Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Some Tweets from Naomi Klein

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    Wow - you all made a bestseller in its first week in the world!!! Special love to all the students, teachers + parents who used the book as a primer for the . You are why I write. 💚
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    Can I take a minute and praise the foresight and principle of , , and , who endorsed and gave him a big boost. So many amazing Americans are part of . I hope everyone joins us to DEFEAT TRUMP.
  • Sunrise is bringing so much energy and power to this campaign. It's a beauty to behold. So much gratitude.
  • The planet it burning and this guy's pitch is really we "need a fresh outlook."
  • Congratulations and the thousands who worked to make this victory happen!
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    Sanders won more voters under 30 years old in New Hampshire than all of the other candidates *combined* according to exit polls.
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    Every time Bernie is 6,000 votes ahead of Pete, the media seems to think they are in the same place.
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    We’re 3,000 miles away from New Hampshire and UCLA students are holding their own rally with + . Something special is happening all over this country.
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    Don’t watch the speech is giving right now. Instead watch her be grilled on this morning about charging and convicting an innocent Black boy for murder. It’s awful.
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    Klobuchar says sheʻs against "socialist philosophy" because she believes in supporting entrepreneurs. But how many millions more would start businesses if they didnʻt have to worry about healthcare for themselves, their families, and employees?
  • Movements are messy. They make mistakes. They aren't very technocratic. But if they are big and strong enough, they can change the world. I hope some of the folks who know we need deep change + are hurting now because their candidate seems unviable will consider joining .
  • Listening to CNN panel explain how there are "no transformational candidates" in the mix... someone needs to tell these folks about Bernie .
  • Have any of these TV pundits explained why Klobuchar would beat Trump when Hillary Clinton could not? Isn't Klob a less mighty version of the Clinton machine and isn't Trump now a stronger incumbent version of himself?
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    I was offered $500/day to make web graphics for Mike Bloomberg. Let me officially burn this bridge and say , you can go straight to hell.
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    I have some exit polls that show that the Trump administration just proposed 1.5 trillion dollars in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
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    Massive reason I support so strongly. Read this if you know/love anyone who is disabled.
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    FACT: This is not a big tent approach. This is giving credence to right-wing red herrings. TRUTH: individuals who identify as pro-life are and have always been a part of the party. They, like most Independents and most moderate Republicans believe in legal access to abortion. /1