- Pinned TweetRELEASE: Hillary Clinton's Private #GoldmanSach's Paid Speechs - full transcripts, see "attachments" tab at top https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11011 …
- Hillary Clinton: "I want to defend fracking." Climate change environmentalists should "Get a life," #PodestaEmails8
- John Podesta made a characteristically bourgeois jab at Assange, whom the UN says has been unjustly detained for years; @WikiLeaks shot back
- NY Times published an article claiming the UN working group decision on Assange is not legally binding. That's false http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=17013&LangID=E …
- RELEASE: Hillary Clinton's Private #GoldmanSach's Paid Speechs - full transcripts #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails8 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11011 …
- US media out of sync with audience demand. Interest in WikiLeaks (blue) vs Trump sex allegations
- Two alleged hackers arrested over WikiLeaks publications.Young activists in the US. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-37316615 …
- Alleged hacker arrested over WikiLeaks publications of CIA chief's emails. A 16 year old boy in the UK.
- If the US "clandestine" pending cyberwar on Russia was serious: 1) it would not have been announced 2) it would be the NSA and not the CIA
- Why has the US ruling party announced a physical war against Yemen on Wednesday and a cyber war against Russia today?
- US ruling party also authorized, filmed and promoted a very public armed attack on Yemen, Wednesday.
- NBC: White House claims it told CIA to prep plans to launch a cyber attack against Russia [Ed: creating 'war' to ensure a ruling party win]
- Democrats prepared fake Trump "grope under the meeting table" Craigslist employment advertisement in May 2016 https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/12803 …
- The Clinton campaign is in damage control over new revelations in the latest batch of hacked emails from WikiLeaks.
- New WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Aides Discussed 'Emails to and from POTUS' http://bit.ly/2dcJTyF
- WikiLeaks: Clinton campaign push-polled 'Muslim' attacks on Obama and cocaine use http://hill.cm/hpFwXzQ https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/