Saturday, September 12, 2020

The targeting of Iraqi activists, the state of Alabama tries to destroy an Iraq War veteran with PTS

 We're less than a month away for a full year of persecution of activists in Iraq.  The persecution continues.  They are tracked, they are hunted, they are attacked and they are killed.  By whom?  ALJAZEERA has a special set to air Monday on this topic:

On Monday, September 14 at 19:30 GMT:
Nearly a year has passed since a wave of popular protest began in Iraq, with people across the country voicing their frustration over issues such as poor public services, unemployment, and corruption. Regular demonstrations have continued, but a string of attacks against activists and analysts has highlighted the ever-present danger of speaking out. 

Two deadly attacks in Basra recently made headlines around the world. Reham Yacoub, a 30-year-old doctor and women's rights advocate, was shot dead by unidentified assailants in the southern port city on August 19. She was killed five days after Tahseen Osama, a father-of-four who regularly took part in anti-corruption protests, was shot dead by attackers who stormed the internet centre he owned. Two other activists in Basra were hurt in an apparent assassination attempt that same week.

News of the assaults was met with anger by Iraqis already on edge over the killing in July of Hisham al-Hashemi, an expert on armed groups who had received threats from Iran-backed militia organisations. Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has sacked Basra's police chief and says the killers of Yacoub and Osama will be brought to justice.

But security experts warn that Iraq's perennially weak government has little control over militia groups, particularly in southern Iraq. Meanwhile, protesters commonly face abuse, arbitrary arrest and assault by Iraqi security forces, according to a report (PDF) released by the United Nations in August. Iraq's government said on July 30 that at least 560 people - protesters and police - had died since October in protests and demonstrations.

The Stream will look at what spurred the attacks in Basra, the daily risks that pro-change voices in Iraq are facing, and what more the country's government can and should do to protect them. Join the conversation.

On this episode of The Stream, we are joined by:
Dorsa Jabbari, @DorsaJabbari
Correspondent, Al Jazeera English

Hamzoz, @Hamzoz
Founder and CEO, Iraqi Network for Social Media

Ali Al Bayati, @aliakramalbayat
Member, Iraqi Independent High Commission for Human Rights

Read more:
Iraqis protest as hospitals overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients - Al Jazeera
Protesters set fire to Iraq parliament's regional office in Basra - Al Jazeera

It's cute how the same press that refused to call out making the militias part of the Iraqi government's security forces now pretend to wonder what happened and how?  We've called out that merger since Nouri al-Maliki's second term when the forever thug was proposing it.  We called it out when Haider al-Abadi was prime minister and proposing it.  We called it out when he made the militias part of the government forces.  From the March 9, 2018 snapshot:

REUTERS reports, "Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi issued a decree on Thursday formalizing the inclusion of Shi’ite paramilitary groups in the country’s security forces."  The militias did not liberate any city, they terrorized citizens.  This has been documented at length by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.  These crimes did not lead to any punishment.  Pressed, Hayder would insist that there would be an investigation and then, when the media light moved elsewhere, the matter was dropped.  A woman whose 'crime' was being (or being accused of being) the sister of a member of ISIS has been sentenced to death.  But the Shi'ite militia groups who destroyed homes and terrorized people?  They aren't convicted of anything (nor are their sisters, brothers, etc).

Let that soak in for just a minute.

You are a Shi'ite militia groups -- or even a Shi'ite member of the real Iraqi military -- and you kill civilians -- especially Sunnis and Kurds -- and you torch their homes and that's not going to get you dragged before a judge.  You will not be punished.  This has repeatedly been made clear.

Now let's note this from RUDAW:

Abadi, however, was less optimistic about the ability of his, or any, government to solve the “age-old” divisions between communities.

“The role of the government is not to solve religious or sectarian or ethnic problems. These are age-old. I don’t think any government of the day can solve all differences,” he said. 

Kurdish, Shiite, and Sunni differences were brought under the spotlight once again during months’ long efforts to pass the government’s 2018 budget bill. The bill was finally passed last week despite a boycott by Kurdish MPs who maintain their constitutional rights were ignored in the bill in the wake of Kurdistan’s vote for independence from Iraq last fall and Baghdad’s subsequent efforts to exert federal control over the autonomous region and the disputed areas.

