I mean, c’mon - who wouldn’t laugh?
If you’re looking for something that differentiates Bernie 2020 from the rest of the field, here it is: we don’t play nice with the billionaire class, we tell them that their greed and their political dominance is coming to an end — whether they like it or not 

Today- @BernieSanders hosts a Climate Forum with @AOC in Des Moines.
Earlier in the day, @AOC hit the streets to door knock for Sanders and @AnnieGrayerCNN was there.
Our report for @CNNnewsroom
AOC canvasses for Sanders in Iowa
After Sen. @BernieSanders stopped laughing at Jeff Bezos reportedly asking Bloomberg if consider running for president, he sarcastically praised the billionaires for their "strong grassroots," while Rep. @AOC acknowledged their class solidarity
Sanders, speaking at event in Coralville, knocks Bloomberg, says he won’t win by skipping IA & NH, adds “Sorry, you ain’t gonna buy this election...by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on media in California. Those days are gone.”
Important series from @capitalandmain looking at growing inequality in the U.S. and how it’s affecting the lives of Americans and the #2020Elections. #InequalityUSA
Giant crowd listening to @AOC here in Coralville #BernieSanders

In a Q&A, Sanders makes a thinly veiled dig at Mike Bloomberg. “What we need
is a dynamic democracy—a democracy where all of us play a role in shaping public policy, not some billionaire who decides he wants to run for president of the United States because he’s a billionaire.”
.@BernieSanders in Iowa:
"What we are trying to do here in this campaign is not only defeat Trump, we are trying to transform this country."
"The only way real change takes place... has ever taken place, is when millions of people stand up and are prepared to fight for justice."
Request: subscribe to BERN NOTICE, our campaign’s email newsletter chock full of scoops, data, underreported stories and other goodies: http://bernie.substack.com
One other request: please retweet this to spread the word!
In my (minimal) spare time, one of my hobbies is photography. So I’m passing this on because it’s some of the coolest photography I’ve ever seen. Enjoy it. Nature is awesome.
Have we really got to the point when the opinion of one billionaire about the presidential prospects of another billionaire against a billionaire incumbent is newsworthy?

David Sirota Retweeted
Rep. @AOC is helping to launch a canvass today in Des Moines. This wknd Team Bernie in Iowa will knock more than 20,000 doors. As Rep. AOC says, 'we arent here to watch the polls, we are here to change the polls.We change the polls by knocking doors'
#IACaucus #Bernie2020

Off to to cover @AOC + @BernieSanders at Drake and this is what I come across driving through a northern DSM neighborhood ->

Folks* you love to see it
(*billionaires don’t love to see it)

David Sirota Retweeted
Inject this into my veins every day

I’m the parent of Denver public school students, so I have a keen interest in making sure people know the actual truth about what’s happened here

OK billionaire
“It’s by no means a pivot for Sanders. The senator, long a climate champion, endorsed the Green New Deal movement early on.”
Everyone alive today is living at a point that is literally unprecedented in all of human history.
Passing and enacting a Green New Deal must be a top priority. When I am president, it will be.

Bernie 2020
Hey look, another Washington Post story about the Democratic presidential field with nary a mention of Bernie
We’re gonna do it — we’re gonna win Iowa, win the primary, win the general and then win the future with a Green New Deal.
This @BernieSanders rally last night in Iowa with @AOC is unlike anything I’ve ever heard in American politics.
Today, they have another event with @NaomiAKlein focused entirely on the climate emergency.
This is what it feels like to create change on the scale that’s necessary.
David Sirota Retweeted
David Sirota Retweeted
.@AOC explains in Iowa that the only way to bring about real change “is not through a technocratic policy proposal, but through a political revolution of working people in the United States.”