- Pinned TweetThe majority of Americans want a new major party. Demand Jill be included in the polls: http://www.jill2016.com/polls747 retweets1,268 likes
- 9 retweets36 likes
- "Don't for a minute, doubt our capacity to change the course of history." @DrJillStein on #mypeoplestv40 retweets81 likes
- "This is not a moment, it's a movement." Those words were coined by Jasmine who is now arrested." @BLMPAsadena #freejasmine #mypeopelstv34 retweets76 likes
- " Empower yourself and others to know that your voice matters." @maxcarver #mypeoplestv65 retweets178 likes
- "This is a moment that is driven by LOVE." @YahNeNdgo #mypeoplestv17 retweets56 likes
- 30 retweets69 likes
- "It's important that we not be intimidated out of our power." @DrJillStein #mypeoplestv40 retweets88 likes
- Make sure you're catching the live stream of #mypeoplestv ! http://www.facebook.com/MyPeoplesTV19 retweets34 likes
- Which aspects of @HillaryClinton's record appall you the most? Here's some context: http://usuncut.com/politics/hillary-clinton-foreign-policy-record/ … @USUncut475 retweets429 likes
- It is irresponsible journalism when the mainstream media tiptoes around my campaign given that 47% of voters want a third party candidate.443 retweets856 likes
- The 'lynching' charge against #BLM activist Jasmine Richard is repellent given the history of white lynch mobs seizing black prisoners.263 retweets404 likes
Extend bankruptcy laws for Puerto Rico, a protection that already exists for individual states: http://www.jill2016.com/stein_calls_for_debt_relief_for_puerto_rico … #PuertoRicoPrimary
118 retweets199 likes- Root cause of Puerto Rico’s debt crisis is centuries of colonial exploitation that since 1898 has benefited wealthy & corporate US interests348 retweets493 likes
- The reports from the #PuertoRicoPrimary are incredibly unsurprising. You cannot have a fair system run by corrupt corporate parties.570 retweets799 likes
- Along with @GreenPartyUS , I condemn the prosecution & conviction of #BlackLivesMatter organizer Jasmine Richards.136 retweets291 likes
- In '98, MA passed a publicly-funded elections referendum. A Dem legislature overturned it: #ThatWasMyCueToLeave the corporate 2-party system220 retweets393 likes
- We can pay for a #GreenNewDeal with a 50% cut in our bloated military budget and higher taxes on the predatory Wall Street oligarchs.143 retweets317 likes
jill stein