Iraq will hold parliamentary elections on May 12 and provincial elections on December 22.

The government, Hayder insists, cannot solve differences.

Even though, please note, it's Hayder's government that promotes the differences -- differences in justice, differences in rights, differences in safety.

Hayder is a failure and a War Criminal but the US government will continue to back the puppet.  The US government will keep the US military in Iraq to prop up Hayder.  (And Germany's adding more troops to Iraq, according to Chancellor Angela Merkal.)

He's a failure and those under him know they can get away with anything -- including murder.

KURDISTAN 24 reports:

A tribal group in Nineveh Province on Friday issued a statement on the suspicious death of a policeman from an Arab tribe while in an Iraqi army detention center in Mosul.
“Khalid Ahmed Mohammed al-Juhaishi, from the village of al-Barghaliya in the al-Ayadiyah district of Tal Afar district, died under severe torture at the hands of intelligence officer of the 15th Brigade, Captain Ihab, from Nasiriyah,” Muzahim al-Hewitt, a spokesperson for the Nineveh Arab Tribes, said in a statement.
He said that al-Juhaishi was arrested a few days ago by the 73rd Brigade, the 15th Division of the Iraqi Army, along with two other residents.
He added that the victim was a policeman stationed in the area of Rabia. 

Hayder is a fraud.

Hayder was out (October 2018) and CIA favorite Adil Abdul-Mahdi was in.  But Hayder's hideous decision was something Iraq was stuck with.  Which was why, a year after it, you started seeing headlines like "Iraq Prime Minister Tries to Reign In Militias" (NEW YORK TIMES) and "Iraq PM orders Iran-allied militias to be reigned in" (REUTERS). 

They were caught surprised.  We weren't.  Common sense was all you needed to know the militias being made official Iraqi forces was a recipe for disaster.  

 In the United States?  Yeserday, US President Donald Trump presented the Medal of Honor to Iraq War veteran Sgt Maj Thomas Patrick "Pat" Payne.  

At the ceremony, Donald noted:

Pat grew up in a small town in South Carolina.  His dad is a police officer.  His grandfathers served in World War Two, in Korea, Vietnam.  Service to our country really goes through their veins very, very rapidly.

Exactly 19 years ago today — on September 11th, 2001 — news of the attack on our nation’s great, great country — this was just an attack like has never happened to us.  But it went through Pat’s high school — and went through his classroom.  And Pat was sitting there, listening.  His teacher solemnly told the students that their generation had a fight to win.  They were going to fight and fight to win.  In that moment, Pat was called to action.  He knew that his country needed him.

Ten short months later, at the age of 18, Pat was in Army basic training at Fort Benning.  Soon, he joined the elite ranks of the legendary Army Rangers.  Pat became an exceptional soldier and expert sniper.  He saw heavy combat in multiple theatres of battle.

In 2010, during a deployment in Afghanistan, his leg was severely wounded by an enemy grenade.  While recovering in South Carolina, Pat met with his wife, Alison.  Well, that was probably not a bad wound then, was it?  Huh?  It was worth — (laughter) — I hope you’re going to say it was worth it.  (Laughter.)  It was.

Less than two years after being injured, Pat competed against some of America’s toughest warriors and won the prestigious Best Ranger Competition, among the most grueling physical contests anywhere in the country.

In October of 2015, on his 14th deployment, Pat was part of a team assigned to plan and conduct an operation to rescue over 70 Kurdish prisoners being held by ISIS barbarians in Iraq.  The team soon received horrifying intelligence that the terrorists were planning to massacre their captives and bury them in freshly dug graves.  Pat and his teammates raced into action.

After midnight, on October 22, Pat boarded a helicopter and departed on a mission to free the hostages from two buildings guarded by dozens of ruthless and bloodthirsty ISIS terrorists.  He was in command of a team clearing one of the compounds.  As soon as the ramp to his helicopter went down, Pat rushed into a blistering hail of gunfire.  Pat and his team swiftly overpowered the enemy, secured the building, and freed 38 of the hostages.

