Senator Patty Murray Chairs the Senate Budget Committee and serves on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. Her office issued the following this morning:
Thursday, April 10, 2014 (202) 224-2834
Murray to Introduce Major Military and Veteran Caregiver Bill
(Washington D.C.) – This morning, at approximately 9:55AM ET, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) will deliver a speech on the Senate floor and introduce the Military and Veteran Caregiver Services Improvement Act. This legislation follows the release of a RAND Corporation report commissioned by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation that calls attention to the challenges faced by America's military and veteran caregivers. Sen. Murray will be joined in the chamber by Senator Elizabeth Dole and caregivers from around the country who could be directly impacted by this legislation. The caregivers will be visiting Capitol Hill offices throughout the day Thursday as part of the 2014 Elizabeth Dole Foundation Caregiver Fellows program.
“There is no way we will sit by and let caregivers and veterans face this on their own – not when we can make it at least a little bit easier.” –Senator Patty Murray
Sen. Murray's bill introduction comes one day before First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden will host former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Senator Elizabeth Dole at the White House to discuss the findings of the RAND report, as part of their Joining Forces initiative.
WHO: U.S. Senator Patty Murray
WHAT: Floor speech to introduce the Military and Veterans Caregiver Services Improvement Act
WHEN: TODAY: 9:55 AM ET/ 6:55 AM PT (exact time could vary depending on floor schedule)
WHERE: Senate Floor
WATCH: Speech will air live on C-SPAN 2
Meghan Roh
Press Secretary | New Media Director
Office of U.S. Senator Patty Murray
Mobile: (202) 365-1235
Office: (202) 224-2834