Foreign Policy in Focus just can't keep from embarrassing itself these days. The "think tank without walls" is apparently now also the "think tank with thought." Or facts.
Stephen Zunes left the world of reality a long, long time ago and these days offers the sort of crazed mutterings that would have a good many running to San Juan Batista for sanctuary. Alas, FPiF indulges him in his sad, sad decline.
The reason for that is being a Hillary Hater not only means never having to save your sorry, it also means never being bound by facts. The latest bit of nonsense Zunes manages to both squeeze out and cough up, has been 'edited' by Emily Schwartz Greco at FPiF and reposted at the cesspool that has become Common Dreams.
How does that happen? Zunes has just become a loon. That's been obvious for months. But how does an 'editor' not catch a mistake? How does Common Dreams not catch it?
Are they that stupid?
They don't catch it because they're all after Hillary, they will rip her apart for anything and everything including THINGS THAT HAPPENED ONLY IN THEIR HATE FILLED MINDS.
For a "think tank" -- with or without walls -- thought is actually required and examination. But FPiF seems bound and determined to prove that they are neither a "think tank" nor bound by facts.
Zunes and FPiF exist these days to promote a candidate. And since Barack Obama has no qualifications to be president, they have to distort Hillary. So Zunes regularly shows up with half-truths passed off as 'factual' and hides behind his university cred to give it the appearance of academia and an honest examination.
It's not.
Mike (rightly) selected Zunes as the pick for Dumb Ass of the Week yesterday. As Mike notes, I didn't want to look at the article, Zunes writing these days is an embarrassment to any who know him. Along with the usual shading and bending of the truth that Zunes is so fond of these days, he offers up a FLAT OUT DISTORTION that is all the more appalling when you grasp that the rant supposed had an editor and that another site posted it (Common Dreams).
Zunes, ESG, FPiP and Common Dreams have allegedly been living in the same world as the rest of us and the lie is that they've paid attention to it. So how does Zunes get away with beginning a sentence with the following, "During her one trip to Iraq, in February 2005, she insisted that the U.S. occupation . . ."
How insane are the Hillary Haters that they would invite ridicule so easily?
Travel back with us to 2003. Thanksgiving. It's a period ABC can't forget. They were stormed with phone calls and e-mails when they interrupted their day's broadcast of Life With Bonnie, According to Jim, et al (broadcast during the day) to put on a "SPECIAL ALERT" that viewers pointed out caused a panic. It caused a panic because 9-11 wasn't all that long ago and you interrupt programming for disasters. Instead ABC elected to interrupt programming to show Bully Boy holding a turkey in Iraq. His for-show photo op.
Why did Bully Boy feel the need to rush off to Iraq suddenly on Thanksgiving?
Because US Senators, including Hillary Clinton were getting press for visiting the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hillary visited both.
If you're too young to remember (it was five years ago and for some that is a long time ago) or if, like Zunes, ESG, FPiF and Common Dreams, you're just a really sad person pretending to give a damn about Iraq but so out of it that you can't even remember that heavily covered event, you can refer to "Senator Clinton Visits Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Pakistan" and then you can marvel over the shoddy standards at an alleged 'think tank' on an article by a one time academic that also includes a credited 'editor' and even gets reposted at Common Dreams despite the fact that it includes a glaring error obvious to anyone who's followed the illegal war since it began.
The only answer to how it happens is Hillary Hatred. A non-stop loathing of women, a non-stop desire to discredit a woman with any set of lies the politically immature can grab hold of.
In the real world, you can refer to "False Advertising: New Obama Ad Falsely Claims He Does Not Accept Money From Oil Companies:"
Phil Singer, Deputy Communications Director: "It's unfortunate that Senator Obama is using false advertising to explain why he can be trusted to do something about energy prices. Senator Obama says he doesn’t take campaign contributions from oil companies but the reality is that ExxonMobil, Shell and others are among his donors. I wonder if they’ll fix the ad."
A new ad by Sen. Obama running in Pennsylvania falsely claims that Sen. Obama does not accept money from the oil industry. In the ad, Sen. Obama says, "I'm Barack Obama and I don't take money from oil companies or lobbyists and I won't let them block change anymore."
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Sen. Obama has received over $160,000 from the oil and gas companies. Two major bundlers for his campaign -- George Kaiser and Robert Cavnar – are oil company CEOs. Sen. Obama has accepted money from Exxon, Shell, BP, Chevron and just about every other major oil company. Just last month, Sen. Obama accepted another $8,400 from ExxonMobil, $12,370 from Chevron and $6,500 from British Petroleum.