Then Pat received word that the rest of the assault team was facing harsh resistance in another complex.  Pat turned to one of his fellow soldiers and said, “Let’s get into the fight right now.  Let’s get into the fight.”  He saw that the other building was on fire and he knew more of the hostages were still trapped inside.  He and his team climbed up ladders to the roof and opened up fire on the enemy.  Multiple ISIS fighters detonated suicide vests, ripping a portion of the building into pieces.

But Pat and his fellow Rangers fought through the fire, the bullets, and the deadly blasts.  Pat navigated to the front door and saw the captives were being held behind a metal door secured by two very heavy padlocks.  He grabbed a pair of bolt cutters and ran through smoldering flame and smoke.  As bullets impacted all around him, Pat succeeded in cutting one of the locks before scorching, sweltering heat forced him to leave the building for some air.

Pat caught his breath in a few seconds and was back.  He ran right back into that raging blaze.  He sliced the final lock and released the rest of the hostages as the building began to collapse.  He received orders to evacuate, but he refused to do so; he didn’t want to leave anyone behind.

Pat ran back into the burning building that was collapsing two more times.  He saved multiple hostages, and he was the last man to leave. He wouldn’t leave.  No matter what they said, no matter who ordered him to do it, he wouldn’t do it.  He was the last one out.  It was one of the largest and most daring rescue missions in American history.  Pat and his team rescued 75 captives and killed 20 ISIS terrorists.

Pat, you embody the righteous glory of American valor.  We stand in awe of your heroic daring and gallant deeds.  You truly went above and beyond the call of duty to earn our nation’s highest military honor.

Pat would be the first to remind us that he was not alone that day.  In the battle, one Army Ranger made the ultimate sacrifice: Master Sergeant Josh Wheeler.  Josh was something.  Right, Pat?  Josh was something.  You’ve — you’ve said that before.

Today, we’re deeply moved to be joined by Master Sergeant Wheeler’s wife, Ashley Wheeler.  Ashley, our hearts break for your loss.  A great man.  That was a great man.

Ashley — where is Ashley?  Ashley, please stand up.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you very much.  Thank you, Ashley.

Our nation endures because fearless warriors like Josh are willing to lay down their lives for our freedom.  Our children can grow up in peace because Josh had the courage to face down evil.  Our debt to him and to you is everlasting.  And again, thank you very much, Ashley.  We appreciate it very much.  We will honor him forever.  You know that.  Very special group of warriors, men — great men.

Pat has said that as soon as our soldiers’ boots hit the ground, they are ambassadors of the American way of life.  Everywhere they go, the men and women of our armed forces instill our friends with hope, our enemies with dread, and our fellow citizens with unyielding American pride.

Over the course of his service, Pat has embarked on an astounding — really, an astounding 17 deployments in defense of our nation.  

Donald has presented the Medal of Honor numerous times in his presidency.  Past honorees during his presidency include Specialist Five James C. McCloughan (Vietnam War),  Captain Gary Michael Rose (Vietnam War),  Master Chief Britt Slabinski (Afghanistan War)First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner (WWII)Technical Sergeant John Chapman (Afghanistan War),  Staff Sergeant Ronald Shurer (Afghanistan War)Sergeant Major John Canley (Vietnam War),  Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins (Iraq War)Staff Sergeant David Bellavia (Iraq War) and Master Sergeant Matthew Williams (Afghanistan War).

On the subject of veterans, there's an update to the case against Iraq War veteran Samuel Junkin.  Danille Zoellner (INDEPENDENT) reports:

A disabled Iraq War veteran faces five years in prison for marijuana possession after an Alabama judge denied his release, citing his past criminal record.

Alabama circuit judge Samuel Junkin denied a motion that would allow Sean Worsley to move to a community supervision programme instead of a state prison on Wednesday.

Mr Worsley was arrested for marijuana possession while driving through Alabama from his home state of Arizona, where he has been legally prescribed the drug.  If convicted, he could face five years in the Alabama Department of Corrections.

