steph's the only other athlete on the list.  my sister pointed out that he was 'getting very fine with age.'  yes, that is correct.

7) skyh alvester black

this actor i had never heard of.  c.i. texted me back saying to look him up.  and i did.  and couldn't find him.  normally, i use twitter but that's forever gone.  elon musk screwed this country over and he is a hate merchant.  so all the images came from bluesky posts.  

i told c.i. there wasn't 1 post about him on bluesky.  so she did that post for me.  he is very hot and search him and you'll find more.  i was wrong though. there was 1 post already but (a) they billed him as 'skyh black' and (b) they offered no photo.

8) josh andres rivera

josh played aaron hernandez in the 'fx' series 'american sports story: aaron hernandez.'  he should be emmy nominated for his performance.  and every 1 and any 1 who appreciates the male body should catch his slow, bare-assed walk through the locker room in that series.  

9) ramon rodriguez

'will trent' is the best show abc has and 1 of the few good shows worth watching*  season 3 kicks off january 7th.  yea! ramon plays will and ramon's so sexy.  and who doesn't love his dog betty?

*i also enjoy watching 'mr & mrs smith,' ''elsbeth,' 'palm royale' (ricky martin almost made the list), 'matlock' and 'night court.'

10) hugh jackman

i almost forgot him and i loved 'deadpool & wolverine.'  it took hugh jackman to put the 'super' back into superhero movies and make them big again - in fact, that's the 2nd biggest grossing film in north america for 2024. 

let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'


2024 end of the year pieces:  Rebecca's "sexiest men of 2024," Ann's "2024 in film (Ann and Stan)" and Stan's "2024 in film (Ann & Stan),"  Mike's "Idiot of the Year,"  Ruth's "Ruth's Media Report 2024."  "2024 in books (Martha & Shirley)," Kat's "Kat's Korner: 2024 in music"  and our "2024: The Year of Betrayal From Inside The Left."


2024 in books (Martha & Shirley)

Martha and Shirley: Book coverage continued at community sites in 2024.  For a list of books reviewed this year, see THIRD's "Book List."  In addition, book coverage continued in the community newletters.  If you're new to this, the books on the list didn't need to come out this year.  They just needed to be read this year.  Especially in the gina & krista round-robin, there are book discussions that revolve around classic novels.  Early on, people might love, for example, Jane Austen's MANSFIELD PARK but not feel like they could vote for it as their favorite book of the year since this is 2024 and not 1814.  There were no classic novels that made this year's list.  In fact, only one novel made the list (a children's picture book also made the list) as this community continued to be interested in non-fiction.  As always, our ballots were ranked choice voting -- something we hope the US government will implement for elections. 

So here are the ten books you most enjoyed reading this year. 


1) THE MEMOIR, PART 1 by Cher.

November 18th next year, Cher's THE MEMOIR, PART II is supposed to be released.  For now, we have her second book THE MEMOIR, PART 1.  Her second one right now?  Yes, Cher's first book was THE FIRST TIME.  Each chapter was a memory shared of the first time something happened.  And it worked and made for a readable book.   But this new one digs deeper and focuses on Cher's early life.  Simple life?  When has Cher's life ever been simple?  When part of a singing duo?  When a solo singer in the sixties?  When she first became a fashion plate?  When she became a huge TV star carrying shows like THE SONNY & CHER COMEDY HOUR, CHER and THE SONNY & CHER SHOW -- on prime time doing variety from 1971 to 1977?  As Kat noted in her review  "Cher: The Memoir, Part 1:

That includes the story of her ancestors.  That's a problem area for a lot of biographies.  The ridiculous John Phillips, for example, wrote at length -- and in a plodding manner -- about his family going back generations.  Fortunately, Cher's family was actually of interest.  

As was Cher's life before she became Cher world wide star.

I especially enjoyed her recounting when her mother took her to an Elvis concert.  Her mother was instrumental in sharpening Cher's singing because she herself was a singer, a very good singer, sang around the home all the time and, as Cher points out, wasn't like the average mother of the time, she actually was aware of the acts young people were into. 