In 2005, Sen. Obama voted for the Dick Cheney energy bill, which was written in secret with the oil industry. Hillary Clinton opposed Cheney's energy bill, has a plan to eliminate oil industry tax breaks, and would require oil companies to contribute to a $50 billion strategic energy fund to jumpstart research and investment in clean energy technologies.
And let's stay in the real world, this is Melissa Salmanowitz's "Celebrating Women: A Note from Audrey Shepperd and Michelle Battle:"
Thank you for all the great comments and outpouring of support and enthusiasm for the blog posts in celebration of Women's History Month and for Hillary's historic candidacy! Today, we are featuring blogs from two leaders in the women's community who empower women everyday in their efforts on behalf of the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum and the National Congress of Black Women.
Audrey Shepperd, President of the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum
Watching a woman at the forefront of national politics and on the verge of the presidency, it is sometimes easy to forget how hard and how long women fought just to earn the right to vote. I'm lucky, I am reminded every day of that struggle - within steps of my office hang the suffrage banners carried by women picketing and women in parades, scrapbook photos of them awaiting word on the final vote to ratify the 19th amendment, newsletters and press clippings publicizing the cause.
Not every woman can be so lucky - after all, I am President of a women's history museum - but we cannot forget that our grandmothers knew a time when true democracy was reserved only for their husbands. There are still women alive today - I've met them in my work and I know Hillary has met them on the campaign trail - who were born before women won access to the ballot box.
Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth and so many other brave women began standing up for women's rights in 1848, but it took roughly 70 years before women won national suffrage. By the time the 19th Amendment was passed, the first generation of history-makers had passed the torch to a new generation of women. They, in turn, passed the torch to women who fought for equality not just on election day, but every day - in their schools, in the workplace - for equal pay, equal rights, and equal access.
Now, they have passed that torch to us. Our campaign will not last nearly as long, but it is no less important. We can look forward to next November for the day Hillary will make history, and will carry us into a new era of women's leadership.
As voluntary president of the historic National Woman's Party, I have long looked forward to such a day. Over the past few months, I have phoned, knocked on doors, and traveled out of state talking about this opportunity with everyone I know. This election is our challenge, and when I think about all the hopes and hard work put forth by all the women who came before us, I will not hesitate to continue to put all of my energy into this campaign.
Michelle Battle, Chief Operating Officer of the National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
Hundreds of thousands of American citizens recognize the unique leadership qualities found in Senator Hillary Clinton and work tirelessly to ensure that she will become the next President of the United States of America. I am honored and proud to support the historic campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States of America! Senator Clinton's campaign is an inspiration to under-represented people all over America. She brings hope and power to hundreds of thousands of citizens who have been disenfranchised from achieving the American dream.
As I reflect on the life and legacies of a few American heroines - Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm and C. DeLores Tucker - I am reminded of Senator Clinton's devotion to duty. She worked relentlessly on behalf of the late Dr. C. DeLores Tucker to assist in the National Congress of Black Women's quest to place a bust of Sojourner Truth in the United States Capitol. The landmark Sojourner Truth legislation required Senator Clinton to work across the aisle to ensure that her colleagues understood the monumental value of embracing the contributions of a former enslaved African American woman whose courage is woven into the fabric of our democracy, and showcasing it for the sightseeing world to see. Sen. Clinton worked diligently year after year until the Sojourner Truth bill was passed, without media attention but with her full intention to fulfill her commitment to us.
Hillary Clinton makes history every day as she continues her campaign for the U.S. presidency. She is standing on the shoulders of Sojourner Truth, who confronted presidents to advocate for women's rights; she is standing on the shoulders of Shirley Chisholm who empowered young women from across the country to play major roles in her campaign; she is standing on the shoulders of her friend and colleague, Dr. C. DeLores Tucker who broke barriers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by becoming the first woman and African American to become Secretary of State. Senator Clinton's foundation to serve as President of the United States of America is solid and strong, as is her conviction and ability to provide solutions for America's problems - beginning NOW!
The e-mail address for this site is
stephen zunes
foreign policy in focus
melissa salmanowitz
mikey likes it
The only answer to how it happens is Hillary Hatred. A non-stop loathing of women, a non-stop desire to discredit a woman with any set of lies the politically immature can grab hold of.
In the real world, you can refer to "False Advertising: New Obama Ad Falsely Claims He Does Not Accept Money From Oil Companies:"
Phil Singer, Deputy Communications Director: "It's unfortunate that Senator Obama is using false advertising to explain why he can be trusted to do something about energy prices. Senator Obama says he doesn’t take campaign contributions from oil companies but the reality is that ExxonMobil, Shell and others are among his donors. I wonder if they’ll fix the ad."
