Senator Johnny Isakson is the Chair of the Senate Veterans Committee and his office issued the following yesterday:
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Contact: Amanda Maddox, 202-224-7777
Marie Gordon, 770-661-0999
Isakson Rejects Iran Nuclear Deal
Appalled that Senate Democrats blocked up-or-down vote;
Will continue the fight to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following
statement after Senate Democrats blocked an up-or-down vote on President Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran:
am appalled that Senate Democrats are choosing to keep the people of
the United States in the dark on where they stand on Iran by blocking an
up-or-down vote on the president’s dangerous agreement
with Iran. Just four months ago, when the Senate passed the Iran
Nuclear Review Act in May, 98 out of the 100 senators were in favor of
having an up-or-down vote. Today, Senate Democrats reversed course and
blocked having a vote. Americans deserve to know
where their senators stand on what is one of the most consequential
votes we will cast as elected officials.
reject the president’s negotiated nuclear agreement with Iran, and I
will vote against it if given the chance. I cannot support any deal that
would facilitate Iran’s conventional arms sales in
the Middle East. Further, I cannot support any agreement that includes
secret side agreements between Iran and the IAEA that my colleagues and I
cannot read for ourselves. Worst of all, the United States has
negotiated away all of its leverage to enforce accountability
by Iran by releasing existing sanctions and removing the ability to
impose sanction in the future.
is not the end of this debate. This is a bad deal for America; it’s a
bad deal for Israel and the world. It’s a bad deal for my children and
grandchildren. I reject the agreement on its face
and will continue to fight against it.”
Yesterday, Isakson
began the Senate debate by urging his colleagues to reject the deal.
On Aug. 19, 2015, Isakson officially announced his opposition to
the agreement. He also
penned an op-ed
articulating his position that appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Sept. 4, 2015.
Press Secretary
131 Russell Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510
phone: 202.224.3643
| fax: 202.228.0724
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