It's an exciting life, even before Cher is born.  Her mother's childhood in Oklahoma and California, Her great grandmother Margaret.  Cher's a survivor because she's got strength and that strength was both learned and passed down -- in tales and genes -- it's an incredible story.  We can't wait until November when the follow up is published.  

2) SAL MINEO: A BIOGRAPHY by Michael Gregg Michaud.

The late actor Sal Mineo is still remembered this day.  REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE had a trinity of film stars that remembered 74 years later: Natalie Wood, James Dean and Sal Mineo.  Yes, they were great actors -- all were nominated for an Academy Award (James for GIANT, Natalie for REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS  and LOVE WITH THE PROPER STRANGER and Sal for REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE and EXODUS) --   but they were also the first teenagers of film.  The closest film had before that would be the singing kids Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney and Deanna Durbin.  Sal, Natalie and James had to play something more real -- moody, angry, misunderstood and alienated -- the typical teen.  And the country embraced them because they performed so convincingly.  And for the art that they created in their one film together, we wished they'd gone on to have charmed lives.  But that didn't happen.  Sal was stabbed to death.  Prior to that, he got ripped off and he got attacked by people who should have done better by him.  Dona concluded her review  "SAL MINEO: A BIOGRAPHY (Dona)" with this:

Would Sal's career have been any different if he was born 30 years later?  I have no idea.  James Caan's homophobia kept Sal from being cast in THE GODFATHER.  I would think that a real artist in this century wouldn't care about the whining and bitchiness of a James Caan and would cast an actor like Sal but who knows?

The book's a testament to real artist who threw himself into his career -- often at the expense of his life.

 3 & 4 MY MAMA CASS by Owen Elliot-Kugell and CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' by Michelle Phillips.

This wasn't a tie.  Owen's book had fifty more votes than Michelle's.  But it makes sense to write about the two together.  One of the great groups of the sixties also a had a great storyline.  If you've suffered through A COMPLETE UNKNOWN, you -- like Stan and Rebecca -- get that a movie needs an actual storyline to hold your interest.  In that's what The Mamas and the Papas had.  Michelle Phillips and Cass Elliot were the female singers, Denny Doherty and John Phillips were the male singers.  And they had a unique look and a unique presence. John was controlling, to say the least, and thought he was going to order everyone around.  Michelle, his young wife, might have been expected to put up with that but that's not her father raised her.  And Cass wasn't going to be intimidated or pushed around by anyone.  That's gave the group it's spark.  And there was the soap opera aspect as well -- an aspect only Fleetwood Mac would match and possibly top.  Most of this resulted in an overly long book entitled PAPA JOHN co-written by John Phillips during his heavy drug days (some would say after, they would be wrong -- read Mackenzie Phillips' HIGH ON ARRIVAL and grasp that reality).  Phil Donahue, who passed away this year, was one of the few who did not buy into John Phillip's post-arrest reform nonsense.  

Nonsense is all John Phillips ever had to offer when he was co-writing a book or speaking -- listen to A GATHERING OF FLOWERS if you don't already grasp that.  By the way, hats off to THIRD.  Yes, from the start of THE THIRD ESTATE SUNDAY REVIEW, they have called out CRAPAPEDIA. It took repeatedly calling out the nonsense of putting a Diana Ross studio album down as a compilation album.  They had to hit hard and repeatedly to get the discography right as well.  "CRAP CRAP It's CRAPAPEDIA"  last April  finally got WIKIEPEDIA to note the only real live album the group ever put out.  For years, WIKIPEDIA ignored it, was unaware of it, and despite listing every piece of crap recorded after Michelle and Cass were no longer in the group, it failed to note their Monterey Pop album.  

This year, Ty reviewed a book that provided sketches of various female singers "SILENT SISTERS: PROFILES OF THE SHORT LIVES OF KAREN CARPENTER, PATSY CLINE, CASS ELLIOT, RUBY ELZY, JANIS JOPLIN AND SELENA ."  After a book review goes up, Ava and C.I. discuss the book with the reviewer.  From "Book Talk (Ty, Ava and C.I.):"


