Thursday, June 05, 2014

VFW Urges Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi's Release From Mexican Jail

The Veterans of Foreign Wars issued the following statement:

VFW National Commander requests President Obama step in

 VFW National Commander Bill Thien wrote President Obama today to urge his personal involvement to get Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi released from a Mexican jail. Read it here:

Dear Mr. President:

I write as the national commander of the 1.9 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliaries to urge your immediate action to secure the release of Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican jail.

The charges against Tahmooressi, a Marine Corps sergeant in the Individual Ready Reserve, appear to be a desperate attempt by a failing nation-state to project strength against the United States. What's urgently needed is for Mexico to release him before irreparable damage is done to the goodwill between our two countries that today is at best tenuous.

A personal phone call from you to Mexican President Nieto can make this happen.


William A. Thien
VFW Commander-in-Chief

Download the PDF of the letter