Saturday, December 19, 2015

It's On!! Sanders Vs DNC (David DeGraw)

David DeGraw   notes  trouble brewing in the Democratic Party:

The Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders are now at war! Here are highlights from today's press conference...

Sanders Campaign: Democratic Party Has Stolen Our Data, Actively Sabotaging Campaign ~ #BernTheDNC

Sanders campaign blasts the DNC in this news conference to discuss breaches of a voter database that allowed access to confidential voter information. +Watch Video

I've been posting to social media about this for the past few hours. Check it out here...

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Here was my previous strategic advice for the Sanders campaign, in which I suggest that he should tranistion to an Independent run after tomorrow's debate...

#FeelTheBern: How Bernie Sanders Can Win the Presidency #BernTheDNC

Enjoy your weekend,

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