Ty: True crime interest benefited Selena, I'm sure.  I don't want to talk about Cass too much because -- let me start with this.  Kat's "Thom Donovan and AMERICAN SONGWRITER need to learn what facts are." went up this month.  Kat's right -- and the book [he read and reviewed] gets this right -- Cass auditioned for I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE.  The role went to Barbra Streisand.  For some stupid reason, AMERICAN SONGWRITER reported this month that Cass auditioned for FUNNY GIRL.  It's nice reading about Cass but I'm looking forward to May when Owen Elliot-Kugell's MY MAMA, CASS: A MEMOIR comes out.  So that's one reason I don't want to talk about the Cass section.  The other is "Harold" and a feature that you want to write about.  Every week, we get together and ideas are pitched.  Ava and C.I. long ago dubbed WIKIPEDIA "Crapapedia" because it can't get facts right.  At The Mamas and the Papas entry, as Ava and C.I. have long pointed out, the original group has an album that's not noted even in the discography.  In the sketch on Cass, the author notes "Harvey."  That's what Denny dubbed the sound of the four of them singing together, saying it took on a fifth voice.  I think it's time to do the Mamas and the Papas piece and Harvey fits into that.  I enjoyed the Cass sketch, the Patsy Cline sketch and the Janis Joplin sketch and would recommend the book based on those.  Otherwise?  I'd say take a pass.

And that's why we need books like MY MAMA CASS  -- Owen's journey of  discovery of her mother and of herself is riveting. But it's also needed because there are so many lies out there.  Cass was a real person whose art touched millions and continues to do so.  She and her legacy are entitled to something a little more than the idiots at CRAPAPEDIA and crap ass AMERICAN SONGWRITER want to deliver.  From Kat's review of  "MY MAMA, CASS:"

Owen's new book -- MY MAMA, CASS -- is a highly moving attempt by the author to learn more about her mother.  She shares her memories and what she learned from family members and people who knew Cass.  


She sees her mother as part of a long line of strong women on the maternal side of her family.  And that may be why Cass reacted so strongly to "the Mamas."  The band was trying to come up with a name and John Phillips was pushing "The Magic Circle" when, on TV, a Hell's Angel says that they call their women "Mamas" and Cass shouts that they're the Mamas with Michelle agreeing with her.  In other books, it's noted that John then tries to make it The Papas and the Mamas and Cass makes it clear that it's the other way around.

CALIFORNIA DREAMIN's is everything a book should be when it's non-fiction.  The only real surprise is that the author is Michelle Phillips.  We don't say that rudely.  Michelle's co-written many great songs.  But we say that because she's writing about herself and she's not making it sweet and pretty.  She owns her actions and then some.  That makes for a brave book.  (Unlike her ex-husband, now deceased, who seemed to think on every page of PAPA JOHN that drugs excused any action and allowed him to minimize them as well.)  Marcia's wife read it and passed it on.  From Marcia's "California Dreamin': The True Story of the Mamas and the Papas:"

But seriously, Michelle's book was a joy to read.  

She does write about life before the Mamas and the Papas but her life -- unlike John's -- actually was interesting.  Moving to Mexico as a child, being part of the San Francisco scene during the age of Lenny Bruce.  These stories are so much more interesting that John and whatever crush he pretends not to have at the military academy.  

And then she meets John and together with future screenwriter Marshall Brickman they become a musical group and then Denny Doherty comes into orbit and, the first time she ever took LSD, Cass Elliot.

John, Michelle, Denny and Cass -- the Mamas and the Papas.  They become a folk rock group -- they are pioneering folk rock artists.  They are a huge success -- 16 of their 17 singles make Billboard's top 100 on the pop chart -- the one that didn't?  "Go Where You Wanna Go" -- their first single which was only out briefly because "California Dreanin'" was quickly released and "Go Where You Wanna Go" was pulled.  Of the 16 songs that did chart, ten went top forty, six of the ten went top ten.

They had 'one' number one.  "Monday, Monday" -- that's what Crapapedia tells you.  I was talking about the book with C.I. and she explained the group has two number ones.  I'm going to save that for when I discuss the book with Ava and C.I.

Don't e-mail before then to say that's wrong.  It's not.  

And don't say "Monday Monday" is their biggest hit because it's not -- although it is recognized as a number one hit.