Andrew Keiper (FOX NEWS) adds:

Currently, Worsley is sitting in Pickens County Jail awaiting transport to state prison to begin serving a five-year sentence for marijuana possession. Junkin’s denial came after months of legal efforts to keep Worsley, a Purple Heart recipient, out of prison.

Advocates for Worsley’s release said they believed they had an iron-clad case for his transfer to community supervision. Junkin’s denial cited issues with Worsley’s pre-incarceration probation and felony charges. Previously, he had been arrested for non-violent marijuana charges and pleaded guilty.

[. . .]

Fox News spoke to Beau Armistead, the certified trauma professional who has been offering Worsley one free Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy session a week for as long as he needed it. Armistead said an uncontrolled environment like prison could cause Worsley’s condition to worsen.

“When you live with that level of hypervigilance and you’re in an environment that’s already stressful and chaotic and a bit scary, like prison, it just ramps that up and causes an extreme amount of stress,” he added.

There is no justice.  There is no concern over the health or medical needs of Sean.  He never should have been arrested to begin with and the state of Alabama is a damn, dirty joke if they think they can interfere with the medical treatment of anyone -- let alone a veteran suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress.  Shame on them.

The following sites udpated:

Remarks by President Trump at Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor for Sergeant Major Thomas Payne, U.S. Army

 The White House issued the following yesterday:

East Room

3:20 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much, Chaplain Winton.  Really, a beautiful job.  And thank you for your service.

Please.  Thank you.

Today, it’s my privilege to present the Congressional Medal of Honor to a warrior who has devoted the last two decades to fighting the forces of terror.  Please join me in welcoming today’s extraordinary recipient, Sergeant Major Thomas Patrick Payne.  Congratulations.  (Applause.)  Thank you very much.

We’re grateful to be joined by Pat’s really wonderful wife, Alison.  And, Alison, thank you, for being here on this very momentous occasion.  This is — this is the big one.  You know that.  This is the big one.

Also with us is Patrick and Alison’s 6-year-old son, Aaron.  Aaron, thank you for being here.  He got a very nice little award back there: a beautiful pen.  Right?  You’re going to save that pen.  Thank you, Aaron.

I want you to know that your Dad is one the bravest men anywhere in the world.  You know that, right?  You knew that before — I think you knew that before we knew it.  So, congratulations to both.

With us also is our First Lady — thank you, darling; and Vice President Mike Pence — Mike, thank you very much; along with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper — Mark, thank you; Congressman Richard Hudson — Richard — Richard, thank you very much; Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy — thanks, Ryan; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley — Mark, thank you very much.  It’s amazing the way all these big generals are showing up.  This is something, huh?  (Laughter.)  This is the big one, as I say — always do.  It always will be.  The Army Chief of Staff James McConville — James, thank you.  Thank you very much, James.  And Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston — thank you, Mike.  Thank you very much.

I also want to recognize the three Medal of Honor recipients that are with us: Matthew Williams, Edward Byers, and Walter Marm.  Thank you very much.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  That’s great.  A lot of brave people are with us today.

Pat grew up in a small town in South Carolina.  His dad is a police officer.  His grandfathers served in World War Two, in Korea, Vietnam.  Service to our country really goes through their veins very, very rapidly.

Exactly 19 years ago today — on September 11th, 2001 — news of the attack on our nation’s great, great country — this was just an attack like has never happened to us.  But it went through Pat’s high school — and went through his classroom.  And Pat was sitting there, listening.  His teacher solemnly told the students that their generation had a fight to win.  They were going to fight and fight to win.  In that moment, Pat was called to action.  He knew that his country needed him.

Ten short months later, at the age of 18, Pat was in Army basic training at Fort Benning.  Soon, he joined the elite ranks of the legendary Army Rangers.  Pat became an exceptional soldier and expert sniper.  He saw heavy combat in multiple theatres of battle.

In 2010, during a deployment in Afghanistan, his leg was severely wounded by an enemy grenade.  While recovering in South Carolina, Pat met with his wife, Alison.  Well, that was probably not a bad wound then, was it?  Huh?  It was worth — (laughter) — I hope you’re going to say it was worth it.  (Laughter.)  It was.

