"The Democratic Race for the presidential nomination"
"hillary, hillary and only hillary"
"Only Hillary can win in November"
"Hillary can win in November"
"Want to win the White House?"
"Realities in the Democratic presidential nomination contest"
"Realities in the Democratic presidential nomination contest"
"There's only one choice for Democrats"
"The cruelest and most vile word you can call a Democrat"
"Is the DNC paying attention?"
And from Womens Media Center:
Sexism Might Sell, But I'm Not Buying It!
On May 23, The Women's Media Center, along with our partners at Media Matters, launched, "Sexism Sells, But We're Not Buying It," a new video and online petition campaign illustrating the pervasive nature of sexism in the media's coverage. While Hillary Clinton's campaign has cast a spotlight on the issue of sexism, this isn't a partisan issue: it's about making sure that women's voices are present and powerful in our national dialogue. If you haven't already, please click on the image at right to watch the video. You can also read a statement about the video from WMC president Carol Jenkins. Then sign on below to join our petition campaign. Sexism Might Sell, But We're Not Buying It! |
And Amanda notes Howard Wolfson's "HUBdate: Fighting For Puerto Rico's Soldiers and Veterans" (HillaryClinton.com):
Fighting For Puerto Rico’s Soldiers and Veterans: During a conversation with the family of a Puerto Rican soldier who had fought in Iraq, Hillary promised that “[w]hen I’m president, we will begin ending the war in Iraq, and you won’t have to worry about [your son] going back…Our veterans deserve a commander in chief who will take care of them, and I will.” Read more.
Memorial Day Statement: Hillary issued a statement yesterday reflecting on Memorial Day: "Memorial Day is a solemn day for every American; a day to express our profound gratitude to the men and women who have given their lives in military service. A day to join in our thoughts and prayers with the families mourning loved ones. A day to cherish the freedoms and opportunities that so many have served, sacrificed, and died to defend." Read more.
Today In Montana: Hillary hosts a "Solutions for America" town hall in Pablo and a "Solutions for America" rally in Billings, MT.
In Case You Missed It: "Number Crunching With Past Five Elections as a Guide" Read more.
On Tap in South Dakota: Hillary will campaign in Kyle and Rapid City on Wednesday, May 28, and in Huron and Watertown on Thursday, May 29.
womens media center