Lest we be accused of being book teases, let's note this from "Book Talk (Marcia, Ava and C.I.):"

Marcia: They would turn the plane upside down.  They traveled to concerts in a plane.  Private.  The pilot would flip it upside down and they'd float and be weightless.  I loved on the island where the four begin to sing together.  I just loved so much of it.  My wife said Michelle's book was more cinematic and really should have been turned into a film.  And let's talk what I did not know.  The book notes that "Monday Monday" was a number one hit and the band's only number one hit.  But that's not really true?

No, it's not.

Marcia: You, C.I., told me that they had another number one hit and, in fact, you could argue that number one was more important.  "California Dreamin'," written by John and Michelle Phillips, only made it to number four on the weekly top 40 -- anyone remember Kasey Kasum?  "The weekly top 40."  But it's a bigger hit than "Monday Monday."  And I should have gotten that because "Monday Monday" is a gold record -- which is good -- but "California Dreamin'" is a triple platinum seller.  How did that happen?  Because it was the bigger hit.  Though "California Dreamin'" never made it above number four during the weeks of 1966, it ended up being, at the end of the year, the number one song on the Billboard charts.  Number one for the year.  Biggest hit of the year.  So, yeah, I agree with you, "California Dreamin'" needs to be called a number one hit.  


5) THE COST OF KNOWING by Brittney Morris.

"I pick up the ice cream scoop and the vision begins."  That's how the novel opens.  Want to see the future?  Really?  For teenager Alex Rufus, it's a curse.  Especially when a premonition revolves around his younger brother's death.  This is a page turner that grips you.  Beth noted in the book discussion for the gina & krista round-robin that she hadn't been able to put a book down like this since John Grisham's THE PELICAN BRIEF.  And it is a book you will not want to put down until the very last page.  This is the kind of book that builds careers because Brittney Morris has written a book so great that you're going to love it for years to come and eagerly follow each new book.  


Mike's "Container Gardening (book review), Idiot of the Week, and Kylie Minogue performed at the Brit Awards" kicked off interest in the community for this book.  When he and his daughter were watching TV, they came across a garden show and that gave him the idea that this could Look for a fun project he could do with his daughter that they could both learn from, he flipped through a number of non-fiction books and this is the one that really landed with them.  They both learned a great deal and had a lot of fun.  And the book inspired other community members to start growing some plants on their balconies, patios, porches and window seals.  Keesha noted that reading the book and using it for just three small plants (parsley, beans and jalapenos) on her balcony made her feel more connected to the world around her.  

7)  HELP! MY APARTMENT HAS A KITCHEN by Kevin Mills and Nancy Mills.

As Trina noted in "Help! My Apartment Has A Kitchen," this is the perfect starter cookbook and one she highly recommends and frequently gifts. Lloyd and Polly were among the non-cooking members of the community who began cooking after Trina's review went up.  And, news or old cooks, the recipes had enough variety that there was something for every reader. 


Marcia and Rebecca made this their summer read:  "Boze Hadleigh's Hollywood Lesbians: from Garbo to Foster" and "'hollywood lesbians: from garbo to foster' by boze hadleigh."  Every summer, the two of them read the same book and then write about it.  Sometimes they do it with one being pro and the other being con.  Sometimes they divide up the focus.  This book takes a look at the long history of the closet when it comes to Hollywood.  Filled with fascinating facts and must-read interviews, this is a great book. Our favorite part?  Probably when Jodie Foster has a freak out that her lover Kelly McGillis is also having an affair with Whitney Houston and Jodie punched Kelly bringing a halt to filming of THE ACCUSED.  Or when Russell Crowe outed Jodie after their supposed romance. 

Or when Melissa Etheridge talked about winning the Academy Award in 2007 for writing "I Need To Wake Up"  -- how she spoke to journalist Lawrence Ferber -- and stated, "I was wondering if anyone noticed the subtle irony of my receiving my Oscar from John Travolta and Queen Latifah.  And you know who I saw backstage after I won?  Jodie Foster.  I was like, 'What is the universe telling me?'  And you know they're all looking at me like 'Congratulations, loud mouth'." 

9) WHAT THE CHICKEN KNOWS by Sy Montgomery.

"You only think you know chickens until you pick up this book," Ava and C.I. wrote in their review for POLLY'S BREW.  And, as many of us went on to discover, we really knew very little.  In a very brief book, Montgomery packs a lot of facts and details that teach us not only about chickens but also about ourselves. 