Less than two years after being injured, Pat competed against some of America’s toughest warriors and won the prestigious Best Ranger Competition, among the most grueling physical contests anywhere in the country.

In October of 2015, on his 14th deployment, Pat was part of a team assigned to plan and conduct an operation to rescue over 70 Kurdish prisoners being held by ISIS barbarians in Iraq.  The team soon received horrifying intelligence that the terrorists were planning to massacre their captives and bury them in freshly dug graves.  Pat and his teammates raced into action.

After midnight, on October 22, Pat boarded a helicopter and departed on a mission to free the hostages from two buildings guarded by dozens of ruthless and bloodthirsty ISIS terrorists.  He was in command of a team clearing one of the compounds.  As soon as the ramp to his helicopter went down, Pat rushed into a blistering hail of gunfire.  Pat and his team swiftly overpowered the enemy, secured the building, and freed 38 of the hostages.

Then Pat received word that the rest of the assault team was facing harsh resistance in another complex.  Pat turned to one of his fellow soldiers and said, “Let’s get into the fight right now.  Let’s get into the fight.”  He saw that the other building was on fire and he knew more of the hostages were still trapped inside.  He and his team climbed up ladders to the roof and opened up fire on the enemy.  Multiple ISIS fighters detonated suicide vests, ripping a portion of the building into pieces.

But Pat and his fellow Rangers fought through the fire, the bullets, and the deadly blasts.  Pat navigated to the front door and saw the captives were being held behind a metal door secured by two very heavy padlocks.  He grabbed a pair of bolt cutters and ran through smoldering flame and smoke.  As bullets impacted all around him, Pat succeeded in cutting one of the locks before scorching, sweltering heat forced him to leave the building for some air.

Pat caught his breath in a few seconds and was back.  He ran right back into that raging blaze.  He sliced the final lock and released the rest of the hostages as the building began to collapse.  He received orders to evacuate, but he refused to do so; he didn’t want to leave anyone behind.

Pat ran back into the burning building that was collapsing two more times.  He saved multiple hostages, and he was the last man to leave. He wouldn’t leave.  No matter what they said, no matter who ordered him to do it, he wouldn’t do it.  He was the last one out.  It was one of the largest and most daring rescue missions in American history.  Pat and his team rescued 75 captives and killed 20 ISIS terrorists.

Pat, you embody the righteous glory of American valor.  We stand in awe of your heroic daring and gallant deeds.  You truly went above and beyond the call of duty to earn our nation’s highest military honor.

Pat would be the first to remind us that he was not alone that day.  In the battle, one Army Ranger made the ultimate sacrifice: Master Sergeant Josh Wheeler.  Josh was something.  Right, Pat?  Josh was something.  You’ve — you’ve said that before.

Today, we’re deeply moved to be joined by Master Sergeant Wheeler’s wife, Ashley Wheeler.  Ashley, our hearts break for your loss.  A great man.  That was a great man.

Ashley — where is Ashley?  Ashley, please stand up.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you very much.  Thank you, Ashley.

Our nation endures because fearless warriors like Josh are willing to lay down their lives for our freedom.  Our children can grow up in peace because Josh had the courage to face down evil.  Our debt to him and to you is everlasting.  And again, thank you very much, Ashley.  We appreciate it very much.  We will honor him forever.  You know that.  Very special group of warriors, men — great men.

Pat has said that as soon as our soldiers’ boots hit the ground, they are ambassadors of the American way of life.  Everywhere they go, the men and women of our armed forces instill our friends with hope, our enemies with dread, and our fellow citizens with unyielding American pride.

Over the course of his service, Pat has embarked on an astounding — really, an astounding 17 deployments in defense of our nation.  General Milley, that’s a lot, right?  Is that a lot?

GENERAL MILLEY:  That’s a lot, sir.

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s a lot.  Okay, I needed that little extra confirmation.  That’s a lot.

He now serves as an instructor at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, training the next generation of American warriors.  Today, he joins the immortal company of our most revered American heroes.  Pat, you personify the motto “Rangers lead the way,” and you inspire us all.

It is now my privilege to present Sergeant Major Thomas Patrick Payne with the Congressional Medal of Honor.  I’d like to ask the military aide to come forward and read the citation.

