The blast killed nine people and wounded 26, according to Maj. Gen. Qassim Atta, the top spokesman for Iraqi military operations in Baghdad. Among the dead were three of the minister's bodyguards, including his nephew, according to a statement from the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry.
The explosion blew a hole in the street, sheared chunks of brick off buildings and damaged many cars in the area. The windows of stores surrounding the square were shattered, and glass carpeted the sidewalks.
The above is from Mary Beth Sheridan's "U.S. Cedes Control Over Iraq's Once-Bloody 'Triangle of Death'" (Washington Post) and the excerpt above is covering the attack on Mahmoud Muhammad al-Radhi's convoy which is a topic Katherine Zoepf also addresses in "Bomber Kills 11 in Attack on Iraqi Official" (New York Times):
Salam Rzoki, 35, was walking to work at a nearby photograph developing center and said he was about 100 yards away when the vehicle exploded.
"Iraqi security forces deployed around the scene and started shooting randomly to keep people away," Mr. Rzoki said. "I tried to cross the street to help the victims but a policeman told me to stay away. I explained that I just wanted to help the victims, and he refused me again, then pulled out his gun and fired a warning shot over my head."
A spokesman for the labor minister, Abdullah al-Lami, told Al Arabiya television that the bombing was "the latest in a series of criminal attacks that are targeting the development process in Iraq," The Associated Press reported.
In what may be Zoepf's first solo byline from Iraq, she's turned in a very well written article. Both articles note the 'handover' over Babil Province to Iraqis and Sheridan adds the following: "But the violence diminished with the creation of "Awakening" groups, U.S.-paid patrols of mostly Sunni fighters who broke with insurgents and allied with U.S. forces."
In the US presidential race, we'll note Matthew Power's "Left Behind" (UAE's The National)
On the day after the United States congress passed an unprecedented $700 billion bailout of the collapsing financial industry, Ralph Nader -- tireless consumer advocate, scourge of both Wall Street and K Street, scapegoat of the American Left, quadrennial presidential candidate -- held a campaign rally in the echoing lobby of an abandoned bank in Waterbury, Connecticut. It was his fourth official run for the presidency in as many elections. A large banner, reading Nader-Gonzalez 2008, was hung before the empty vault, and a sign marked "safe deposit boxes" pointed unreassuringly down a darkened stairwell. A dusty chandelier hung over the lectern, and a single red balloon had drifted up from its blue and white mates tied to a chair, resting against the peeling paint of the ceiling.
The rally’s setting may have been an unintentional allusion to America’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, or perhaps a clever piece of low-budget political stagecraft, but there were few present to appreciate such subtleties. Fifty or so people filled half of the folding chairs set up by campaign volunteers, or picked at the fruit and pastries laid on a table to one side. There were a few families, a clutch of college students, a scattering of geriatric hippies. After a few independent candidates for state and local offices took their turns stumping for votes, Nader himself walked to the lectern – at 74 a stooped, greying figure in a dark suit, with a voice so slow and deep it sounds like a 45rpm record played at 33. Half the room stood to give him an ovation; even among those who would come out on a Saturday morning to hear him speak, it seemed sentiment was divided.
Nader spoke forcefully, without a teleprompter or notes, infuriated at the current bailout plan, which he calls "Socialism coming to the rescue of Capitalism." "I warned of this for twenty years. It was deregulation that started it. And you can thank Bill Clinton, working hand in glove with the Republicans. Washington had Wall Street over a barrel. They could have gotten them to agree to anything." There was scattered clapping, hoots of approval, most vociferously from his own campaign volunteers manning a table at the back.
Nader laid the blame equally on Wall Street and the government – two villains, in Nader's view, whose unholy alliance represents everything wrong with contemporary American life. Instead of using the crisis as a chance to extract concessions from the finance industry, Nader argued, the government has used "Chicken Little" tactics to scare Americans into approving the publicly-financed bailout with no public hearings. "Instead of 13 colonies under King George the Third, we're 50 colonies under King George the Fifth. And this is taxation without representation!" Nader's voice echoed off the empty bank's high ceilings, like a prophet of economic doom.
Ralph Nader is the independent presidential candidate and Matt Gonzalez is his running mate. Kayla notes this from Team Nader:
Pull Out the Stops Video

We’re less than two weeks out.
As of yesterday, Ralph has campaigned in all 50 states.
Media exposure is picking up.
Crowds are getting bigger at the Nader rallies.
Last night, Ralph spoke before a packed crowd of over 1,000 in Boulder, Colorado.
Starting Monday, our radio ads will be playing in key states around the country.
On Saturday, Ralph will go for the world record for most campaign stops in a day as he motors across Massachusetts, hitting 21 towns and cities.
And tonight, Ralph will participate in a Third Party debate that will be shown live on C-Span at 9 p.m. EST.
We’re firing on all cylinders.
And as of this writing, we’re just $70,000 shy of meeting our goal of $200,000 by tomorrow night.
So, please, donate now whatever you can afford — $5, $10, $50, $100 — up to the legal limit of $2,300.
Or, if you haven’t purchased our Nader ‘08 Buffalo T-Shirt (men’s or women’s), please do so now.
Let’s drive the widget hard today.
Yesterday, late at night, the Nader Media Team pulled together a new video featuring National Campaign Coordinator Jason Kafoury.
Jason updates you — our loyal supporters — on where we stand — and where we’re heading.
We haven’t missed a deadline yet this year.
Let’s get it done.
Onward to November
The Nader Team
PS: If you give $100 or more now, we’ll ship to you our No More Bailouts Package. The package includes two books and a DVD: Gangster Capitalism by Michael Woodiwiss, The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis, Bill Allison and the Center for Public Integrity, and a DVD of our Wall Street rally. (This offer ends October 24, 2008 at 11:59 p.m.)
A few notes. "Share This" is causing problems. For the same reason (Mozilla shutting down for some members), the feed to the McCain events has been removed from the side.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
* 3pm - 7pm
"Vote...Then What?
From The Day After The Election Onward: Strategies for Community Organizing, Greening & Reconstruction"
Umojafest Peace Center
24th Ave & E Spring St, Seattle
The public is invited to attend.
Cynthia McKinney will be speaking in support of grassroots and institutional solutions to violence and other issues plaguing urban communities nationwide. This event is hosted by the Umojafest Peace Center and the McKinney/Clemente 2008 Power To The People Campaign. The program will include hip-hop and spoken word performances, speakers from youth and community based organizations, and a showing of the award-winning film, American Blackout.
Monday, October 27, 2008
* 11am - 12:30pm
"The Power of Student Movements: How to Use Your Campus as a Tool to Change the World!"
Broadway Performance Hall
Broadway at Pine Street, Seattle
The public is invited.
Ms. McKinney will address the growing concerns of students, the need for student leadership, and how students can organize on campus to engage in and impact social justice struggles and make meaningful contributions to communities outside school. This event will be hosted by the Black Student Union of Seattle Central Community College.
And here's a video of Cynthia on al Jazeera:
McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New Web Ad: "I Am Joe"
VIEW THE WEB AD HERE John McCain is the Republican presidential candidate and Sarah Palin is his running mate.
Yesterday, a video was added to one of the morning entries after Marci e-mailed to request it. It's Govenor Palin speaking about women's rights.
A portion of the speech was included in yesterday's snapshot.
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