10) THE LESSONS OF MAMA TEMBO words by Jimmy Dirsdom, illustrations by Sam Burk.

In  "THE LESSONS OF MAMA TEMBO (Dona)," Dona praised this children's picture book about an elephant and her child. And it touched a common chord with community members. 

Mama Tembo is walking through the forest with baby Finn when she stops and looks longingly across the vast farmland.

Finn asks, "Mama Tembo, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, Finn, it's not what I see now but what I no longer see," replies Mama Tembo. 

Finn looks at Mama Tembo with concern, "Is your eyesight failing you?" 

"No, Finn, I see very well," reassures Mama Tembo as she playfully pats him on the head. 

Still curious, Finn asks, "What do you no longer see when you look at the farmland?"

Mama Tembo looks at Finn.  "I no longer see the beautiful forest that once stood in the farmland, nor the forest that stood where the city now stands."


Martha and  Shirley have also done the year in books for 2023202220212020,  201920182017, 201620152014201320122011, 20102009, 2008, 2007, 2006 and 2005.


2024 end of the year pieces:  Rebecca's "sexiest men of 2024," Ann's "2024 in film (Ann and Stan)" and Stan's "2024 in film (Ann & Stan),"  Mike's "Idiot of the Year,"  Ruth's "Ruth's Media Report 2024."  "2024 in books (Martha & Shirley)," Kat's "Kat's Korner: 2024 in music"  and our "2024: The Year of Betrayal From Inside The Left."

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Iraq snapshot

Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  Look what left outlet is trying to say Kamala and Joe were as bad on immigration as Trump's about to be (and here's the kicker, they're doing that crap while begging you to give them money), MAGA's war with Chump continues, and so much more.

THE NEW REPUBLIC notes MAGA's war with Donald The Chump continues as Laura Loomer joined Steve Bannon to dish that Elon Musk is "a welfare queen." Stephen Collinson (CNN) reports:

             Donald Trump’s siding with Elon Musk over visas for high-tech workers is the most significant example yet of the president-elect favoring powerful elements in his new MAGA coalition over his base’s anti-immigrant DNA that he twice tapped in his rise to power.    


            The boiling holiday feud over H-1B visas exposed new fissures across Trump’s broadened support base and reflected the contradictions between his populist ideology and the self-interests of many of the key players in his refashioned inner circle.    


            After several days of silence over the controversy, the president-elect stepped in, making clear he supported Musk’s argument for recruitment flexibility for the tech industry.     

 Musk, the richest man in the world, made his case in a series of outspoken posts on X. “The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B,” he wrote to one critic on the platform that he owns. “I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”    


            The visa issue erupted into a full-blown storm following comments by Vivek Ramaswamy, Musk’s co-chair of the Department of Government Efficiency, which Trump has set up to slash the size of federal operations. The former GOP presidential candidate criticized American culture, education standards and children’s TV that he said “venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long.” The comments came perilously close to an elitist’s disdain for millions of Americans and their culture that Republicans have long accused Democrats of promoting.     

Last night on MSNBC, Chris Hayes addressed this ongoing war.

This is not making for a cheerful lead up to inauguration.  Add to that, the fact that we're in the F**k Around and Find Out Stage, as people slowly begin to realize just how stupid they were.

For examples, workers who thought the Chump would rescue them.

Four years?  It's going to be like serving time and those of us who got our votes right in 20204 have every reason to laugh during the next awful years at the idiots who didn't know how to save themselves and stupidly thought that a convicted felon with no accomplishments to brag about after his first term would suddenly develop skill and wisdom.  Nope, The Convicted Felon didn't change, some voters just got more stupid.  Erik De La Garza (RAW STORY) reports:

President-elect Donald Trump’s long-held promise to pardon his supporters who participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol is drawing fresh scrutiny from a government ethics group.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, issued a terse statement Monday calling out Trump and his repeated signals that he is willing to grant clemency to those who breached the Capitol as Congress worked to certify Joe Biden’s 2020 election win.