Thank you very much.

MILITARY AIDE:  Attention to orders.  The Medal of Honor is awarded to Sergeant First Class Thomas P. Payne, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on October 22, 2015.

His heroism and selfless actions were key to liberating 75 hostages during a contested rescue mission that resulted in 20 enemies killed in action.

Sergeant First Class Payne’s gallantry under fire and uncommon valor are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Special Operations Command, and the United States Army.  (Applause.)

(The Medal of Honor is presented.)  (Applause.)

END                3:34 P.M. EDT

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Testifies at Senate Hearing on Veteran Mental Health

 Wednesday, IAVA issued the following:

IAVA CEO Urges Passage of Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act

September 9, 2020

Washington, DC – Today, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America’s (IAVA) CEO, Jeremy Butler offered testimony at the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing on suicide prevention.

“The time for meaningful legislation to end the veteran suicide crisis is now,” said Jeremy Butler, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. “The pandemic has placed added pressure on the veteran population. At IAVA, we have seen a marked increase in veterans reaching out to our consolidated care-program, asking for mental health assistance. Passing the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act is a common-sense way to expand access and research into veteran suicides and reverse the trend.” 

“Currently, 62% of our members report knowing a fellow veteran that has died by suicide,” continued Butler. “That number has risen 22% since 2014, clearly change is necessary. During this unprecedented period our country is facing, I urge legislators to think of servicemembers and veterans and pass the Hannon Act.”

IAVA has been a lead advocate for veteran mental health, working with allies in Congress to craft legislation. The full Senate passed the Hannon Act in August, this momentum needs to carry to the House so veterans can receive improved, quality care for mental health issues. 

IAVA is the voice for the post-9/11 veteran generation. With over 400,000 veterans and allies nationwide, IAVA is the leader in non-partisan veteran advocacy and public awareness. We drive historic impacts for veterans and IAVA’s programs are second to none. Any veteran or family member in need can reach out to IAVA’s Quick Reaction Force at or 855-91RAPID (855-917-2743) to be connected promptly with a veteran care manager who will assist. IAVA’s The Vote Hub is a free tool to register to vote and find polling information. IAVA’s membership is always growing. Join the movement at


#TheJimmyDoreShow Jesse Ventura Talks Third Party Presidential Run


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The Problem With Saul Alinsky


Joining us tonight is Aaron Petcoff, political organizer in NYC, to critique the legacy of Saul Alinksy's community organizing strategies. In Aaron's words: this self-described pragmatism, which dismisses radical politics and empowers a class of professional organizers, has shut the door to more democratic and transformational forms of working-class mobilization.

#QuestionMore #RTAmerica USA political and economic collapse


On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses with economist Professor Rick D. Wolff, the economic and political collapse of the American empire. Wolff’s new book, The Sickness is the System - When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, is available on September 15. #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Get exclusive content and watch full episodes now by downloading the Portable.TV app: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

#assange #wikileaks #julianassange Assange Update: The Prosecution is Politically Motivated says Defense Witness


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✔ Subscribe to our channel: ✔ Donate to our journalism: In this video, we provide an update on the third day of Julian Assange’s extradition hearings. Defense witness Professor Paul Rogers testifies on the political nature of the case and cites statements from prominent United States officials. In the afternoon, Trevor Timm of Freedom of the Press Foundation is called to the stand for the defense to speak about this attack on journalism. Statements from journalist and filmmaker Juan Passarelli and Julian Assange’s father John Shipton are included. To view all of our previous updates & reports on this case: To view more videos on this topics: ► Assange's fiancée speaks out: ► Julian Assange Global Protest ► Glenn Greenwald on Assange: ► Noam Chomsky on Assange: ► "WeAreMillions" Campaign for Assange: ► Varoufakis on Assange: ► Julian Assange "Stop Extradition Protest": ► Dr. Jill Stein on Assange & Manning: ► Julian Assange - Public Rally Event: ► Interview with Assange's Father: ► Interview with Nils Melzer: ► Report on the 4th of February public rally for Assange: ► Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky, Jill Stein, Varoufakis, Horvat & Richter Respond: ► Srećko Horvat FOLLOW US ONLINE: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: actv_munich ► Website: ► Twitter: ► YouTube: DONATE: ► PayPal: ► Patreon: ► Betterplace (Credit Card incl.): ► INT. BANK ACC: DE89430609678224073600 For our German viewers // Für unsere deutschen Zuschauer: Für Community-Übersetzungen sind wir stets dankbar. Bitte schicken Sie die Übersetzung zur Korrektur an uns, nach der wir diese dann ins Video einpflegen werden. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis. CITATION OF YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL & ASSANGE-INTRO: Julian Assange: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Source. Author: David G Silvers. #assange #wikileaks #julianassange

