Monday, May 09, 2005

Times: Venezuela wants Posada, States & Medicaid, Tony Blair

In this morning's New York Times, we'll start off by noting Tim Weiner's "Case of Cuban Exile Could Test the U.S. Definition of Terrorist:"

Mr. Posada, a Cuban exile, has long been a symbol for the armed anti-Castro movement in the United States. He remains a prime suspect in the bombing of a Cuban commercial airliner that killed 73 people in 1976. He has admitted to plotting attacks that damaged tourist spots in Havana and killed an Italian visitor there in 1997. He was convicted in Panama in a 2000 bomb plot against Mr. Castro. He is no longer welcome in his old Latin America haunts.
Mr. Posada, 77, sneaked back into Florida six weeks ago in an effort to seek political asylum for having served as a cold war soldier on the payroll of the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1960's, his lawyer, Eduardo Soto, said at a news conference last month.
Venezuela wants to extradite and retry him for the Cuban airline bombing. Mr. Posada was involved "up to his eyeballs" in planning the attack, said Carter Cornick, a retired counterterrorism specialist for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who investigated Mr. Posada's role in that case. A newly declassified 1976 F.B.I. document places Mr. Posada, who had been a senior Venezuelan intelligence officer, at two meetings where the bombing was planned.

Eli e-mails to note Robert Pear's "States Propose Sweeping Changes to Trim Medicaid by Billions:"

Under the proposals, some beneficiaries would have to pay more for care, and states would have more latitude to limit the scope of services.
The proposals, drafted by separate working groups of governors and state legislators, provide guidance to Congress, which 10 days ago endorsed a budget blueprint that would cut projected Medicaid spending by $10 billion over the next five years.
Many of the proposals resemble ideas advanced by President Bush as part of his 2006 budget. In some cases, the governors embrace Mr. Bush's proposals but go further. At the same time, they also reject some of the president's recommendations that they believe would shift costs to the states.

Joy e-mails to note Alan Cowell's "After Winning One Campaign, Blair Is Facing Another Against Him, in His Own Party:"

It's not unusual in politics for an election victor to enjoy a honeymoon, however brief. But three days after a national vote in Britain that gave him a historic third term, Prime Minister Tony Blair confronted a widening debate about his tenure in office.
Almost unanimously, Sunday newspapers devoted their front pages to articles chronicling disputes over when he would fulfill his pledge to stand down before the next election in favor of the chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown.

Joy: There's not really anything in here that wasn't up at the site yesterday but since the Times often ignores reality, I figured I should e-mail about this.

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