“Some things are fights worth having,” CREW wrote in a social media post on X. “Not allowing Donald Trump to pardon January 6th insurrectionists is one of those things. Two-thirds of the country is with us on this.”

And groups like Latinos for Chump who thought they were the good ones and would be spared.

As we noted repeatedly last year, to target immigrants, you have to target potential immigrants.  You have to racially profile.  That means, for example, since the US shares a southern border with Mexico, those seen as Latino -- immigrants, citizens, what have you -- would be harassed and stopped more often than those people who appear to be White European.  So to those Latinos for Trump, you were always idiots to support the man planning to depot immigrants.  

You may have thought you were one with Trump's Anglo White supporters but you were a deeply stupid fool.   Edward Helmore (GUARDIAN) reports:

Law enforcement officials in Lincoln county, Oregon, have condemned an anonymous letter encouraging residents to track down and report “brown people” in the Pacific coast community, particularly those believed to be undocumented.

The letter, titled brown round-up part 1, told recipients to write down the license plate numbers of cars driven by people of color in order to identify people who might not have permanent legal status, the New York Times reported. It instructed readers to send that information to the Department of Homeland Security after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

“This type of behavior is harmful, divisive, and inconsistent with the values we uphold as public servants and community members,” Curtis Landers said in a statement about the letter. “Targeting individuals in this manner erodes trust and undermines the sense of safety and inclusion that we strive to maintain in Lincoln County.”

[. . .]

The letter comes as Trump has vowed an unprecedented crackdown on illegal immigration, including “the largest deportation operation in American history”.

Trump’s “border czar”, Tom Homan, said last week he projects needing at least 100,000 beds in immigration detention centers.

“I’m telling you, at the minimum we need 100,000 beds because we’ve got a big population to look for ... 700,000 criminals alone,” Homan told CNN. Homan said the deportation plans will require help from around the government, including the Department of Defense.

“The landing teams have just started working with the agencies and departments. We’ll be gathering information, a lot of information in the next couple weeks, which will help me in my planning process,” Homan said.

On this issue of targeting people, Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) adds:

  Adding to alarm over U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's immigration plans, his "border czar" toldThe Washington Post in an interview published Thursday that the administration plans to return to detaining migrant families with children.

    Tom Homan, who served as acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement during Trump's first term, said that ICE "will look to hold parents with children in 'soft-sided' tent structures similar to those used by U.S. border officials to handle immigration surges," the     Post summarized. "The government will not hesitate to deport parents who are in the country illegally, even if they have young U.S.-born children, he added, leaving it to those families to decide whether to exit together or be split up."

    Since Trump beat Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris last month, migrant rights advocates have reiterated concerns about the Republican's first-term policies—such as     forced separation of families—and his 2024 campaign pledges, from mass deportations to attempting to end birthright citizenship, despite the guarantees of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    Homan—who oversaw the so-called "zero tolerance" policy that separated thousands of migrant kids from their parents—said: "Here's the issue... You knew you were in the country illegally and chose to have a child. So you put your family in that position."

Chump and Tom Homan are a threat to American families.  Some are only now beginning to realize that.  Some still can't face reality -- but will have to in 2025.  Some opinions on BLUESKY.

When Convicted Felon Donald Trump got re-elected last month, did he announce that for all his appointees "ONLY CROOKS NEED APPLY"?  It certainly seems that way   Naomi LaChance (ROLLING STONE) reports:

Donald Trump's incoming "border czar" Tom Homan has led a consulting firm that openly brags about helping private companies secure federal contracts. Asked about this work, Homan says he has recused himself "from any involvement, discussion, input, or decision of any future government contracts."

Homan, who previously directed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during the first Trump administration, has also led a conservative nonprofit group, Border911, alongside an executive for a major federal contractor.

Homan is notorious for orchestrating the first Trump administration's family separation policy, when migrant children and parents were torn apart at the border. According to a Department of Homeland Security report, as of April 2024, there were still about 1,400 children who were not confirmed to have been reunited with their families. 

Last week, Homan made headlines for once again publicly pitching the idea of family separation - this time, with a twist. Homan said he would present families with children born in the U.S. with an impossible choice: separate, or leave America together. 

We didn't spend a lot of time on it -- maybe a day and a half -- but we did learn about Teapot Dome in high school.  Did those people just go along with it?  Because it seems like Chump's setting up something far worse and people are just going along with it.

. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Memorial Prize laureate and economics professor at CUNY's Graduate Center, in a Substack post
  1. "For the most part, immigrants are complements, not substitutes, for native-born workers."

    "So original MAGA is wrong to claim that immigration is impoverishing 'real Americans' in general. But tech-bro MAGA is wrong as well as offensive in saying that we need foreign workers because Americans are stupid or lazy. Furthermore, the availability of less expensive foreign tech workers does reduce the incentive of tech firms to train a home-grown work force and undermines the political incentive to improve our education system.

    I'd still argue that something like H-1B makes America richer and stronger, especially given the spillovers generated by a successful technology sector. But Muskaswamy and friends aren't helping their case by insulting Americans' culture and intelligence."

    2. Robert Reich, a former US labor secretary and member of President Bill Clinton's National Economic Council, in a Substack post

    "Allowing many more skilled workers into the United States reduces any incentives on American business to invest in the American workforce.

    Allowing many more skilled workers into the US also reduces the bargaining power of skilled workers already in America — and thereby reduces any incentive operating on other Americans to gain the skills for such jobs.

    And opening America to skilled workers also reduces the incentive on foreign nations to educate and nurture their own skilled workforces. Why should they, when their own skilled workers can easily migrate to America?

    The major beneficiaries in the US of opening the nation to skilled workers from abroad are CEOs and venture capitalists like Musk and [David Sacks], whose profits and wealth would be even higher if they could siphon off cheaper skilled workers from abroad."

Let's note this.

Some people -- like Tabitha -- told you the truth ahead of the election.  Some people flat out lied to you.  Might be a good time to note COMMON DREAMS.  They're fundraising right now.  And if you donate to them, you can support both-sides b.s.  Yeah, in August, September and the first half of October, they assisted Donald Chump by repeatedly attacking Kamala Harris every day -- multiple times a day.  I have given them credit for finally stopping that b.s. 


That Jessica Corbett story above?  Read after where we cut her off and you'll find that she's a Trumper because only a Trumper -- faced with Donald's planned round ups -- would then try to both sides it by attacking Kamala and Joe on immigration.

That's right, give them your money so that the kind of center-right garbage that you get on the Sunday chat and chews can reign supreme online as well.  

The following sites updated:

REPUBLICANS make absurd claims about TRANSGENDER people.

Lindsey Graham Just Backed into Trump's Little Secret Surprise!

Trump BETRAYS MAGA Base and KNEELS to Musk

Stacey Abrams honors Jimmy Carter: He ‘remade Democratic politics’

Part 5 - Why The Civil Rights Act Is Still Relevant Today For African Am...

Monday, December 30, 2024

Trump Strategy Exposed by Ex-Congressman Who KNOWS HIS Games

No I’m NOT Having a Beer With MAGA




The Green Party of Michigan invites you to our Monthly General Membership Meeting!

January 11, 2025

This is a reminder to please attend our Green Party of Michigan working group meeting January 11, 2025 at 11 a.m. Follow the link to register on our website migreenparty.org.
At our December meeting we spoke briefly about petition ideas and several key policy targets of interest. Please join us and bring your individual ideas and suggestions.


February 8, 2025

We also want to invite you to the Statewide membership meeting February 8, 2025 for our biannual officer elections for the state central committee. The Green Party of Michigan needs ambitious individuals who are passionate about grassroots organization and willing to offer their time and service so Michiganders might have a viable alternative. Committee positions are filled by volunteers like you and are elected by the membership. If you would like to help us move this party forward, please join us to vote, to nominate someone, or to volunteer your own services. We appreciate all that you do and hope to see you there.


The Green Party of Michigan is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to continue serving Michiganders, keeping candidates on the ballot, and to move our party forward without corporate money which invites corruption.

We need the support of the people like you. Consider making a donation today (or become a monthly donor in the amount of your choice!) to help sustain our fight for Green politics and against our broken two-party system.


Contact GPMI for questions

Email: meetings@migreenparty.org

Sponsoring Group: Green Party of Michigan


©2024 Green Party of Michigan | PO Box 2754, Grand Rapids 49501