A new ad by Sen. Obama running in Pennsylvania falsely claims that Sen. Obama does not accept money from the oil industry. In the ad, Sen. Obama says, "I'm Barack Obama and I don't take money from oil companies or lobbyists and I won't let them block change anymore."
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Sen. Obama has received over $160,000 from the oil and gas companies. Two major bundlers for his campaign -- George Kaiser and Robert Cavnar – are oil company CEOs. Sen. Obama has accepted money from Exxon, Shell, BP, Chevron and just about every other major oil company. Just last month, Sen. Obama accepted another $8,400 from ExxonMobil, $12,370 from Chevron and $6,500 from British Petroleum.
In 2005, Sen. Obama voted for the Dick Cheney energy bill, which was written in secret with the oil industry. Hillary Clinton opposed Cheney's energy bill, has a plan to eliminate oil industry tax breaks, and would require oil companies to contribute to a $50 billion strategic energy fund to jumpstart research and investment in clean energy technologies.
And let's stay in the real world, this is Melissa Salmanowitz's "Celebrating Women: A Note from Audrey Shepperd and Michelle Battle:"
Thank you for all the great comments and outpouring of support and enthusiasm for the blog posts in celebration of Women's History Month and for Hillary's historic candidacy! Today, we are featuring blogs from two leaders in the women's community who empower women everyday in their efforts on behalf of the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum and the National Congress of Black Women.
Audrey Shepperd, President of the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum
Watching a woman at the forefront of national politics and on the verge of the presidency, it is sometimes easy to forget how hard and how long women fought just to earn the right to vote. I'm lucky, I am reminded every day of that struggle - within steps of my office hang the suffrage banners carried by women picketing and women in parades, scrapbook photos of them awaiting word on the final vote to ratify the 19th amendment, newsletters and press clippings publicizing the cause.
Not every woman can be so lucky - after all, I am President of a women's history museum - but we cannot forget that our grandmothers knew a time when true democracy was reserved only for their husbands. There are still women alive today - I've met them in my work and I know Hillary has met them on the campaign trail - who were born before women won access to the ballot box.
Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth and so many other brave women began standing up for women's rights in 1848, but it took roughly 70 years before women won national suffrage. By the time the 19th Amendment was passed, the first generation of history-makers had passed the torch to a new generation of women. They, in turn, passed the torch to women who fought for equality not just on election day, but every day - in their schools, in the workplace - for equal pay, equal rights, and equal access.
Now, they have passed that torch to us. Our campaign will not last nearly as long, but it is no less important. We can look forward to next November for the day Hillary will make history, and will carry us into a new era of women's leadership.
As voluntary president of the historic National Woman's Party, I have long looked forward to such a day. Over the past few months, I have phoned, knocked on doors, and traveled out of state talking about this opportunity with everyone I know. This election is our challenge, and when I think about all the hopes and hard work put forth by all the women who came before us, I will not hesitate to continue to put all of my energy into this campaign.
Michelle Battle, Chief Operating Officer of the National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
Hundreds of thousands of American citizens recognize the unique leadership qualities found in Senator Hillary Clinton and work tirelessly to ensure that she will become the next President of the United States of America. I am honored and proud to support the historic campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States of America! Senator Clinton's campaign is an inspiration to under-represented people all over America. She brings hope and power to hundreds of thousands of citizens who have been disenfranchised from achieving the American dream.
As I reflect on the life and legacies of a few American heroines - Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm and C. DeLores Tucker - I am reminded of Senator Clinton's devotion to duty. She worked relentlessly on behalf of the late Dr. C. DeLores Tucker to assist in the National Congress of Black Women's quest to place a bust of Sojourner Truth in the United States Capitol. The landmark Sojourner Truth legislation required Senator Clinton to work across the aisle to ensure that her colleagues understood the monumental value of embracing the contributions of a former enslaved African American woman whose courage is woven into the fabric of our democracy, and showcasing it for the sightseeing world to see. Sen. Clinton worked diligently year after year until the Sojourner Truth bill was passed, without media attention but with her full intention to fulfill her commitment to us.
Hillary Clinton makes history every day as she continues her campaign for the U.S. presidency. She is standing on the shoulders of Sojourner Truth, who confronted presidents to advocate for women's rights; she is standing on the shoulders of Shirley Chisholm who empowered young women from across the country to play major roles in her campaign; she is standing on the shoulders of her friend and colleague, Dr. C. DeLores Tucker who broke barriers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by becoming the first woman and African American to become Secretary of State. Senator Clinton's foundation to serve as President of the United States of America is solid and strong, as is her conviction and ability to provide solutions for America's problems - beginning NOW!
The e-mail address for this site is