9 12 2020 Conversation with Dahr Jamail


Dahr Jamail is an award winning climate crisis author who penned The End of Ice, identified as one of the ten best science books in 2019 by the Smithsonian. We've had Dahr on the show before and he has been part of one of our first Zoominars. If you haven't seen Dahr speak, you will want to watch this 40 minute discussion of how horridly NM is regulating the out of control gas and oil industry. We also range on to speak of still larger climate-related issues. A MUST watch video.

Woodward's Covid Tapes, Phony Right-Wing Populism, and Jane McAlevey on Labor | Weekends (09/12/20)


Every Saturday starting at 1 PM ET, Ana Kasparian and Nando Vila will be broadcasting live from the Jacobin YouTube channel. “Weekends” will feature free-flowing and humorous commentary on current events and left political strategy, featuring interviews with prominent individuals on the left. The guest today is Jane McAlevey. Jane is a union organizer and author of both No Shortcuts and A Collective Bargain. Subscribe to the channel and press the like button! Subscribe to Jacobin:

Is the U.S. Barrelling Toward Revolution?


Remembering 9/11/1973: Salvador Allende's Socialist Government in Chile and the US-Backed Coup


2020 is the 47th anniversary of the military coup in Chile that deposed the democratically elected Popular Unity government of President Salvador Allende. We talk with René Rojas, sociologist at Binghamton University’s College of Community and Public Affairs, to remember the history of capitalist counterrevolution against democracy and socialism, the role the CIA had in supporting the coup, and the legacy of Allende, one of the 20th century most admirable and courageous individuals. You can read Rene's work in Catalyst here: Press like and subscribe! Subscribe to Jacobin:

Graduate students strike at University of Michigan - September 9, 2020


#TheJimmyDoreShow Democrats Performative Political Theater Will Be The End Of Us All!


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For 16 Years, We’ve Been Mobilizing



The stakes of the 2020 election could not be higher. As Black Lives Matter activists take to the streets, a pandemic sweeps through our homes, and the west coast LITERALLY burns, the executive branch has sat back and watched hundreds of thousands of Americans die.

For over a decade now, Hip Hop Caucus has been registering voters and mobilizing Black Americans to fight these very evils.


Sixteen years ago today, we held the very first Hip Hop Caucus, bringing together groups that were using cultural power to bring in voters who the political class ignores. On 9/11/2004, we were mobilizing ahead of the re-election campaign of a president who took office despite losing the popular vote, and who had spread misinformation that got Americans killed.

Hip Hop Caucus was created to carry the lessons of that election and build power for the long term. We’re still here, and we’re still bringing people in, demanding respect for our votes!

Support the Respect My Vote! Campaign and fight to preserve democracy, register voters, invest in our democracy, and protect Black America from the myriad racially charged evils that hold us back.

The Respect My Vote! Campaign will:

  • Register thousands of voters
  • Get voters to take the pledge
  • Educate voters about voter suppression tactics, and how to overcome them
  • Walk people through the process of vote by mail
  • Engage some of the most dynamic celebrity influencers to help organize Black voters and amplify Black voices

It’s a scary time. But our voices are powerful instruments of change.

And that’s why we keep marching forward. We keep lifting our voices and fighting for what we believe in.

Join us in facing 2020 head on. Wish us a happy birthday, and help us fight for a better future.

For future generations,

Rev. Yearwood
Founder & President
Hip Hop Caucus

Hip Hop Caucus

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